The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2137: Who else can protect you?

"This world is extremely huge, but what most people can see is very small, small bitter tea. You are the spirit cultivated by Taixi Supreme. You should be like my mother-in-law, standing on the heights of this world, overlooking all beings. Instead of covering your eyes with these fragile and low ants!"

After Sanhe Huawhip was held by the ugly right hand of the old woman, the voice from the former continued to linger in this mysterious place.

Perhaps seeing the variable of Rouge made her heart excited, the old woman simply snarled out the words that she had been holding back when her soul was silent for so many years:

"You tell the deity, what can you do with your current appearance of an unbound chicken? You can't do anything, you can only hide behind these ants!"

After the words fell, the old woman shook the long whip in her hand gently, and at the same time, the void in front of Rouge, the whip shadow tore out, and then the hand of Sun Jian who stood in front of Rouge was blasted without any fancy.

In the next moment, this great Xia Anjiang Si Si Cheng, after a very painful grunt, his whole person was once again swept away, and this whip was not just Sun Jian’s body, including the latter’s entire soul, almost They were directly split into two halves, and the pain in this can be imagined.

But Sun Jian just let out a muffled groan and pressed his lips tightly. After the whole person rolled, he still supported the ground with his hands, letting the blood gushing out from the seven orifices continue to flow down, and with an unimaginable will, Stand up little by little.

It is worth mentioning that at the moment when Sun Jian was taken away, there were several firm figures standing straight in front of Rouge. These Daxia soldiers, with the most resolute attitude, fulfilled their promises.

Firmly guarding the Empress Daxia, guarding the glory of everyone in Daxia!

"Daxia's glory is not to be humiliated, old lady, when Daxia's soldiers come, I will set you down!"

"court death!"

After the two words of sorrow and boldness came out of the old woman's mouth, her right hand was raised, and she was about to throw a whip at Sun Jian's head again, but in the next moment, the movement stopped because the ears came from Rouge Extreme A serious voice sounded:

"Mr. Mitian, you said that you are standing on the heights of the whole world, looking down on the whole beings, but from the perspective of this palace, you are just a poor worm hiding at the bottom of the abyss and burying his head in the so-called sandy land.

"You have lived for so many years, what can you represent, because people like you are meaningless to live, so what can you do?"

Rouge's rhetoric was not loud, but it made a loud noise. Then the ugly face of the old woman suddenly became extremely cold and stern. At the same time, the gaze from the blue star ring in her eyes was enough to completely complete the void in front of her. freeze.

The next breath came from the lofty voice of the old woman in the sky, and continued to resound in everyone's ears:

"What can the deity do? The entire Sanhe County is the deity's world, and the Sanhe that has been flowing for countless years in the Taixuan Land is the deity's will.

"Including all the creatures in the Three Rivers, they are completely dominated by the deity. Most of them are playthings that have been imprisoned in the Three Rivers for generations by the deity's power.

"My mother-in-law can easily control the fate of these people. Even when the ancient fairy palace was at its peak, the Antarctic Emperor Changsheng had to make the deity three points. With this, you still think the deity can't do anything?"

"So what, the life of freely manipulating the rest of life is not something worth showing off!"

As soon as the voice of the old woman fell, Rouge's response sounded immediately, and then the empress of the world's great Xia Empress still looked like the sky collapsed, and continued to open her mouth and say:

"Except for the so-called Land of Three Rivers, you don't even dare to take a step out. Perhaps this is the most risky move you have ever made in your life.

"And Mother-in-law, don't forget, this palace is just as special as you, so this palace also knows that your fate has come to an end, maybe you will die in front of this palace.

"At this time, I straightened my body and did what I wanted to do in my life, so as not to leave any regrets, but for you, you have even bent your spine. You are just the one who bows to your knees and hides in order to survive. Poor people in Tibet!"

Rouge's series of words are undoubtedly like a sharp sword, and they plunged into the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness of the waging old woman, and the sharpness of the old woman's body began to tremble slightly.

Then the vastness of the breath swelled and shrank crazily within the body of the old woman. Every time it rose and shrank, the breath would be violent several times. Then the former directly grasped the whip in his hand and opened his mouth and roared again and again:

"The deity's fate has indeed reached its limit, but God has sent you to the front, eating you first, and then eating the Huitian tree, my mother-in-law will completely complete the transformation.

"You, a tonic filled with infinite vitality, is the greatest opportunity after the revival of the heroic spirit. If this is the case, please accept it!"

Before the words fell, the whip swung again, swept forward, and let out an incomparably harsh whistling.


Then the black dragon guard Xu Lang nailed his feet to the ground, and the ancient black dragon dragon scales on the surface of his body appeared densely outwards, directly overlapping his hands and blocking the front.

Daxia Black Dragon Guards Dragon Scales, with its own forbidden runes, the runes are so powerful that they can even withstand the incomparably weird breath of the sky, but this long whip that has been swayed by the wandering old woman, in addition to the extremely terrifying power of the sky In addition, there is a violent force that contains all the weight of Sanhe.

After an instant, this huge force bombarded Black Dragon Guard Xu Lang's body completely, smashing the dense black dragon scales on the former's body, and then this long whip was rolled again, together with several people around. One, directly rolled up, hung up high.

At the same time, the old woman stepped forward again, and the ground thundered and trembled under her whole body. Finally, it swelled upwards. From the ground, stretched out huge leaves like tentacles, and threw them forward.

These leaves all carried the substantive power of the sky, and then they extended forward across the entire underground, and blasted out in all directions where the rouge was, just like the terrifying claws grabbed out from under the ground.

After an instant, the devil's claws grasped inward, trying to crush the rouge, and at the same time the infinitely greedy voice from the old woman came out:

"Little bitter tea, look now, who can protect you?"

As he spoke, sharp claws covered the sky, and beside the rouge flying in the phoenix robe, there were only two people left.

Another one is Bai Zhining with a beautiful face and a white coat in the palace costume!

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