The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2213: Father and Son Soldiers

"Boom boom boom!"

On the ground outside Tangdu, as the Daxia Frontier Army continued to advance step by step, the entire broad ground outside the city was constantly trembling.

And if you take a bird's eye view of the entire battlefield from the sky, you will find that on the battlefield that is almost endless, spread out like the ocean, the mobilization of offensive forces throughout Daxia can be called art.

This is the art of war!

The entire army of Daxia, along with the flying messenger’s almost teleportable shuttle capability, can be directly dispatched to the commander of each team at the first point of time. The fastest corresponding speed.

This also represents the ultimate efficiency.

At the same time, when the entire Destroying Division was charging forward collectively, on the entire Tangdu battlefield, all the army generals in Daxia who were performing missions were torn apart from the void around them, and then a flying messenger jumped out. Send a battlefield dispatch order.

Then a general who was surrounded by iron and blood, raised his hand to take down the adjustment order, and pulled it away. The fighting spirit in his eyes rose sharply, and he directly opened his mouth and said:

"It's started, it's finally started!"

When this word came out, the general handed the dossier to the lieutenant next to him, opening his mouth and directly let out a roar:

"Attention all sergeants, pay attention to the marching route, make way for the colleagues in the rear division, and at the same time carry out the assault war preparations, prepare to charge to kill the enemy, and cover the firepower!"

As soon as this roar came out, countless heavily armed sergeants opened their mouths and let out a roar:


As the roar fell, a group of sergeants spread out to both sides, directly freeing up all roads, allowing the squadrons, who rushed forward, to quickly approach the Tangdu Array in front.

At the same time, Ao Bai’s team swiftly rode forward on the black-scale warhorse, which can be described as rushing forward, and then the strong voice from the general Qi Bin directly sounded:

"According to the overall arrangement of the entire Destroyer Division, the current front army's ten-sided barriers will stop when they advance to 30 miles outside Tangdu City. Then our Destruction Division cultivators will suppress the firepower of the rest of the troops. Next, approach the big array of stars outside Tangdu and break the array.

"However, it is worth noting that the estimated time for us to break through the formation is very short, the longest is only a quarter of an hour. Because the time is long, the ancient immortals in Tangdu will collectively counterattack, and the danger will increase linearly. This is the result of the deduction by the Military Aircraft Department."

Qi Bin's voice fell, and the few people behind nodded their heads with extremely solemn expressions, then Ao Bai rolled his eyes and asked:

"Ms. Zhijuan, I have a question next. I don't know if I can solve the puzzle. I only know that I want to **** you close to the big formation to break the formation, but the specific methods of breaking the formation are still poorly understood. I don't know how to implement it?"

As soon as this question came out, it might be that something was wrong. Ao Fu, who was beside Ao Bai, changed his face slightly and reminded:

"Brother Bai, this is a military secret."

"It doesn't matter, the method used by the Division to break the formation is not too confidential, and even if Brother Ao doesn't say it, I will tell you about it."

As soon as Aofu’s voice fell, the voice from Zhijuan sounded immediately, and then the fair-faced young girl raised her finger to the front like a sea of ​​stars, and said:

"According to the basic judgment of the Destroyer Division on this large formation, this formation is not a single defensive formation, but an ancient and powerful complex formation. When the formation was forced out, we discovered that the range of action of this formation was twenty-five miles."

As soon as these four words appeared in Twenty-Five Miles, Ao Bai showed a sudden realization, and said:

"It's no wonder that our forward troops have to stop thirty miles away from Tangdu. It turns out that it's because of this big formation."

"This formation can be described as the strongest formation that Daxia encountered in a frontal battle, and the most difficult one is actually within the star formation, the power of the ultimate space, in other words Therefore, once you enter the formation, it is like being moved to an ancient star. If you can't get out, you will be directly trapped in it."

After speaking, Zhi Juan groaned for a while, and then a deep and solemn color appeared in her eyes, and she said:

"Of course, there is not only one method for this ancient large formation, and the information we have collected is not much. Therefore, it is necessary to fully enter the formation before we can gradually figure out how it really is.

"So please understand that this battle is very dangerous!"


After Zhi Juan's voice fell, several people around nodded, and then Qi Bin, who rode a black-scale warhorse at the forefront, turned his head slightly and opened his mouth and said:

"In the past at Yulong Pass in the endless mountain, before the battle between the two armies, the scout army actually started fighting. Therefore, the scout army at that time was a silent soldier who went deep into the enemy alone. Now, the battlefield has changed again. .

"In today's siege battle, because of the existence of the large formations, the original role of the scout army has become the destroyer."

As soon as the voice fell, the general with eyes full of iron and blood, swept away, his complexion suddenly became extremely cold, pulling the rein in his hand, and the speed of the black scale warhorse under him suddenly stopped, making the former instantly come to the team. The rear.

At the next breath, Qi Bin raised his hand and patted the shoulder of the last young man who followed, and his voice sounded:

"Lieutenant Xiao Qi, Secretary Zhijuan of the Destroyer Division is talking about the mission, but your eyes are dizzy. Are you planning to lose your life in the next mission?"

As soon as there was a rhetorical question, the young school lieutenant who came back to his senses just wanted to respond, but Qi Bin grabbed his arm, and then the latter made a stern voice, and then sounded:

"I thought you would serve in the army this year and be promoted to a lieutenant. You can still grow a little bit. You are distracted on the battlefield. If you were to be so silly, even if you were dealt with by military law, you would not be allowed. Enter this big array!

"Glory is my life. I wouldn't be allowed to hold back, so I'll be clear about it, otherwise it will be dealt with by military law."

After the voice fell, he took a deep look at Qi Bin, the young lieutenant in front of him, and flicked the reins directly, controlling the horse to continue back to the front of the team. Only the young lieutenant at the back moved his mouth, but finally he didn't speak. , Just pressed his mouth tightly.

And if you look at the faces of these two people carefully, you will find that both of them are similar in terms of facial contours and facial features such as eyes and nose.

And thinking that the two of them are both surnamed Qi, so Ao Bai and Ao Fu who were not far away looked at each other, and both saw the same meaning in each other's eyes.

This is a veritable father and son soldier.

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