The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 849: Tiger Mountain


read2();   The night sky of the northern snowfields, when the pillar of sanctification that runs through the heavens and the earth dissipates, after the death of the old King Bei’an, the misty and dreamy flowing aurora over the sky is boundless The blood cloud was completely replaced, and while the red clouds were rolling, the death knell that shook the depths of the soul rang through the whole world.

   Great energy falls, heaven and earth mourn for it to ring!

The death knell of heaven and earth rang through the sky, and on the back of the ancient black dragon that rushed towards Liuli City, there was silence. The Radiant Army and the Taboo of the Night Dire Division looked sadly at the **** night sky ahead and that one. Silhouettes kneeling silently.

   Jiang Yue shrouded his entire body under the celestial robe, and knelt down quietly. At this time, the silent silence and tears made everyone feel the most extreme sadness in the world.

  The pain of losing my father is like a shit!

Suddenly, a piece of snow began to fall in the sky above the snowy field. The black dragon's back, also wearing a large robe, raised his right hand, opened his palm, caught the falling snowflakes, and then raised his brows. Slightly wrinkled, because the falling snow at this time is red.

There was a **** rain on    Avenue, and when it reached the snowy field, it naturally became snow, because there was no rain or sunshine in the snowy field of the extreme north.

After a long and non-stop journey, the ancient black dragon was already very close to Liuli City. Then Liang Po's burly body slowly moved forward, reaching out and holding Jiang Yue's shoulder, looking at the Liuli underneath that was undergoing tremendous changes. Cheng, said:

   "There has been a big change in the Liuli City below, and all are on guard, and the Black Dragon Guards dived. If the matter of King Bei'an is related to the Liuli City, then I will erase this city from below."

   Liang Po’s calm and magnetic voice is extremely serious, and everyone who knows it well knows that this usually taciturn guardian of Zhao Yu inherited the character of Emperor Fuyao who speaks no difference.

   Then Jiang Yue beside Liang Po also stood up slowly, above the entire ancient black dragon, under the red snow, the endless taboo momentum burst outwards in an instant.

Three breaths of time passed again, and the ancient black dragon flew directly over Liuli City. However, the sight of Liuli City below caused all the taboos who had come from Tianmen Pass to frown because of this devastated city. Constantly flapping the colorful wings occupying half of the sky, flying towards the sky.

   "Liuli City can actually fly, and it is escaping!"

   The stern voice of the blood demon Li Yi came from under his hood, and then Xu Qing, the windrunner on the side, responded:

"According to the intelligence gathered by the Northern Army for so many years, Liuli City should undoubtedly be a kingdom of saints. Therefore, it is not uncommon to be able to move its position. It is just astonishing what kind of power it is that can bring a complete kingdom of saints to life. It was torn in half, and according to the current situation, it seems that it still cannot escape."

   "It's the old man's taboo and supernatural powers."

   A hoarse response came from under Jiang Yue’s hood, and then he paused for a moment before continuing to speak:

   "And it is the strongest round of blood day that Jiang's family has picked up since the founding of Daxia. It is beyond the ordinary and reached the round of blood day in the land fairyland!"

Although Jiang Yue’s voice was extremely hoarse, all those who heard it shuddered in their hearts, opened their eyes, and stared at the red waves that gush out like a tsunami under Liuli City. Then Jiang Yue’s voice resounded again. Everyone’s ears:

"Master Liang, let Shunzi fly upwards. The supernatural power holding the sun is known as the most powerful forbidden supernatural power among the upper four armies. The power possessed is naturally not so simple as a mere trivial one, and it also comes with it. The strongest type of big sun is annihilated, and then continues to decline, I am afraid that the black dragon guard will not be able to bear it."

   Just as Jiang Yue’s words fell, Liang Po lifted his foot and stomped lightly, and then his calm voice came out directly:

   "Black Dragon Guard, stop!"

After speaking, the ancient black dragon that was swooping down violently spread its wings directly outwards, and the entire figure hovered in the air in an instant. Then Liang Po lowered his head and stared below, the celestial robe on his body was The scarlet snow swayed back and forth, and after a few breaths of silence, the magnetically calm voice continued to sound in everyone's ears:

   "The Radiant Army, the next command of the Night Dire Division is handed over to the Windrunner Xu Qing. You wait here to watch the changes, and I will go down to see the situation."

   "Master Liang, this place is close to 10,000 meters away from the Liuli City below, and as the little brother said, the strongest magical power of the holy realm is about to be fully released. It is dangerous to continue at this time."

A graceful voice came from the mouth of the nine-tailed celestial fox Juyu, she has not entered the human society for a long time, and in this short period of time, the person who has the most contact with the nine-tailed celestial fox is staying in the Baidi Palace. Liang Po inside, so the tone of the Nine-Tailed Tianhu said this with a little worry.

   In Zhuyu's understanding, the latter's behavior is almost the same as seeking death, because she did not dare to jump directly into the terrestrial fairyland that was about to completely burst into the magical powers of the land fairyland, which was crazy and incredible.

What made him even more surprised was that after Liang Po finished a sentence, none of the people standing on the back of the black dragon spoke to dissuade him, even including Jiang Yue, who made the ancient black dragon rise. All tacitly agreed, and then the tall lady of the Wei State Palace, Xu Qing, stepped forward, raised her hand for a big summer military salute, and said loudly:


   "Jiuyu doesn't have to worry too much. I know it in my heart. I feel a little uneasy. If I can't get into that city quickly, I don't worry."

   Liang Po’s young and steady voice continued to sound, and then after nodding to the crowd, he turned around and stepped forward, and the voice continued:

"Your Majesty has an order this time, this time I will completely end the matter of the previous dynasty of the Ying clan. Therefore, I have only one goal, and that is on the vast land of China. No one from the previous dynasty of the Ying clan is allowed to leave Under Daxia's control, the Radiant Army and the Night Dire Division have the right to fight freely, but the will of the sage must be fulfilled. Xu Qing, take care of the nine-tailed celestial fox, she will fight with the army for the first time."

After    finished speaking, Liang Po's extremely huge body jumped directly like a cannonball, and then raged towards the endless fluctuations and momentum below, and the Liuli City fell violently like an ancient battlefield.

   In the entire northern night sky, among the scattered blood-colored snowflakes, a black meteor violently flashed across.

Go ahead to dangers!

   "You don't have to worry."

   Nine-tailed Sky Fox’s ears rang Crescent Moon’s extremely enchanting voice, and then Crescent Moon came to Zhuyu’s side, staring at the beam that had turned into a black spot below, and the voice continued:

"There are very few people in this world who can jump directly from here to the bottom, but Lord Liang must be one of them, because everyone knows that Lord Liang Poliang is recognized by the entire Shenzhou vast land practice world and is invincible of the same level. !"


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