The torrential rain poured out, and the tea stall in the corner of the soup was empty, and the murderous intention suddenly rose.

In the next breath, amidst the violent wind blowing back and forth, an extraordinarily cold and strange aura gushed out, just like the scarlet beast eyes that opened in the darkness, staring at his prey indifferently and ruthlessly.

Obviously, these cold-smelling prey are in this extremely simple tea stall.

At the next breath, in the corner of the tea stand, the youngest son of the tea stand shopkeeper who didn't know the specific situation, saw such a heroic woman ordering tea, hurriedly picked up the saucer in his hand and stepped forward, shouting:

"Good girl, our tea is all hot. Now it's windy and rainy, and the temperature is low. Drink some hot tea just to warm up your body."

The shout fell, the young man approached, and gently put the sweet tea in front of the woman of the Baolian Sword Sect, his soft voice continued:

"Girl, please use the hot tea slowly."

As the voice heard, the young man’s eyes continued to swell and shrink again, because the woman in front of him unhurriedly tore off a piece of cloth from the sword robe on her body, then lifted her sleeves and tied the cloth on His right arm was still on the bleeding wound.

Streaks of bright red blood soon dyed the whole piece of cloth red from the inside again, but the woman didn't care, raised her hand to take the bowl, and after taking a sip of tea, the voice came out:

"Sorry, brother, there may be a **** battle later, so I should trouble you to hide as far away as possible."

Before the words fell, the murderous intent of the torrential rain condensed to the peak in an instant, and even the temperature of the entire tea shed suddenly suddenly dropped, and a layer of gray-white frost began to appear on the ground.

Then, a vague voice sounded in the rain outside the tea shed:

"Fanxing, the big disciple of the Baolian Sword Sect, our Little Fairy Court invites you to go back as a guest."

As soon as the three words Xiao Xian Ting came out, in the whole tea stall, except for the female sword repairing Fan Xing, the other members of the Dragon Court of the Central Government looked extremely ugly. Then the monk of the Dragon Court with the surname Li, After his complexion changed for a while, he opened his mouth and yelled:

"You little fairy court is so majestic, you are arresting people in Tangdu in broad daylight, and the Baolian sword land is also a big force in the core place. You waited for no reason to arrest, have you thought about the consequences?"

With the sound of this scolding, on the street outside the tea stall, the shadows of the fairy family that appeared out of thin air became more and more solid, and then the first one with a delicate face, comparable to the beauty of a woman's antiquity The fairy glanced down with indifferent eyes and glanced at the few people who spoke.

The next breath might be Yin Wu who didn't say a word. The ancient immortal's golden robe he wore on his body made the ancient immortal a little jealous. After he continued to ponder for a breath, he continued to speak:

"Xiao Xianting has his own reasons for doing things. This person had contact with a mysterious person on the day of the return of the Third Royal Highness. Therefore, he suspected that he had something to do with the remnants of the Holy Court. Therefore, he was arrested and investigated. Okay!"

The voice of the ancient immortal just fell, and the questioning voice from the monk surnamed Li in Longting immediately sounded:

"Since ancient times, Shangguo has handled the core figures of the other major forces with care and caution. Now that you are carrying out this act of hunting and killing, do you have a royal order?"

This questioning sound fell, and the ancient immortal's still indifferent expression remained unchanged, but he continued to spit out a faintly:

"Our immortal family doesn't know what the imperial order is, and only recognizes the will of the mysterious woman, so this female sword repairer, we will definitely take it away."

This lofty word undoubtedly ignited the already extremely dissatisfied monk Longting in the tea stall, and the faces of several people showed anger, and Qi Qi shouted:

"Ignore the emperor's power of the kingdom, and wait for the ancient immortals, you really deceive people too much!"

As this roar rolled out, the breath surging violently within the body of Monk Longting, and then Yin Wu, who hadn't said a word, raised his right foot and took a step forward. A vigorous response sounded:

"The emperor Yin Wu, dare to ask this immortal family, who used to be?"

Yin Wu's question made the face of the ancient immortal headed a little better, and he raised his hand to the front and swung it forward, his voice lingering in the void of this tea stall:

"This immortal, one of the seven places of the White Tiger, Zhenjun Kuimu."

"It turns out to be one of the twenty-eight stars. Although this prince does not hold the book all day like the third brother, he has also heard of the reputation of the twenty-eight stars."

The sound that continued to sound in Yin Wu's mouth made the face of that burly true monarch involuntarily continue to show arrogance, but then his complexion changed slightly, because the voice from Yin Wu in his ear continued to linger:

"But the people in the entire Tangdu know that this prince is a total martial artist, a madman, this prince doesn't know how to use it, and he hates to use his brains when encountering things that make him unhappy, no matter what the so-called twenty-eight. Regardless of the stars and immortals, or the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, they all speak with their fists in the end."

After finishing the sentence, Yin Wu raised huge double fists, and the aura within the entire burly body burst like a tornado storm, and then his body disappeared directly in place.

After an instant, the entire extremely crude tea shed suddenly trembled crazily because of the extremely violent energy fluctuations. At the same time, the street outside the tea shed, a phantom that could not be captured by the naked eye, rushed forward like the most violent arrow.

At the same time, the rain that fell on the entire street, like a storm, was swept up to the sky above the sky. At this moment, the entire street directly formed a vacuum.


After the phantom that Yin Wu had passed through, the loud roar of its tearing air was able to sound, but at this time the ancient immortals standing in the rain on the street had no time to worry about the strangeness of the whole street.

Because of the heavy punch from the second prince Yin Wu, it has already hit.

But Yin Wu’s fist was not just King Kuimu, who was arrogant by nature and respected by martial arts. This fist smashed all the ancient immortals on the street!

After an instant, on top of Yin Wu's heavy fist, dense golden scales emerged outward, and at the same time, under the heavy fist, a golden dragon snaked out, directly facing the front and patted it with one claw.

"White tiger seven nights, Kui Muxing wolf, howl!"

Between the electric light and flint, the second prince Yin Wu’s heavy blow of the dragon's fist, a high voice sounded, and then countless dazzling stars burst out in the hands of Kuimu Zhenjun, directly turning into a starlight giant The wolf roared at the front.

After a while, Yin Wu smashed a punch, and the dragon and wolf slammed, and several ancient immortals Qi Qi subconsciously withdrew a step back, and then Yin Wu's violent body appeared on the street again, and his murderous voice came out. :

"I thought it was a terrific fairy, it turned out to be a wolf!"

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