The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2169: Xiaoxianting

Taixuan Central Plains, the core place, Tangdu, the rain of Qixian enveloped the world.

Tangdu, as the ruins of the Ancient Immortal Palace, is directly below, and the rain of Qixian pouring down is the heaviest and the most violent. At the same time, the big raindrops are continuous and continuous, like a rolling storm, directly poured into the lower part. Inside the devastated city.

The rain was heavy and the wind was screaming, but this big city of Tangdu had undergone tremendous changes because of the sudden return of the third prince Yin Wen.

It is worth mentioning that after Yin Wen played the return of the king, he did not declare the world in a very high-profile manner and became the new ruler of Central Shangguo, but silently entered the Tangdu Imperial Palace and began to order the restoration of Central Shangguo after the war. .

First of all, it must be the hinterland of Tangdu, where the core area was completely destroyed, and the core population who fled because of the war. Therefore, not long ago, the three princes Yin Wen entered the Central Shangguo imperial palace and issued the first order directly. .

Rejuvenate Shangguo Chaogang, revitalize Tangdu's population!

Under this decree, countless people of Tangdu who had previously taken refuge in Shangguo began to turn around and return to their homes in Tangdu, making the entire Tangdu huge gate lined up all the time. Very long team entering the city.

But what the people of Tangdu who are full of expectation and ready to return to the garden do not know that the Tangdu standing under the wind and rain at this time is no longer the Tangdu they previously thought.

In the corner of Tangdu, in a small tea stall, there are few tea customers.

Perhaps it was not long after the end of the war. This tea stall was also extremely rudimentary. It simply built a shed on the top to prevent the heavy rain from directly falling down, and the big thorns were open in all directions, making the wind only one time. Blow, it will be wrapped in falling rain and poured directly into the tea shed.

The destruction of a city by war needless to say, even if the war suddenly ends, it still takes a long time to restore its former vitality.

Therefore, although this tea shed, where it was built, was once the very busy double street intersection of Tangdu, the business was extremely bleak. If it hadn’t been for a wave of people in the rain not long ago, the poor tea shed owner, it’s possible today. There is no harvest at all, so I can only drink the northwest wind to end.

The shopkeeper of the tea shed is a shrewd middle-aged man. It is said that he used to be a well-known wealthy businessman in Tangdu. It was just the previous battle between the Central Shangguo and the Holy Court. The foundation in the hands of this shopkeeper was completely destroyed.

Fortunately, this sudden war did not completely wipe out the will of the shopkeeper, and immediately after the war, the shopkeeper brought his young child to this street to sell tea in a shed. , And tried to make a comeback.


In the middle of the morning, the sky was gloomy and gloomy, and then a rather violent wind hit the whole street. After blowing into the tea shed, together with the rain, the whole shed squeaked.

The strong wind passed by, causing the simple shed to shake for a while, and then a young man who was preparing tea behind the shed hurriedly reached out to protect the bowl of steaming sweet tea in front of him, and opened his mouth and said:

"Father, it's time to surround this shed with a drape. Otherwise, whoever sits in it will get wet in a while, and this business won't go on."

After this voice fell with a little dissatisfaction, beside the young man, the middle-aged shopkeeper who was making sweet tea raised his head and said:

"Boy, guard against arrogance and rashness, it's not that Dad didn't think about masking, but you have to understand that people who come to our street to drink tea are not just for the purpose of drinking tea, they need a broad view."

The middle-aged shopkeeper heard this low response, and the young man's face was still puzzled, but he did not speak either. Instead, he reached out his hand to lift the tea in front of him and stepped forward. The voice came out:

"Okay, when it comes to doing business, father, you have your reason, boy, I will send these teas first, while the wind is getting smaller now."

After he finished speaking, the young man raised his hand and picked up the tea tray in front of him. He just raised his leg and took a step. The middle-aged shopkeeper behind him moved his mouth, and finally he whispered:

"Be careful, the identities of those tea customers are not simple."

As soon as the voice fell, the young man with the plate here had already walked out for some distance, and then looked forward along the young man’s gaze, and he could clearly see the tea chair not far away, sitting on it. four people.

Among the four, headed by a very burly young man, at the same time, the rest of the people are very impressive, just sitting upright, like a creeping beast, which makes people breathe.

Then the young man holding the teacup raised his slightly lowered head, his gaze was slightly upward, just in time to see the robe of the person sitting in the most central position, and his heart trembled.

Because the young man saw a ferocious golden dragon on the man's robe.

Central Shangguo has a strict hierarchy, and those who can wear golden dragon robes, except for the orthodox Yin imperial clan of Shangguo, are not allowed to be touched, so the identity of this burly person is ready to emerge.

This discovery caused the young man’s forward movement to stop suddenly, and then took a deep breath. After calming his mind, he continued to hold the tea water and carefully placed it on the tea table in front of a few people with a trembling one. The voice said:

"This is the homemade sweet tea from this stall. Please use it slowly."

After speaking, the young man nodded his head and stopped staying. He turned around and walked back. Before he took a few steps, he exhaled. The sound from behind directly made his mind tremble, almost staggering.

"His Royal Highness, do you think this soup has changed, it has become very strange, and it has become more and more weird, and it has even begun to not belong to our central government."

The words that sounded can be said to be merciless, and then the person who spoke did not mean to stop, but increased the volume, and the voice continued to roll out:

"After the Three Highnesses entered the palace, they didn't do other things, and even the enthroned of the throne didn't care at all. Instead, outside the Dragon Court, the so-called Xiaoxian Court was established.

"In this fairy garden, there are all those ancient immortals who have revived, all with their arrogance and lofty heights, but they are deeply trusted by the three highnesses, and they have great power."

At this point, the person stretched out his hand and pressed it on the tea table in front of him, and with a cold voice, he sounded again:

"If this continues, it won't be long before this so-called Little Fairy Ting will directly replace our Long Ting, and at the same time sweep us all into the trash.

"If this situation really occurs, then we people are sinners, and we can't explain to those Long Court compatriots who had thrown their heads and blood in the previous wars!"

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