In the spiritual world, it is difficult to use body shape to judge the strength of the spirits, because some seemingly delicate people often possess incredible power.

Just like Zhijuan who stretched out her hands at this moment to open the gap in the space within the universe of stars in front of her!

The way of space is invisible and colorless, extremely mysterious, even more subtle than the surrounding air, and difficult to capture. Therefore, to grasp this space, some extremely special means are needed.

Then Ao Bai lowered his gaze slightly, looking at the blazing flames in the weird space above Zhi Juan's hands, his eyes once again revealed a thick color of admiration.

Although the flames of this space are placed in a normal state, it is almost invisible to the naked eye, but under the visible ability of the scout guard, it is still reflected in the eyes of the people around.

At the next breath, everyone's eyes changed at the same time, because as Zhi Juan ripped the entire space rift outwards, wisps of extremely strong star light shot in directly from the outside, and then Zhi Juan and others followed the space with their eyes. The rift looked forward and said at the same time:

"The inside of this universe of stars is another starry sky!"

After the voice fell, Guan Shanbei stretched out his hand to hold the spear on his back, and stared at the front. The bright starry sky was revealed in front of him like a picture scroll, and the voices of each word spread out:

"It's still a shining star, a starry sky full of vitality!"

As soon as Guan Shanbei's words fell, everyone turned their eyes to the front, Zhi Juan's petite figure who was lost in thought. There is no doubt that Zhi Juan, who has a strong ability to break the formation, is the backbone of this team that penetrates into the enemy camp.

"According to the current situation, the inner layer of this universe of stars is a living starry sky, and when you look at the twinkling stars in this starry sky, there is even a will."

As soon as he said this, the eyes of a few people behind him condensed, and then Ao Bai sounded with a solemn voice:

"Does that mean that once we step into it, we have to face so many ancient immortals?"

As soon as this word fell, I listened to the voice from Zhijuan in front of me, and continued to sound:

"Naturally not. There are so many stars in the large array of stars below, which can be said to be endless. It is impossible for so many immortals to wake up in Tangdu. Therefore, preliminary judgments are that these stars may all belong to an ancient immortal. Will projection, and the brighter the will, the stronger the will will be."

As soon as these words came out, Ao Bai and the others looked a little lighter. They swept their gazes towards the starry sky, and still saw a lot of extremely dazzling stars, especially in the direction of the Big Dipper. Like, exudes unimaginable light.

"So over there is the fairy prince of the Big Dipper, and the will stars of the affiliated immortals?"

At the next breath, Ao Bai pointed to the bright and shining star field in the north, opened his mouth, and the voice fell. Qi Bin's vigorous voice sounded directly next to him:

"Everyone, it should not be too late. I don't have much time to wait. I have to hurry up and break the formation, Captain Xiao Qi, check the flying messenger to see if there is news from other teams?"

As soon as this instruction sounded, the young school lieutenant who held his breath behind, shook his head, and responded directly:

"Back to the commander, there is no other news. At present, only our team has broken through the outermost barrier of the big formation."

"Then spread the law of breaking the formation, and the rest, prepare."

As soon as this sound was prepared, both Ao Bai and Guan Shanbei began to mobilize their breath quickly, and at the same time, a voice from Zhijuan came out:

"There is one more thing to pay attention to. After all, this formation is a powerful and ancient formation, so once we enter its core place, it will definitely react. Even if there is a mist of tricks, we will still be aware of it. There will be ancient immortals coming, so you must be prepared."

After she finished speaking, Zhijuan's white face remained unchanged, and her steady and clear voice continued to linger in the ears of those around her:

"The method of breaking the formation between heaven and earth is complicated and complicated, but simpler is simpler, because it is inextricably bound to its ancestry. That is to smash the eyes of the big formation. No matter how strong the formation is, it can naturally be broken.

"However, the only difference is the difficulty of the formation eye search. This time, the reason why we have sent so many teams to rush into this big formation, the ultimate goal is to find this The eyes of the star formation, and then smashed it to pieces."

"Then the eyes of this array?"

After Ao Bai said with an uncertain voice, Zhi Juan in front of him shook her head, raised her foot and took a step forward, and a young voice came out:

"It's hard to say, maybe it's a certain star in the sky full of stars, or a little dust in this boundless void. In any case, this must be the most carefully calculated and hidden core."

"Doesn't that mean finding a needle in a haystack?"

"Finding a needle in a haystack?"

When speaking of these four words, Zhijuan's face showed a smile, raising her voice a lot and continuing to say:

"Looking for a needle in a haystack means finding a needle in a haystack, but our Daxia Pojinsi today is not a vegetarian. We are going to find this fine needle today."

After speaking, Zhi Juan didn’t hesitate anymore, and directly rushed out of the crack in the space in front of him. At the same time, Qi Bin behind was crushing a small bottle containing the mist of trickery in his hand, allowing the gray and black mist to diffuse outward, covering everyone. Stature.

"Keep the formation and be fully alert!"

After a low drink, everyone directly jumped out of the space crack in front of them. At the same time, the void outside of Tangdu, covered by the firepower from the entire army of Daxia, came with a more violent posture.

And what makes all the ancient immortals on the city wall look different is undoubtedly the blazing sun rising in the Great Xia Fa Xiu army formation, and at this time, the blazing sun is descending without fancy. The place where it fell, and where it fell, was the place where the soup was located below.

"Xianli, Xianli, all the immortals, don't inject all the Xianli into this big formation!"

Accompanied by the shouts and roars of all the immortals, Immortal Yaoguang with an extremely dignified face, just about to make a move, his face changed wildly, and he opened his mouth and shouted:

"No, the universe of stars was invaded unexpectedly, how is this possible?"

Before the words fell, the thoughts in his mind flowed madly to Immortal Lord Yaoguang, he suddenly raised his head and opened his mouth to send out a command:

"Everyone, the universe of stars has been invaded, and this immortal ordered you to enter the array to destroy the enemy through the will and stars!"

However, Immortal Yaoguang’s words have not yet been fully spoken. Above the void, the blazing sun of destruction really came crashing down, and then the entire world, including the entire star array, was completely filled with eyes that were difficult to look at directly. .

Under the infinite crimson light, Fairy Yaoguang said the first **** since he was promoted to the position of immortality:

"Damn it!"

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