The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2096: Ascend to heaven

"Mortal, how did you tear open the immortal law of ice and appear here?"

On the campus of Fengxin City Taihang Palace, the endless laws of ice, centered on the huge body of Nanze Tianxian, crazily condensed into the power of the immortal, suppressing the entire void.

In Nanze Tianxian’s eyes, the power of this level of immortality is enough to completely seal off the entire school field in front of him. At the same time, it is impossible for Zhong Lizhan to get close to him, but everything that happened before him was completely beyond. The former's cognition even made this ancient immortal who had just revived feel a momentary trance.

Tianxian Nanze, who has extraordinary fighting wisdom, fully understands his current state, and the most vulnerable point of him, who has just recovered, is undoubtedly his physical body.

Even if the physical power of the young people of Nanze Country has far surpassed most of the monks of the race, to a heavenly immortal, Nan's body is no different from a piece of tofu.

Therefore, from the resurrection of this celestial celestial being to the present, what he can rely on is the celestial technique he has accumulated for countless years.

Whether it is the sword cage immortality that imprisoned Zhong Lizhan and the condensed ice armor, or the infinitely powerful Nine Swords and Cold Calamity, the purpose is to maximize the strengths and avoid weaknesses, and end the battle as quickly as possible. However, Zhong Lizhan used naked reality to clearly tell this fairy that the times have changed.

After an instant, Zhong Lizhan, who appeared in the depths of the void with his twinkling dagger beside Nanze Tianxian, did not directly answer the former's question directly, but opened his mouth and let out a low growl:

"The times have changed a long time ago, and this is the era that belongs to Wu Daxia, and it is no longer the so-called immortals who have the final say!"

When the words fell, Zhong Lizhan held the hands of Nanze Tianxian's arm and squeezed tightly, even with extremely violent power, directly squeezing out countless cracks in the ice fairy armor on the former's arm.


This dense armor cracking sound is so harsh to Nanze Tianxian, and at the same time, the fear in his heart is surging more and more fiercely. The intuition of the Tianxian belongs to the clear feedback. A message.

He encountered a life-and-death crisis that was extremely rare in his life!

"Sword Return!"

Under such surging murderous intent, the only thing Nanze Tianxian can do is to do his best to recall the nine-handed sword, and force Zhong Lizhan to stay away.

But if there are the other taboos of the Tianhui Army here, it is already understood that since the moment Zhong Lizhan flickered to the former's side, the battle between the immortals and the common world has already been divided.

Because among all the taboos of the Radiant Army, Zhong Lizhan’s burst of damage can definitely be ranked in the top three!

"Ancient taboo magical powers. Landslide!"

Along with Zhong Lizhan's word-by-word voice, the school field where Zhong Lizhan and Nanze Tianxian were located, directly appeared in the shadow of an ancient sacred mountain.

What a magnificent and unparalleled sacred mountain, it contains the power of the earth veins, which is comparable to the imperial sacred mountain in the myth that supports the entire sky.

This fairy mountain is already powerful enough, but even more frightening, this sacred mountain began to collapse after a short while, but once the sacred mountain completely collapsed, what a violent and unparalleled power would be caused.

In the next instant, Tianxian Nanze experienced this power in person, how terrifying it was!

Because the sacred mountain surrounding him completely collapsed in an instant, and at the same time, this collapse did not simply break apart, but collapsed, shrinking toward the void where Nanze Tianxian was.

In the next instant, Nanze Tianxian's face suddenly became extremely distorted, because the frosty fairy armor covering his body surface even persisted for a moment, before being completely shattered by the power of the landslide without any fancy.

Then the force of this landslide continued to collapse inward, and began to squeeze Nanze Tianxian's law of the immortal released in the body.

In ancient times, a large part of the reason why Xianfan was so different from the sky was because of the power of the immortals mixed in the laws.

In other words, the power of this immortal is a mysterious and mysterious power, just like there are countless kinds of flames in the world, but there are also great differences between fire and fire.

This immortal power is one of the most powerful flames.

"Xianshu, Frost Immortal Body, get out of this immortal!"

In Nanze Tianxian's mouth, a roar that finally took on the color of horror finally came out, and then he suddenly opened his mouth, and spit out a torrent of frost in the direction where Zhong Lizhan was.

At the same time, Nanze Tianxian's body under the landslide, countless fairy runes lit up at the same time, connected to each other to form a cold ice fairy body, thereby resisting the incomparably violent force of the cracking of the earth veins.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is the strongest defense that Nanze Tianxian can erupt in a moment at this stage, but all this is completely futile, just rolling under the wheel, from the struggle of the ants.

Because the Daxia Taboo who possesses the ancient taboo law, what is boiling and flowing within the body is also the strongest taboo power that is not weaker than the power of the immortal.

So in the next moment, Zhong Lizhan, the arm of Nanze Tianxian, who was still holding his hands tightly, raised the corners of his mouth again, and the power of the mountains surging within his body boiled to the limit, like a demon-like voice, resounding again in Nanze. In the ears of the gods:

"Since you take a mouthful of a heavenly immortal, then this general will let you truly ascend to heaven, ancient forbidden magical powers. Throw!"

Zhong Lizhan’s young voice fell, and an infinite force made it easy for the former’s arms to gush out of no fancy violent violent, and at the same time, under this upward force, the Nanze Tianxian with a cold ice fairy body On the surface of the body, the winding fairy patterns were completely crushed in an instant.

After a while, Nanze Tianxian's fairly burly body was thrown into the air, like an arrow shot from a stretched bowstring, turning into a stream of light, shattering the enchantment covering the sky above the wind island. Instantly disappeared at the end of everyone's sight.

"Fly, fly, does this fairy fly?"

The stammering murmur came from the mouth of the young girl Qingyu, and then she suddenly raised her head, trying to find the body of Nanze Tianxian completely thrown away in the void filled with the wind above.

However, letting the girl search back and forth, he still could not find the half trace of Nanze Tianxian, because under the violent law of the young generals of the Radiant Army, Nanze Tianxian, who was completely shattered, took only a moment. Was completely thrown to the end of the Jiuzhong Tianque.

The next breath, Zhong Lizhan, who continued to stand on the school field, opened his hands outwards, the extremely violent earth aura, surging more violently again, his knees slightly bent.

Then the ground in the Taihang Palace school ground shook crazily, and the flying figure of Zhong Lizhan's robe jumped upwards, directly soaring into the sky like a rocket.


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