The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 858: Where is it now?


read2();   Someone once said that the higher you stand, the more things you can see, and when the fog that is hidden in front of you is seen through, you will find that the whole world, Far more cruel than imagined.

   Everyone knows that there are people outside the world, and there are reasons outside the world, but once you truly understand yourself and the whole world you are in, it is only a small drop in the ocean, and the sense of gap it brings is enough to shock your mind.

   In the middle of the big city of Yin Ruins, everyone in the Southern Merchants Association felt that their entire breathing had become so difficult, and for them, the impact of this news was far greater than that of Guan Zhengqing who knew part of the truth.

   This is a shock at the level of worldview!

   Li Dingshan was also shocked. The expression on his entire face changed complicatedly. Then Guan Zhengqing, who looked up at the sky next to him, gently spoke out:

"Your Majesty’s Radiant Army, I don’t know how to directly treat the enchantment of Yinxu City as nothing. It seems that we want to go to the so-called Taixuan land. The chance is really slim. Sure enough, everything is needed. cost."

After finishing speaking, Guan Zhengqing stretched out his right hand and slowly drew out a gun from the void in front of him. This gun is no longer the blood-red Weeping Dragon Spear, but a ghost that is as dark as ink and full of dignity. On the spear of the dragon, layers of white bones intertwined, and even these pale white bones spreading upward, directly following Guan Zhengqing's right hand all the way up, looked very strange and gloomy.

   "You are being assimilated by this city!"

  As soon as the white bones on the ghost gun appeared, the voice from the ice maiden rang, and then the voice of the latter came out again with strange emotions in the cold:

"Under my feet, this city that has returned from death, I feel the greed that even this saint would avoid, but now you have established an inseparable connection with it, so you want to leave this place, It may not be easy to go to the land of the profound mystery."

   "I said that everyone has to pay some price. Madam Saintess, you have lost countless snowmen as believers. I can't make an exception."

   Guan Zhengqing's complexion was still as calm and indifferent as when she first came, and then the icefield female sage took a deep look at the former, and after a very short silence, she asked:

   "I don't know who you are for, but is it worth it?"

   "For people like us, there is nothing so-called worthy. I think this principle should be clearer than me."

After Guan Zhengqing finished speaking, the female sage of the ice field did not reply again, but gently raised her hand, held up the ice coffin with Han Wenyue, walked to one side, and sat cross-legged directly. The meaning is self-evident. It takes time to recover.

   Anyone who wants to take chestnuts out of the fire has to pay a price, and the price paid by the Saintess of Ice at this time is extremely heavy.

First, all Xuemin believers who provided the vital power of faith died. Secondly, Liuli City, which was its original kingdom, was completely swallowed by Yinxu City. Finally, it also had serious injuries. At this time, there is no one in ten.

   "The lady saint can recover with peace of mind. In this city, I can still control the situation."

   Guan Zhengqing's faint voice resounded throughout the central area of ​​Yinxu City, and then he continued to raise his head, staring at the sky above the dark sky, and Li Dingshan almost simultaneously spoke out:


After    finished speaking, above the sky, a black meteor, wrapped in an extremely violent speed, fell straight down, and then unreservedly bombarded the ground of Yinxu City.

In the next breath, even though the entire Yinxu city ground filled with countless solid underworld stones had released a large amount of black underworld as a defense, it was still directly shattered by the violent energy. The entire ground cracked in an instant. The violent fluctuations caused by the bombardment of the ground caused the entire surrounding underworld to fly outwards, and the earth in the middle of Yinxu City suddenly trembled violently.

As the billowing underworld dissipated, Liang Po's burly hill-like body gradually became clear, and then a massive and magnificent aura directly descended on the entire Yinxu City, but Guan Zhengqing did not give the former any time to prepare, and directly held the Ghost Dragon in the right The gun was raised flat, and accompanied by a violent whistling wind, the entire figure disappeared in an instant.

   There is a wind in the sky and the earth, some people go with the wind!

   The violent to extreme wind, in an instant, directly poured into the billowing underworld without fancy, and similarly, Guan Zhengqing also appeared beside Liang Po, because he was the wind. This crazy surging wind in Yinxu City!

   The pale ghost dragon spear pierced out of the wind directly afterwards, piercing Liangpai's heart with an extremely harsh scream.

   "My lord, be careful!"

Among the members of the Southern Merchants Association, they had already seen Guan Zhengqing’s supernatural powers, the shopkeeper Fang, who easily killed the Snowmen Warriors. He opened his mouth and let out a reminder, but at the next breath, his eyes opened wide, and the rest of them were surprised call.

  Because of the burly figure floating in the underworld, he didn't avoid it, letting the pale bone gun stick directly into his chest, and then a very sharp metal collision sounded directly across the sky.

Liang Po's body was motionless, the Tianhui robe on his body was flying backwards suddenly because of the strong energy, hunting and hunting, and then Guan Zhengqing, who stepped out in the wind, walked around Liang Po for three steps, directly Coming to his back from the front, his left hand made a fist, and another punch was blasted out at the back of the former, and another piercing crash sounded.

Guan Zhengqing’s fist was like a bombardment on the strongest metal in the world, and Liang broke with a wave of stronger than a wave of counter-shock force, which caused Guan Zhengqing’s body to tremble brightly. The body was shaken to the rear.

   Liang Po, after stepping into the Grand Master of the Birth and Death Realm of the Palm, the passive taboo magic power he carries can even completely rebound half of the damage he has received.

   Really return the body by the other way!

   Under a pair of horrified gazes, Guan Zhengqing's slender body flew directly out of the billowing underworld, and then he fiercely inserted the ghost dragon spear in his hand into the ground below him, stabilizing the figure that was constantly outward.

After stabilizing his figure, Guan Zhengqing looked up at the burly figure in the rolling underworld ahead, without even moving the slightest burly figure. In his eyes, there was unprecedented dignity and enthusiasm. Then Liang Po in the rolling underworld raised his hands. , Tearing outwards, all the surrounding underworld was torn to both sides directly, and its huge and burly body suddenly became clear in everyone's eyes.

   Then Liang Po took a slow step, raised his hand to take off the big robe and hood on top of his head, revealing the bright bald head and the young and beautiful face, and then he looked at Guan Zhengqing who was slowly standing up in front, and said softly:

  "Following the order of Emperor Fuyao, I came to hunt down the rebellious Guan Zhengqing of the Youwing Army and passed the remnants of the previous dynasty, but before that, can you tell me, where is Miss Xueyan, the sage of the snowmen in Liuli City, where?


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