The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2160: Siskin behind

The torrential rain poured down like a pour.

Somewhere in Pingshan County, although Wan Lai was quiet, there seemed to be countless roars of thunder in the deepest part of the void, and it seemed to be the most unwilling roar from the depths of the earth.

And under this silent roar, Pingshan County sheltered the dense rain forest above his head. Under a tall and wide-leaved plant, a figure in a green shirt stood steadily.

I saw this figure, carrying a particularly long sword, and at the same time the former's right foot stretched out, firmly stepping on the branches and leaves extending from the ground in front of him.

This person lowered his head slightly, using eyes without any pupils, watching the stomped branches and leaves below, and at the same time, the young voice continued to sound:

"Mr. Mitian, your ability to escape for your life is truly extraordinary in the world. You can even sneak from Sanhe County to the dense rainforest of Pingshan County under Daxia's search.

"If I'm not wrong, there should be a lot of hiding places in the entire Taixuan Land."

After this sound came out, the figure stepped on the right foot of the branches and leaves under his feet unchanged, and at the same time the golden runes in its pupils began to spread out rapidly, directly forming two slowly blooming golden flowers.

After an instant, in the feeling of this young man, both the surrounding rainforest trees and the ground under his feet began to disappear and dissipate. The only thing left was a plant hidden in the mud, with only a few remaining. Branches of grass.

This grass is so inconspicuous that even the power of the sky that originally belonged to the grass is almost dissipated, and the surface of the grass is full of gray and gray, maybe in the next second, Completely reduced to ashes.

The next breath, accompanied by Li Dingshan’s gaze, the celestial grass under the ground suddenly began to react. I saw it suddenly twitched the branches and leaves that protruded from the ground, trying to remove it from the feet of the young man. Withdraw.

This is not unexpected, but it is clear that this move is destined to return without success.

Li Dingshan’s right foot stepped on the ground, as stable as a mountain, and could not move the slightest no matter how much this tiancao twitched. Then, only knowing that the hopeless tiancao could get out of trouble, a scream came out directly:

"Mantis catches the cicada, the oriole is behind, you came early, right? When my mother-in-law culled the little bitter tea tree, you were watching from a distance.

"You, a tree of turning back, really have a deep mind. I look down on you, it's my mother-in-law who looks down on you!"

Mi Tiancao's words are stern, but Li Dingshan's young face is not a bit strange, but he just spoke in a faint response:

"If you do more unrighteousness, you will die, Mother-in-law, you have lived for so many years, should you understand this truth?"

After speaking, Li Dingshan stepped forward with his right foot and continued to exert force, as if to completely crush the branches and leaves under his feet, and at the same time an increasingly cold voice came out:

"Heaven and earth, no matter what race, even if you and I are creatures created by Taixi Supreme, the last thing you pursue is to eat the weak and the strong. Since you are doing everything possible to swallow me, you must be conscious of being eaten."

Li Dingshan’s infinitely cold and stern words almost froze the entire void around him, and the voice fell, and the golden flower rune in his eyes began to rotate directly, followed by strands of golden light on the young man’s upright body. Emerging from above.

The ancient killing intent of the power of returning to the sky, like a sharp sword, pierced into the ground below, which made the trembling grass below tremble more violently, and the roar continued to be heard:

"What are you going to do, my mother-in-law is the first creature created by Taixi Supreme, you can't do anything to me!"

As the words fell, this mittengrass seemed to have thought of something, and began to release the last trace of its strength outwards, with a soft voice, and then again:

"Huitianshu, you have not yet awakened, and you don’t understand the nature of the whole world, so as long as you leave this place with your mother-in-law and leave this weird Daxia hunting down, your mother-in-law will tell you the secrets of all this. .

"Whether it is Taixuan, Taichu, Taishang and Taixi, the four supreme beings, or the backs and evolutions arranged by the supreme for resisting the era's killing and robbery, my mother-in-law will tell you all."

The voice fell, and the body of the Mitiancao hidden under the ground trembled more severely, and then another branch and leaf broke out of the ground from under the ground, and above the branches and leaves, a wrinkled piece of Grandma Mitian slowly appeared. Cracks, hideous and ugly faces.

Perhaps it was because of being too weak. At this time, the old face of the sky grass appeared, flashing light and dark, and then this old woman, who once again revealed a smile that she considered the most kind, and a beautiful voice, continued to linger in this piece. Under the rain forest:

"You also know that the land today is changing at an unprecedented level. Whether it is the rain of enlightenment or the big summer that has emerged from nowhere, perhaps it is the back hand left by the ancient existence that is starting.

"Compared to the other three Supremes, Taixi Supreme left too little and too few things. The Xiyuan has been destroyed, and only you and me are left. Therefore, we should unite and work together. Are you right? ?"

After speaking, perhaps seeing Li Dingshan’s silence, the old woman said again, trying to completely change Li Dingshan’s thoughts in front of him:

"Furthermore, my mother-in-law has been in the Taixuan Land for countless years, knowing the location of many important treasures, she can take you there now."

However, the words of the old widow had just come to the general level, so she stopped directly, and then blurted out a strange cry:

"Stop it, stop!"

Before the screaming sounded, Li Dingshan already stretched out his right hand and grasped the hilt behind the sword. Then he pulled it out without hesitation.


Between the world of this rainforest, a sea of ​​blue air appeared in an instant, and if the monks who participated in the sky were here, they would definitely be familiar with this rich and clear air.

Taiqing gas.

Taiqing Yijian!

After this vague, invisible sword of Taiqing was pulled out by Li Dingshan, the old lady below was like a duck pinched by the throat, and could no longer make any sound.

At the same time, Li Dingshan, who drew his sword, leaned forward, turned the Taiqing Sword in his hand, with the tip of the sword pointing downwards, holding the hilt with his backhand, and then violently stabbed it against the Heavenly Grass under him.

After an instant, Taiqing's sword pierced into the ground below as if there were no obstacles, and then within the humble rainforest of Pingshan County, a roar of infinite despair suddenly sounded:

"Do not!"

After another breath of time, a roar came out, and Li Dingshan, who was holding the hilt of the Taiqing sword in both hands, slowly stood up. Voices with any emotions, spread out:

"Come out, taboos from Daxia."

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