The moon was in the middle of the sky, and there was no dark cloud above the night sky of Shenjing City. The sky was clear, and then the moonlight like water sprinkled downwards, covering the streets and alleys of the giant city.

There is no doubt that today's Shenjing City is completely a treasure and a work of art.

Under the planning of various departments and officials of Daxia, neat streets, neat houses, and extremely prosperous market, etc., together constitute the extremely rare peaceful scene of the whole world.

No matter how dark the night is, it can’t stop Shenjing City from blooming with its own dazzling light, and because of the existence of Shenzhou Haotu’s No. 1 Sacred Mountain and Sea Map, there is a huge difference between the current Shenjing City and the rest of the Taixuan Land. Farewell.

The pouring rain of Qixian did not fall into the realm of Daxia at all, including all the ancient immortals who had thoughts about Daxia, and their heads were cut off mercilessly by the sharp blade of Daxia's army.

Nowadays, Daxia, from the imperial court officials to the citizens of the city, all have unprecedented beliefs, but now there are not many clouds over the imperial hall.

"The tree wants to be quiet, but the wind keeps going. Since Da Xia has returned to this place of profound mystery, we haven't spent a few days of peaceful days. I thought that after the holy court was destroyed, it would be stable for a period of time, but unexpectedly. What an ancient immortal of Rao Shizi."

On the Baiyu Avenue in the middle of Shenjing City, a wide carriage, bathed in bright moonlight, walked towards the solemn Meridian Gate of the Baidi Palace along the avenue glowing with crystal light.

Inside the carriage, Li Chunfeng, dressed in an official uniform, was raising his hand to stroke the white beard on his chest. On his ruddy face, his brows wrinkled tightly, and he continued to speak:

"The chaos of Taixuan is now becoming more and more confused. The old man always feels that something earth-shattering is about to happen. The secret of this period of time is completely unclear."

After Li Chunfeng's words fell, his deep gaze lifted and looked forward.

In front of the carriage carriage, there was a burly figure sitting upright, and at the same time, this figure was wearing a mighty grandpa robe, with his eyes drooping slightly, and his breath oscillating outwards, like a tiger with his head bowed and moaning.

It is worth mentioning that at this time, in Li Chunfeng's induction, the aura of Wei Guogong Xu Sheng in front of him has completely reached the peak among the peaks.

He just sits so simply, like a container that can't hold any substance at all, even if it adds a little bit, it will cause the sky and the earth to shake.

After Li Chunfeng's voice fell, Xu Sheng, who had been silent for a long time, lifted his head slightly, his scorching gaze even burned the void in front of him, and the old and thick voice came out:

"Master Li, the old man has lived for so many years, but he has more or less summed up some experience. Whether it is a marching war or the general trend of the world, there is actually one thing in common. That is, the more chaotic, the more it is the final game. .

"In the past year, my Daxia's elite soldiers can be said to have swept the entire Taixuan land, except for the core land, all the counties, so for these ancient immortals, they have time left. , Actually not much."

After speaking, Xu Sheng leaned forward slightly, lowered his head, and looked at the **** Feng Soaring who was visiting on the table in front of him. After a moment of indulgence, he continued to speak:

"If you want people to perish, you must first make them crazy. Although the old man doesn't know what the layout behind these ancient immortals is, on the other hand, this matter is a good thing for you and me.

"We are all too old. Instead of going to the eternal darkness in the ordinary, you and I are more willing to devote our entire life to the battlefield.

"Although there are an endless stream of outstanding younger generations who have used their young shoulders to carry the weight of the entire Daxia, the battlefield is still our last destiny."

Xu Sheng's words, although not light or heavy, and his tone of voice was quite steady, but when Li Chunfeng heard it, his mind was shocked, and his black eyes moved, and he opened his mouth and said:

"So the Lord of the Country came to look for His Majesty late at night, do you want to take the initiative to invite Ying?"

"The old man wants to have such an idea, but I am not the only one."

Xu Sheng's response sounded with a smile, and then he picked up the divine phoenix order that was emitting wisps of flames and golden light on the table in front of him, and his voice came out again:

"When we were young, we followed His Majesty Taizu to fight in the south and the north, calming the country, and then fighting with the alien races in the endless mountains. We really wanted to relax, but we still felt uncomfortable, and we could follow His Majesty when we were old and before we died. If you go out once, your life will be perfect."

As soon as Xu Sheng's words fell, Li Chunfeng in front of him stroked his long white beard again, and responded:

"The Lord Guo is really joking. The old man can see that the aura in your body has reached an extremely terrifying level, even if it directly impacts this land of immortal realm, there should be no hindrance.

"At that time, the grandfather of the country will take off his mortal fetus, and his life will increase again, and it will be a different situation."

"It's so easy to cross the nine heavens and step on the bridge between heaven and earth. When the old man was young, he was injured and sick, and there is no way to make up for it."

After speaking, Xu Sheng retracted his gaze and returned to his drooping appearance, but what Li Chunfeng in front of him did not see was that at this moment, the deepest part of Xu Sheng’s black eyes in the Wei Palace had a sense of loneliness and loneliness. Bleak, passing by in a flash.

He knew that he would never have the bridge between heaven and earth in this life, because he had a knot in his heart that he could not forgive!

While the two were talking, under the moonlight, the carriage carrying the two old men slowly drove into the White Emperor Palace. The White Emperor Palace under the curtain of night was not bright, and most of it was shrouded in darkness.

After about a quarter of an hour, Xu Sheng and Li Chunfeng walked out of the carriage parked in the square, and at the same time the latter's questioning sounded:

"Master Guo, if we enter the palace so late, will it disturb your majesty's rest?"

"We are just entering the palace, and we don't see it. We'll wait here until dawn."

After Xu Sheng finished speaking, stepping on the flat stone surface of the Baidi Palace Square, he continued to speak:

"It is said that life is a reincarnation. This is true. When the old man was young, he had waited all night before his Majesty Taizu's camp, and now he is old. It is really interesting."

As soon as these words fell, Xu Sheng slowly turned around, turned his head and looked at a burly figure walking in the darkness, and said softly:

"Master Liang?"

"Duke Guo, Lord Li, your Majesty asked me to take the two of you to the side hall to rest for one night."

After Liang Po fell with a young magnetic voice, he appeared in front of the two, and then a smile appeared on the former's face, and he raised his hand to make a gesture of please, and the voice continued:

"Please also ask the two elders to have a good rest. After tomorrow's march with your majesty, it will be a tough battle!"

When these words came out, both Xu Sheng and Li Chunfeng shook subconsciously, and finally they knelt down on the spot, bowed deeply in the direction of the Royal Garden Xuantianmu, and said together:

"Veteran, thank your Majesty for completion!"

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