
read2();   Central Plains in summer, as time goes by, the atmosphere of spring becomes more and more intense, and after all things have recovered, they began to grow wantonly.

   Early this morning, the city of Shenjing, which had just cleared for a few days, was once again shrouded in a drizzle, which was like a rain curtain of a young girl wagging green silk, with sadness and confusion. Gently shook the broken and fragile hearts of the world's idiots and women.

  In the northern snowfields, the meaning of all living beings is to survive, while in the Central Plains, the people's emotions are richer and they pursue more things.

   The smoke and flames in the world are most soothing to the hearts of mortals.

At this time, the civil war in the snowy field, which is located at Tianmenguan and to the north, did not have any impact on the Central Plains of Daxia at this time. The people rarely talk about it even after eating and drinking. At present, the most popular topic of Daxia people, It is still the official restaurant established by the court.

After the opening of the first official restaurant in the Taiping Ruins of the Shenjing City, in the past few days, in the 36 states, the big city with teleportation sites has also opened many official restaurants, making the teleport scrolls circulate among the people in Daxia. More convenient and faster.

On this basis, the population flow in Daxia has reached an unprecedented peak in these few days. Every day, countless blue and white teleportation flowers bloom under the stone tower, forming a dazzling film. Pian Guanghai.

In the early morning, Qinglong Street in the east of Shenjing City, although light rain is still floating above the sky, the bustling crowd is much more than in the past, especially before the most famous Qiongjiang Pavilion in Shenjing City, it is even more crowded, with long lines. Long queue.

  The noodle soup at the Jingcheng Qiongjiangguan is famous all over the world, so people from all over the 36 states, no matter who they are, must find a time to taste it here in order to live up to this trip.

   A garden around the Qiongjiang Pavilion has an extremely concealed side door that leads directly to the side door. Sima Annan, who was still fluttering in white, put away the paper umbrella in his hand, and gently shook the rainwater above, then gently spoke to You Ruier who was wearing a green coat beside him:

   "It is said that spring rains are as expensive as oil, but these spring rains have been one after another recently, and this place is also extremely slippery. You have to walk carefully, Ruier."

   After Sima Annan finished speaking, You Ruier next to him settled down for a while, and then spoke:

"This is a good thing. The gentleman in the school said that in the southern part of the summer where the temperature is higher, crops need a lot of water in the spring. Our Shenjing City is located in the northwest, so the rainfall is so abundant, the rain in the south must be sufficient. It indicates that there will be a bumper harvest this year."

   As soon as the green-clothed girl said this, Sima An turned his head to the south, and then came out with a surprised voice:

   "Does the Daxia Academy even teach farming?"

   "The academy is all-encompassing, and everything is covered. This girl has nothing to do, so she went to listen to farming, thinking that if she goes back to the west and has nothing to do, she can grow something and be self-sufficient."

   After Yu Rui'er finished speaking, he glanced at Sima Annan lightly, with a smug look in his eyes, then the latter raised his hand and patted his head, and said in a sad voice:

   "According to Rui'er your thoughts, isn't that son going to the palace to learn this animal husbandry art? After all, eating some vegetables every day will make the bird fade out of his mouth."

   The words fell, Sima Annan smashed his mouth, swallowed, and stared at the front of the nose with the scent of fragrance coming to the Qiongye Pavilion, and continued to speak:

"The noodle soup in the Cheongjongjang Restaurant is really fragrant. Your Majesty has treated me well this time. He even summoned me in this precious place. It must be because I have been studying too hard for the great dynasty and thinking of rewarding and rewarding. I."

After the voice of    fell, Sima Annan smiled confidently, and then took out a folding fan from nowhere. After opening it, it swayed slightly, and then the faint voice continued to sound:

   "This time, Ruier, you don't have to be nervous at all, your majesty is generous, and the relationship with me is good, just keep calm."

After    finished speaking, Sima Annan got up and walked around Rui'er. Under the leadership of a small servant, he slowly walked into the crowded Qiongjiang Pavilion.

A private room on the second floor of the Qiongjiang Pavilion. The environment is quiet and fragrant. Under the partition of the special wooden board, all the noisy sounds on the first floor are blocked, and they cannot be transmitted.

   Inside the private room, Zhao Yu and Yanzhi both acted in unison to put down the soup bowl a few minutes larger than the face in front of them, and at the same time they let out a very satisfying sigh.

   The large bowl on the table was already empty at this time, and Zhao Yu and Rouge, who had just eaten their noodles with soup, had extremely ruddy complexions, and then the young emperor wiped the corners of his mouth and gently spoke:

   "I haven't eaten so full for a long time!"

   "It seems that Liang Po has not been around for this period of time, and the impact on His Majesty is really great."

   Rouge smiled, and then the more he thought about it, the more interesting he became, his big eyes narrowed, and his mouth opened with a crisp chuckle.

Everyone originally thought that the most difficult thing to adapt to the diet of Liang Po was the pregnant rouge, because the food of Rouge was prepared by Liang Po himself, but they did not expect that he was really not used to eating food. Yes, but it was Zhao Yu who didn't have much demand on weekdays.

   For Zhao Yu these few days, it can almost be described as difficult to swallow. He always feels that the food in his mouth lacks a familiar taste, the taste is the same as chewing wax.

   "I'm just a little uncomfortable."

   Listening to Rouge's joking sound, the young emperor's complexion remained unchanged, and then he spoke with a serious face to the bitter-stricken Ruyue:

   "Ji Yue, let Qiongjiang Restaurant serve another bowl of noodle soup, I can eat it again."

   "Yes, Your Majesty."

   Ruyue hurriedly wiped off the noodle soup on her mouth and hurried out of the private room. Then the full rouge stretched out her hand, facing the pink baby in Bai Zhining's arms, clapped her hands gently, and said gently:

   "Come on, little rose, in the arms of the godmother."


After the nine-tailed celestial fox was ordered to go to the snowy field, the little rose was taken by Rouge. The child was extremely well-behaved and never cried. It was much less worrying than ordinary children. Then Rouge reached out and took the child and hugged it gently in his arms. Teasing, the corners of the mouth slightly raised, with a strong maternal brilliance.

   Rouge’s lower abdomen was already obviously bulging at this time, and the feedback from the new life was getting stronger and stronger. To Zhao Yu and Da Xia, this little guy was of extraordinary significance.

   The continuation of blood and the continuation of the country are inseparable from the birth of new life.

At this time, Zhao Yu, who was sitting on the seat, had a little more stubble on his face. While still handsome, he appeared to be a lot more mature. Then the young emperor looked at the girl aside peacefully, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, gently Open the mouth:

  "April is clear and the rain is clear, the wheat is ripe in the wind in May, the lotus is red in June, the yellow leaves fly in the city in July, and I only wait for August.

   "If this child is a girl doll, her nickname is August."

   Because the date of rouge's production is in August.

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