"Zhongtian, the rain of Qixian?"

On the deck of the bow of the Great Summer Treasure Ship, Sima Annan’s suspicious murmur hovered in the void, and after the words of Lord Zhongtian fell, the former fell into deep thought. .

It is true that in just a few words, Maharaja Zhongtian picked himself out of the cause and effect of this celestial recovery frenzy. Between the lines, he showed his wisdom of practice for countless years, and even made himself a victim.

However, Sima Annan, as the first adviser under Zhao Yu of Great Xia, would naturally not have sympathy and pity for the former complaint, and then his face remained unchanged. After a short period of thought, he raised his young face and looked at with dark eyes. To the Great Lord Zhongtian in front, the words of each word resounded in the void again:

"It turns out that this rain that has been raining for a year is called the rain of Qixian. It is really appropriate. It seems that you still have some news in your belly, Maharajah."

"In fact, the great monarch knows very little. If the young man or the northern emperor behind you have any questions, the old man knows everything."

"Your Majesty didn't let the officer ask anything, but I am more curious about one thing, kid."

At this point, Sima Annan, who was fluttering in white, raised his hand again and waved the folding fan, a little smile appeared on his face, and then he said:

"You can talk to the kid, what is the origin of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl who suddenly appeared in the Tangdu below?"

As soon as this question came out, Maharajah Zhongtian narrowed his eyes. After hesitating, he heard a hesitant voice:

"Young man, this Nine Heavens Profound Girl has a special status. This monarch can only say that she is the beloved daughter of the Emperor Tongtian. As for the others, it's really hard to say too much."

"Life is alive. As advisers, you should naturally be your masters. It is understandable for you to put these news in your stomach, but the boy feels a little sorry for what happened to the monarch."

After he finished speaking, Sima Annan's face began to show a little bit of regret, and the young voice continued to linger:

"Think about your Lord Zhongtian. You were originally the head of ten thousand immortals and the first immortal to complete the recovery, but now you have become one of the seals that suppress the way of heaven in this day. It's really embarrassing."

As soon as Sima Annan's words fell, the response from Maharaja Zhongtian directly rang out in front of him:

"The young man's words are bad. Now that he has decided to take his own initiative, he must focus on the overall situation. On the other hand, the Lord Bentian is now trapped in the outer world, and he is really helpless for the reviving immortals below. "

"It's easy to say, and our Majesty is not unreasonable. Since this matter has nothing to do with your old man, Maharajah Zhongtian, the officer will naturally not ask questions."

After Sima Annan's young voice came out, the tone between his words changed again, and he brought a very cold voice, and then immediately sounded:

"The fairy palace has the rules of the fairy palace, and my Daxia naturally also has the rules of Daxia. Since the Great Lord Zhongtian is not responsible for this matter, his Majesty also explained before the official came. Daxia will naturally follow the rules of Daxia. To deal with these reviving fairies."

After finishing speaking, Sima Annan no longer hesitated, and turned directly to the deck behind him. At the same time, behind him, Maharaja Zhongtian, with purple eyes, staring at the young man in front of his back like a sword, there was something in his eyes. The endless thoughts flowed wildly.

The undulating thoughts in the eyes of the Lord Zhongtian at this time are obvious, and this also indicates that the former's heart is not as calm as he can see from the surface, and then he stares at the back of Sima Annan who continues to move forward, finally Can't help it, and said directly:

"The young man from Daxia, Ben Jun believes that there should be a more moderate way to deal with this matter!"

As soon as this statement came out, Sima Annan just took five steps, and then the former stepped forward slightly, but then moved forward again, and a faint voice came out:

"Maharaja Zhongtian, whether it is Your Majesty or Da Xia, he always keeps his promises and will not give people two opportunities. This is also Da Xia's rule. If you know it for the first time, then please ask you next time. Remember this well.

"Therefore, this official is here to say hello to you in advance. It will not be long before the so-called fairies in your mouth are not under your control, I am afraid that life will not be easy!"

After the voice fell, Sima Annan, who was striding forward, continued to walk into the cabin of the Daxiabao ship, and then the cold voice sounded in the sky again:

"You are right not to let people in your own line go out, because soon these so-called fairies who are proud of their hearts will soon know who is in charge in this era!"

At the same time, just as Sima Annan's overbearing voice was spreading out of the sky, a number of figures stood holding hands among countless flowers, waiting to be summoned.

It is worth mentioning that if there are other people here, you will be surprised to find that at this time, these figures standing upright are all Daxia's hot young generals today.

This includes, among them, Daxia's first star, Wang Jing!

At the same time, behind Wang Jing stood a young general in heavy armor with a firm complexion and sharp eyes, suppressing the entire void like a city wall.

Those who are familiar with the Daxia Military Department understand that Peng Mu's figure will never be absent next to the current military and horse marshal Wang Jing. Some people even circulate in private, saying that the two men of Wang Jing and Peng Mu are quite similar. The style between His Majesty and the invincible Liangpo.

The name of the person and the shadow of the tree. Since Wang Jing commanded the entire North Sea War and won a complete victory, his prestige in the army has officially skyrocketed, so that several equally brilliant young people came and looked at the gaze ahead. In, unconsciously brought awe.

"Peng Mu, count the days, we haven't been called into this imperial garden for a long time, right?"

Under Xi Xiqiufeng, a voice from Wang Jing's mouth rang out, and after this word came out, Peng Mu behind the former nodded and responded:

"The last time I was summoned by your Majesty, it was when our Shenzhou Haotu had just arrived in Beihai."

After a few years have passed, Pengmu is still that Pengmu, still as reliable as an unstoppable city wall, and just after the former responded, another team of officials from the Teleportation Department held a memorial in their hands. , Quickly walked closer to this imperial garden from outside.

Then these officials handed all the memorabilia to a waiting servant at the entrance. After the latter took it, they stacked the memorandums according to their ranks. Without a word, they turned around and hurried into the imperial garden.

The whole set of movements was extremely fast, which can be said to be done in one go, but such a busy appearance made the solemn color in the eyes of the young generals waiting to be summoned.

At the next breath, Wang Jing, whose fists were slightly clenched, turned his head slightly, facing Peng Mu behind him, muttered:

"The memorial in the imperial garden is like rain, your majesty has called me to wait here, I am afraid that it is really going to go to war!"

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