The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2204: Tai Ah Yi Jian

The universe of the Big Dipper is headed by Tianshu Star, and this star is also the closest to the Emperor Star among the Big Dipper. In the long time when the fairy garden dominates the heavens and the earth, Tianshu Star is also known as Greed Wolf.

"Compared to the fairy monarch Tianshu, this fairy monarch prefers the world, calling me, greedy wolf fairy monarch!"

Above Tangdu Void, the high voice from Tianshu Xingjun circled between heaven and earth, and spread outward, shaking back and forth.

Then at the foot of the former, the wolf star beast made up of countless stars, while roaring up to the sky, its magnificent voice directly turned into a tornado of stars and blasted forward.

"In ancient legends, Greed Wolf Star is one of the stars that kills and kills. Seeing it like this, it really deserves its reputation."

Above the sacred tree of war, he also wore a battle armor, and brought a strong and powerful Li Chunfeng, looking up at the violent star beast that occupied most of the sky in the void in front of him, and the old voice continued to speak:

"At this level of Heavenly Sovereign Sovereign, I'm afraid that it is at the top level in the ancient fairy garden, right?"

When the question fell, Wei Guogong Xu Sheng, standing proudly beside the gold ingot and Fanxing, nodded and responded:

"So far, among the ancient immortals that my Daxia has culled, except for the Snow Girl who has not fully recovered, which belongs to Da Luo, the rest of the highest immortals are also true monarchs.

"Under Daluo is the fairy monarch. It can be seen that the rank of the fairy monarch is rare, and every one is a great power who has left a lot of myths and legends."

After Xu Shengcang's vigorous voice fell, Ximan King Zhong Liye, who had never spoken on the platform before, clenched his fists like steel bars, and said:

"Before coming, this king asked the kid in the family specially, about the rank of these ancient immortals, but he didn't expect that the ancient immortal court had a lot of twists and turns.

"From the Four Royal Monarchs, Daluo Shangxian, Xianjun, to the True Monarch, etc., there are dozens of levels, and the king who listens is dizzy."

The voice of King Daxia Ximan is extremely rough, as if two huge rocks collide, but for the two gold ingots at this time, they have no time to care about the voice of the former, but have been shocked by the brief exchange between these few people. content.

The most intuitive point is that although I don't know what identities these old people have, even in the face of such a menacing Tianshu Immortal Monarch, the faces under the old people's battle helmets are still indifferent, without the slightest fear.

This kind of indifference is not pretend, but the self-confidence in the bones, and it is this kind of self-confidence and calmness that makes the two of Jin Yuanbao feel deep awe in their hearts.

After an instant, in Jin Yinbao's heart, the tension and fear that had originally been facing the immortal, disappeared without a trace, and then a powerful hand came directly from behind and slapped Jin Yinbao on the shoulder, and at the same time Li Chunfeng's voice Sounds:

"Little Fatty, that's right. As a member of Daxia, you only need to remember one truth. Although the world is big, there is nothing to be afraid of, because."

Speaking of this, Li Chunfeng paused, and then an extremely determined voice came out loudly:

"Because our soldiers, our majesty, are invincible!"

As soon as this statement fell, above the Tangdu Void in the distance, under the deafening roar of the wolf star beast, a more piercing sword sound slammed into everyone's ears.

At this time, the sound of the sword sound was not at all like the previous noise like a ghostly howl, but was pleasant and light, like a pearl falling on a jade plate, extremely beautiful, and even a piece of music.

The sword roars like music, resounding through the sky.

Then the countless sword shadows above the void directly converged into a beautiful swordsman dancing.

Looking from below, this swordsman who also occupies half of the sky is so lifelike, even if it is a sword robe dancing on his body, the lines on it are also clearly visible. Then the swordsman who steps on the void, waved and danced, The right hand extends outwards, and the dancing posture is excellent and extremely beautiful.

At the same time, an extremely mysterious sword aura poured out with the sword dance, and even instantly caused a very special change in the entire world.

Tai'a Storm Sword Dance, it is the space of the whole world, and even the power of time.

In other words, it is a mortal body, suspending time and space!

It is true that on the battlefield full of iron-blooded killing intent, such a beautifully dancing sword dance scene undoubtedly brings a great sense of impact to everyone, even the Tianshu immortal who steps on greedy wolves and lingers in the void. Jun, because of this scene, there was a momentary pause.

Although the time and space of the Tianshu Immortal Monarch's body was locked for only a very short moment, for Daxia's taboo, the flaw in this instant was enough to be magnified countless times.

For a while, the sword was holding the sword, cutting it down from top to bottom. At the same time, the huge shadow of the sword dancing above the void, on the right hand extending outward, instantly grasped a sword, a complete handle. Tai'a sword condensed from countless sharp swords.

Tai A sword moved, like a glimpse of light, disappearing in the same place instantly, and when it reappeared, it had already appeared on the head of the Greedy Wolf Star Beast, and it was cut down suddenly.

There is no doubt that the void outside of the entire Tangdu was directly and completely split into two parts by this Tai Ah sword!

After an instant, the time and space of Tianshu Immortal Monarch's body completely resumed rotation, but the former's complexion was already extremely cold, because within his pupils, the sword of Tai'a with infinite sharpness was already in his eyes, rapidly zooming in.


Then the immortal power on his body was instantly elevated to the peak of Tianshu Immortal Monarch, raised his hand and pierced a shot upwards, an unprecedented high voice, rolling out:

"Xianshu. Greedy wolf swallowing stars!"

With this shot, the greedy wolf star beast under the sword of Tai'a opened its mouth like a swallowing sky, and then an endless suction burst suddenly, and even swallowed the void in front of it. Dark black hole.

Just like Tianshu Xianjun roared, this type of immortal technique was enough to completely swallow a star.

Suddenly, the huge mouth of the greedy wolf star beast opened and widened, and then the bright star shining inward flowed in and was swallowed by a single mouthful, but that was only the case, because of the confrontation between the strong world and the earth, the importance of the first move is not important. Doubt.

Obviously, in this confrontation between the sword dance and the greedy wolf, the sword student performed the Tai'a sword dance and took the lead.

A quick step, a quick step, and a moment later, Tai'a Jian was completely blasted, and the star swallowing mouth of the wolf star beast was not fully opened.

Then there was a burst of dazzling brilliance, as well as a loud noise that ruined the world and destroyed the earth.


Under the dazzling bright light, the Greed Wolf Star Beast was pressed down into the sky with a sword, directly towards the ground, and lowered to half its height!

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