The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2196: Belongs to the world of swords

Indeed, just as the gold ingot standing on the Nanban Shenmu said at this time, there are many ways in Daxia today to turn the emptiness of Tangdu in front of them into a dead place where these ancient immortals are forbidden to fly.

And the quickest among them, of course, is the taboo magical power of Killing Wushuang.

In the void outside Tangdu, the seven furiously shot their hands, holding their swords forward, the Azure Dragon and Seven Sword Immortals, and the wind and stars engulfed in the sword force were not uncommon. The speed at which they rushed towards the Shenmu was also extremely fast, and they crossed one in the blink of an eye. A large distance is like compressing the space.

"Long Xiao Jian Yin, the sword of the star sea!"

The next breath, with a voice of cold killing intent, resounded through the entire void, and at the same time, in the body of the Seven Sword Immortal, the power of the stars represented by the celestial power oscillated like boiling. What is more striking is that this type of immortal technique, even directly Mobilized the power of the universe and stars in the Tangdu Array in the rear.

Then within the big formation, the natal stars represented by the seven ancient sword immortals suddenly brightened several times, and finally seemed to burn directly, blasting down a substantive star streamer, and directly injected into the lower seven. Within the body of the sword fairy.


After an instant, a roar of a dragon that belonged to the void roaming in the ancient starry sky suddenly sounded in the stream of stars like the sea, and then the tumbling star sea separated to both sides, as if there was a huge monster, violently jumping out of it.

"This sword immortal's killing power is really not imaginary, it is indeed an immortal born only for killing, and it can cut out the void sword dragon!"

Arrays of dragons roared back and forth in the void, and then on the city wall of Tangdu, among the immortals of White Tiger and Seven Sleepers, an ancient immortal's admiration sounded, and then Zhenjun Kuimu in front of him stared at the front and responded. Voice Debut:

"The killing power of the ancient sword immortal should not be underestimated, but for some reason, this immortal actually sensed a panic of energy in this sacred tree that suddenly appeared.

"You should understand that, among the twenty-eight star immortals, True Monarch Wu Kuimu is not the strongest, but he has a special whim, and this time, even the sea of ​​consciousness of this immortal, Shaking constantly."

As soon as this statement was made, the faces of the other white tiger stars and the immortals all changed in unison, and then one of the ancient immortals opened his mouth and said:

"Then Kuimu Zhenjun, how should I behave? According to your statement, it is not good for this Azure Dragon and Seven Sword Immortals to attack. I am waiting to shoot directly and help them?"

When the question fell, Zhenjun Kuimu's face showed a little thinking, and finally shook his head imperceptibly, and a low voice came out:

"Let’s wait and see the changes first, let Suzaku and Xuanwu Seven Stars take action first, and see what is the mystery of this weird sacred tree?"

The sound transmission of King Kuimu fell, he directly raised his foot and took a step, glanced at the fourteen ancient immortals floating not far away, without saying a word, directly roared:

"Everyone, Azure Dragon Sword Immortal kills Wushuang. If you don't take action at this time, when will you wait?"

This very provocative word came out, and True Monarch Kui Mu directly blasted a giant wolf surrounded by blue light and stars in front of him, and then the giant wolf roared forward, taking the void as low. Rush forward wildly.

Almost at the same time, the rest of the astrology immortals who had already raised their qi to the extreme, no longer hesitated, one after another turned into streamers and blasted forward. For a time, the whole world outside Tangdu changed color.

The ancient immortals are worthy of being the ancient immortals. In every move, the power of the stars constantly oscillates, and various celestial arts are combined with each other, like a rolling wave, facing the direction of the Nanban Shenmu, and crushingly suppressed.

From a distance, a sea of ​​stars formed by the tetragonal mythical beasts occupies everyone’s sight. Then, at the forefront of this sea of ​​stars, as the seven sword repairmen tear through the void, a huge blue dragon claws rippling. Stretching out between the stars.

"The claws of this void dragon are actually made up of a sword?"

At the next breath, on the platform of the Nanban Shenmu, he was raising his head, his face was illuminated by the flickering stars against the light of the stars, his fists were clenched, his mouth opened, and following his gaze, one could clearly see that one. In the claws of the blue dragon that was suddenly grabbed, there were countless swords of stars, densely intertwined, covering the sky and the sun.

There is no doubt that if this claw is shot in the rest of the Taixuan Land, it can easily erase a huge mortal city. At this moment, Fan Xing's heart suddenly slammed, because he suddenly thought, perhaps When she was in a coma, the Baolian sword field where her sect was located was completely destroyed by this blue dragon sword claw.


After an instant, the female sword repaired the sword heart in the sea of ​​knowledge, and a large number of cracks appeared again, and the whole person immediately let out a muffled grunt, and the seven orifices gushed out at the same time, shaking for a while.

Then a hand stretched out from the side, supporting Fanxing's shoulder, and at the same time, the young voice of Jin Yinbao sounded in the former's ears:

"Girl Fanxing, keep your heart, and remember the words of Master Jiansheng. For a sword repairman, the only belief is that kendo will never die!"

The last words of Jin Yuanbao caused countless thunders to appear directly in the starry sea of ​​knowledge, constantly shining and roaring, and at the same time, the mouth kept muttering:

"Sword art will never die, kendo will never die!"

After the words came out, Fanxing stared at the pupil above her and shrank fiercely, because in her line of sight, above the void of the Nanban Shenmu, there was a figure flying in a large robe suddenly appeared.

At the same time, Fanxing is no stranger to this figure.

She is a sword repairer, a sword repairer from Daxia in the North!

After an instant, the Jiansheng who appeared under the claws of the Azure Dragon's sword, the celestial army robe above his body violently shook, and then his left and right hands simultaneously shook outwards, directly holding the two ordinary handles. The long sword of the Daxia Military Department.

In the next breath, the icy cold light circulated above the two long swords, and this cold light was truly experienced by Fanxing not long ago.

But soon, she will fully understand the power of destruction behind this cold light, and also know clearly why this female sword repairer of Daxia would say that deafening word to herself very seriously.

"Ancient taboo magical powers, sword storm!"

After an instant, a young and steady voice resounded through the ears of everyone above the Southern Barbarian Sacred Tree. At the same time, the sword student with two swords overlapped in front of him, his entire body leaned forward, and there was no extra movement after that, just right. Looking at the direction of Tangdu in front of him, he cut out simply and suddenly.

With the double swords coming out, the entire void outside the Tangdu seems to have undergone a very unusual change at this moment. This change may not be obvious to the average person, but for Fanxing who is originally a sword repairer, she finds herself Has appeared in a very strange world.

Dahu, Jian Yin, unlimited edge.

That is a world of swords!

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