The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 866: Succeeded and failed


read2();   "This city has fallen on the northernmost Arctic in the vast land of Shenzhou. To be honest, I am now full of doubts about what you are going to do."

Outside the Jinluan Temple of Yinxu City's Win Palace, the underworld envelops the entire sky. After a young voice fell, on the steps in front of the Jinluan Temple, Yunxuan Tuoba's body was also wounded, and the wounded body was sealed with ice, slowly The speed gradually appeared, and stepped up.

   Then Yun Yu Tuoba looked at the top and looked down to Guan Zhengqing, with a confused expression on his bloodstained face, and continued to speak:

   "Before the Great Xia Bingfeng had completely arrived, you and I are now half-dead, in this state, talk about how to get to that legendary place."

After Yunxuan Tuoba finished speaking, he looked at Guan Zhengqing, who was surrounded by white bones, and the scorched mountain lying on the ground. Then he looked at the missing right arm, his whole body was wounded, and nothing was intact. Suddenly laughed loudly:

"At the time of the Sun Empire, those foreign races would never give me a wink look at my luck. These so-called imperial nobles are superficial, and they often scold me for my luck like a dog running away. ."

   "You mean you want to say that I'm panicking like a dog at home?"

   Guan Zhengqing's response was still extremely flat, and then he turned his eyes to the ice-field female saint who was leaning on the ice coffin far below to adjust his breath, and opened his mouth to continue:

   "You are right. I am waiting like a bereaved dog, not to mention that even saints are like this. I am not satisfied."

   "Is there any hope?"

   Yun Yu Tuoba’s question fell, Guan Zhengqing was silent for a few breaths, and responded:

   "If there is no hope, I will not control this Yinxu City to this Arctic land, but whether it can be achieved, in fact, the decision is not in my hands, but in my hands."

   Guan Zhengqing said here, stretched out her finger to point to the sky, and then Yun Yu stepped onto the last step, came to Guan Zhengqing's side, and then responded:

   "Is this a saying that Er et al. often said, do everything and obey the fate?"

   "It is the destiny, and it also depends on the will of the young emperor."

   Guan Zhengqing’s soft voice lingered, Yun Yu Tuoba fell into a few breaths of thought, and finally directly spoke:

   "Actually I don't like this."

   "No one will like the feeling of being involuntarily involuntarily, but this is the normal state under the road. Time is tight. Since it has already started, there is no way to look back."

After    finished speaking, Guan Zhengqing turned around and looked at the dead mountain corpse on the ground again, and said softly:

"The main reason why the former Ying clan dynasty disintegrated so quickly at the end of the dynasty was that the royal clan at the time, the Ying clan, had completely fallen into a morbid fantasy. When the dynasty developed for thousands of years, the territory had expanded. At the extreme of the vast land of China, the only thing left is the northern snowfields that are difficult for ordinary people to set foot on and the imperial fortresses that endless mountains have been difficult to capture for a long time.

   "Under this situation, the pursuit and mentality of those in power are gradually changing, and finally the Ying clan extended its hand to the most mysterious and taboo cycle of life and death."

   "Life cycle is exclusive to the way of heaven. The royal family of the Ying family tried to reach out to get involved. Isn't this afraid of violating the might of heaven and lowering the punishment of the world?"

After Guan Zhengqing finished speaking, Yunyu Tuoba's subsequent response sounded a little unbelievable. Of course, as a prosperous dynasty that has been passed down for thousands of years, it is not unknown that once the taboo is violated, it will cause the consequences, so there is only one explanation. .

   "The prosperity of Wanzai has completely expanded Yinghuang!"

   A low shout came from Guan Zhengqing, and then he continued to speak:

"What the Ying clan wants is to live forever without death, but as we all know, all things in the world, even the saints who are detached from the shackles, have a lifespan, and they will all face death, and the means of controlling the balance of life is life. It is the strongest way of killing and killing the world known, and it is also the biggest hurdle before the people of the Ying clan.

"Under the action of the most core law, even the saints of the terrestrial gods and fairyland cannot escape the invasion of the five decays of heaven and man. Therefore, the power of winning the emperor and the entire country can not overcome the five decays of heaven and man by all means. But Ying Huang, who was determined to intervene in the reincarnation of life and death, did not give up, but wanted to find another way."

   Guan Zhengqing's voice fell, Yun Yu Tuoba's face condensed next to him, and then he spoke:

   "Resurrection from the dead?"

   "That's right, since you can't hide from the five evils of heaven and man anyway, then try to find a way to come back to life."

   Guan Zhengqing's eyes contained complex emotions that were difficult to explain. The next breath, within his pupils, there seemed to be a flash of pictures.

The whole body is gilded, outside the majestic Jinluan Temple, where the two of them are at this time, and there is a golden coffin. Inside the coffin lies an old man wearing a golden dragon robe, and the entire Yinxu City is everywhere. Bloody light, crying, and stern shouts were endless.

   This is a scene of grief and destruction.

   Then Guan Zhengqing closed her eyes lightly and exiled the secret that had been little-known back into the ashes of history, and then continued with a little lamenting voice:

"To resurrect from the dead, the price paid for the whole victory of the dynasty is too great. First of all, the people of the Jiang family of my great country teacher are almost killed, and the blood is drawn out, because we are waiting for the soul and supernatural powers of the blood. Secondly, the treasures collected from the vast land of Shenzhou consumed countless, and in the end, Yinghuang sacrificed the entire Yinxu City.

"No one knows how many people there were in Yinxu City at that time, maybe a million, maybe more, but they were all dead, and their blood and soul were drawn away in an instant, and they were dedicated to those in the Nine Nethers. Existence has opened the door to the ruins."

After hearing the words, Yunxuan Tuoba and Li Dingshan felt that their throats suddenly became extremely dry. At this moment, the incomparably dark ground of Yinxu City, where everyone was standing, seemed to suddenly become It was as scarlet as the endless sea of ​​blood tumbling, and even the surrounding air was filled with an extremely pungent smell of blood.

Hundreds of years ago, in this city, countless people died in the blink of an eye. The number of them reached a terrifying level, which is far more shocking than the tens of thousands of snowmen in Liuli City who were sacrificed. That is an entire imperial capital that has inherited the Wannian Dynasty!

   After a long silence, Yunyu Tuoba and Li Dingshan murmured and asked:

   "Resurrection from the dead, did it succeed in the end?"

   When this question came out, Guan Zhengqing nodded first, and then shook his head. The voice came out faintly:

   "It succeeded, but it also failed."


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