The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 832: Involuntary is a story


read2();   As the saying goes, soil does not conduct electricity, but that is because the thunder is not strong enough, the world-killing thunder is annihilating all things, and it is the most yang thing in the world.

   At the same time, the more important thing is that the ground beneath the Liuli City in the northern snowfield is frozen soil with a lot of moisture. In these frozen soil, there is also water with sufficient conductivity!

On the way back to Beijing, Zhao Yu had a life-and-death fight with the first rain-killing gun in the Dingding era, but at this time, the **** thunder controlled by the old king Bei'an and the blue thunder owned by the old lady Yunam, There are differences above the original law.

  The torrent of thunder pulp pierced by the old lady is electricity, paralysis and assimilation, while the spear of thunder at this time is extremely pure heat and destruction.

In the underground tunnel of Liuli City, in the noisy sound of thousands of birds singing, with the thunder spear held by King Bei’an as the center, countless thunder electric lights spread to the surroundings accompanied by strong light, and at the same time, the rolling is evaporated. White mist coming out.

Thunder snake, blood glow, and white mist are intertwined with each other, clearly emerging in the icy blue eyes of Xuebancheng, and the color of horror on the latter's face has become more and more intense. This is the first time he has seen the most in the world. Peerless supernatural power of top-notch overhaul.

   Holding Zhiyang Thunder in his hand, between his hands and feet, he smashed the extremely sturdy ground under him.

  The originally white-brown ground under the old King Bei'an, under the ravages of the blood snake thunder, began to slowly dissipate to the ground like ice cubes, and spread downwards quickly.

   "I wait, my wait is sinking fast!"

   Among the elite snowmen soldiers behind King Bei’an, there was a cry of exclamation, because the surrounding walls, under the spread of the thunder and blood spear, shattered inch by inch, and everyone began to sink quickly toward the depths of the earth.

  The stronger the cultivation base, the more choices he has, and the old Bei’an Wang Jiangyu fully carried forward the characteristics of the Jiang family and chose the most direct and violent way.

   Thunder open the way and hit Huanglong!

The criminals of the former dynasty did not operate under Liuli City for a short period of time. Therefore, there were countless murderous formations in the depths of the entire Liuli City. If Xuebancheng was allowed to pass through with Xuemin’s elite soldiers, he would definitely be killed. Last countless times, but at this moment, under the rule of destruction, all these formations are like paper, and they will be broken at one touch.

The figure of the old King Bei'an squatted slightly, and the entire black robe was flying around because of the billowing momentum, and then everyone descended faster and faster, when the ears were filled with harsh and noisy tinnitus. After a quarter of an hour, the ground under my feet changed drastically, because an extremely bright golden light shone directly from below.

The golden light shone on the blood thunder, showing an extremely beautiful orange red. This dazzling orange red light shone on the handsome face of Xuebancheng. The young snowman kept his eyes open, trying See everything in the golden light below.

Then he saw the magnificent, magnificent, magnificent and magnificent palace below, the noble dragon chair on the ninety-nine-step high platform, and the nine golden dragon-coiling pillars supporting the infinite weight of the ground in the hall, and the hall inside. The silhouettes of people who looked up and their complexions changed wildly.

   "I never dreamed that the depths of the earth would be so beautiful!"

In Xuebancheng’s mind, this thought just emerged. Before him, the old King Bei’an who held the thunder in his hand, infinite anger appeared on the old and majestic face, and then his roar-like voice rolled. Out, directly resounding through the entire Liuli City underground:

   "Beyond the Daxia Orthodox, it is so bold to set up a private temple to be the Jiu Clan. You are so brave to wait for these final fantasy rebellions!"

The old King Bei'an was furious, and the Scarlet Thunder instantly rioted several times. The previous thunder and lightning that was like a tiny blood snake directly converged inward into a huge giant python full of destruction. He twisted his body and wiped out the mud in front of him After evaporating, he opened the mouth of the swallowing python and screamed straight into the hall below, trying to destroy all the people and things in the Golden Temple.

   "There is a strong enemy, go ahead!"

In the Golden Hall, a slightly frightened old sound rang, and then the golden dragon carved on the nine dragon pillars opened his eyes instantly and roared up into the sky. At the same time, in the whole golden hall, countless golden lights gathered into a barrier. Ascend upward, completely enveloping the Golden Luang Temple.

 [Txt novel]  Nine Dragons locks the sky!

After one-tenth of the breath, the huge thunder blood python bombarded the golden array without any fancy, just like an infinite behemoth, directly hitting Kunlun Mountain, and suddenly there was an extremely strong vibration from the bottom of the earth. Everywhere, it continued upward and outward, triggering a violent earthquake.

   At this time, the noisy, grassy glass city, after the violent vibration from below, suddenly screamed, and countless snowmen rushed to the street in despair, their eyes were red, and their expressions were hideous.

Not far from the clan station where the Southern Chamber of Commerce is located, on a remote street, Guan Zhengqing, who was slowly walking forward, stopped directly, lowered his head, and stared at the ground under his feet, above the angular face. , Is full of solemn color.

   "It should be the movement made by the old prince, why, do you want to go back underground to stop it?"

   Li Dingshan also stopped, and then spoke lightly, with a little curiosity in his voice, but Guan Zhengqing, who was silent for a while, finally shook his head slowly, and a steady voice continued:

   "There are certain things that people have to face in their entire lives. They need a settlement between the father and son."

Guan Zhengqing's faint response made Li Dingshan's complexion slightly changed, especially at the end of the words father and son, which made the latter's calm and unwavering heart suddenly begin to have a lot of ripples, and even the pace of walking forward was slightly slower. A trace.

   Then Li Dingshan raised his head and looked at the human post that was gradually reflected in the field of vision, guarded by layers of snowmen warriors, and gently muttered:

   "It turns out that this is what the old prince once said to commit evil, and it really is a romantic debt."

   "Then you are wrong."

   After Li Dingshan’s murmur reached Guan Zhengqing’s ears, the latter’s response followed, and Guan Zhengqing’s flat voice continued:

"Bei'an Wang Jiangyu was once a dedicated man with the same fame as Daxia Taizu, but after a change, his temperament changed drastically, and he became the romantic love that the entire Daxia relishes now. As for how big a change is, it is A very long story."

   "Sure enough, everyone has a story."

   Just as the two were talking, the Snowman soldiers who surrounded the Human Race Station apparently found two young figures walking not far away, so they separated a small team directly and rushed out.

   Guan Zhengqing watched the snowmen's team fast approaching in front, grabbed the scarlet blood weeping dragon spear from the void with his right hand, and stepped forward slowly in response to the charge, with a faint voice:

   "Under the world, there are too many involuntary involuntary, and these involuntary involuntary, finally turned into so-called stories."

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