The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2085: Island hopping

"In territories outside the national border, this Daxia's behavior is really unusual everywhere."

In the guest room of a restaurant in Fengxin City, accompanied by a mumble, the young man Nan, who came from the land of Nanze, raised his hand and touched his head. After thinking for a few breaths, he got up while sitting cross-legged. .

Then this burly and sturdy young man with good vibes came to the window and just stretched out his hand to gently push the window in front of him outward, and he felt a gust of wind coming towards him.

At the next breath, a thick blank color appeared in the young man's eyes again, and then there seemed to be another voice in his ears, which was constantly surrounding:

"Wake up, wake up!"

These voices kept lingering in the ears of the young man Nan, and after a few breaths, an ear-splitting roar suddenly came from the void in front of him:


Under the sound of the wind, the burly young man suddenly felt aroused. It was only then that he recovered, only to realize that he was already in a cold sweat. Then Nan clenched his fist and slammed his fist against the window edge in front of him. Growl:

"Who is it, who on earth is whispering in my ear, the lingering spirit?"

The roar fell, and there was no response. The young man Nan, with a painful expression on his face, took a deep breath and turned and walked outside the door.

"Boy, where are you going?"

As soon as the young man walked to the door, the fierce questioning in another room sounded directly, and then the former responded without looking back:

"Huo Lao, I'm unsure of the boy, go out and stroll around the Xinfengxincheng, if you can, go to the so-called Taihang Palace in advance to see."

Half a quarter of an hour later, on the main island of Fengxin, on the endless streets, the burly Nanze Hanzinan stood straight in the middle of the street, staring at both sides of the strange and familiar streets around him, feeling a little bewildered.

For this child who grew up in the swamp mud, has he ever seen such a prosperous appearance?

Therefore, at this moment, the former seems to be in a new era, wanting to move forward, but does not know where to step.

In the next breath, a kind voice sounded in Yu Nan's ear, pulling the latter's thoughts back:

"Young man, but you just came to this city of wind, you are very confused about this place?"

When the voice fell, the burly young man turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound, and found that beside him, a middle-aged feather clan flying at low altitude fell from the sky.

Above the flying monk's feet, he was still holding a small platform in the air. It was obviously a monk in the Tianyun Temple who was located between the islands of Windheart City and transported monks to earn a living.

"This fellow Taoist, what are you?"

"Since this Fengxin City was re-established, I have seen too many monks standing on the street at a loss, like a fellow Taoist. It is true that Fengxin City, which has been built by Daxia with a completely different concept, is different from the past. The city that appears in the Profound Land is completely different.

After speaking, the middle-aged Tianyun Temple cultivator lightly waved his wings and circled the young man south, nodded and said:

"The young man has no destination. If you are on this main island, I will take you there for free. You must know that our Tianyun Temple has always been extremely hospitable."

As soon as he said this, Nan's eyes lit up, and after grinning, he opened his mouth and said:

"Friends of Taoism, I want to go to the Taihang Palace in Fengxin City, okay?"

"Taihang Palace, of course there is no problem. It is now one of the most watched places in Fengxin City. Every day, many monks want to experience the charm of that mysterious Daxia country."

But the next breath, when this excitement and high voice came from the middle-aged flying race just now, it seemed to have thought of something, and he raised his hand and screamed:

"Oops, I forgot a very important thing. This Taihang Palace is on another island, but now the eye of the wind is about to break out, and it will be fine on the main island. If you go to the other wind islands, it will be cut into powder. of."

After the middle-aged flying race finished speaking, a rather apologetic smile appeared on his face. After all, it had just boasted about going to Haikou before, and then stopped and continued to speak:

"Young man, due to the eruption of the eye of the wind, it is impossible to take you directly to the Taihang Palace, but I can take you to the edge of the main island, where you can see the island of Taihang that belongs to Daxia, and wait for the eye of the wind to pass. , You can take a closer look.

"But the Taihang Palace is the site of Daxia after all, so you can only see the former's style from the periphery. It is almost impossible to enter, I don't know what do you think of the young man?"

After the sound of neither humble nor overbearing fell, the young man Nan nodded without hesitation, and then jumped onto the platform grabbed by the flying race, and the two directly rose into the sky.

If you hovered high in the sky before, waiting to land, you still couldn't feel the hugeness of the main island of Fengxin City, then the low-altitude flying by now made this young man from Nanze feel the light below. How wide the city is.

At the same time, row upon row of buildings are staggered on the main island with a reasonable layout, and squares are interspersed between the building communities, which can be said to be the ultimate use of this huge island.

In order to allow young people Nan to appreciate the style and features of this Xinfengxincheng, the middle-aged flying race deliberately slowed down their forward flight speed. Then Moyo two quarters later, the two came to the edge of the main island. A square landed slowly.

And if one word is used to describe the atmosphere of the square on the edge of the main island at this time, it is extremely lively!

Perhaps it was all to see this Great Xia Taihang Palace with their own eyes. These monks who had come to participate in the Taoist society from all over came here by appointment. Since then, the square was surrounded by monks, and they even moved forward. It has become very difficult.

Then, among the crowd, the burly young man Nan, with a strong body, separated the monk in front of him, step by step to the edge of the main island, raised his eyes and narrowed his eyes.

But what disappointed Nan was that at this time, between the islands, there was a thick layer of fog, which completely enveloped the island in front of him, making the Fengdao where the entire Taihang Palace is looming, especially mysterious.

"This trip is here for nothing, so I can't see anything!"

The young man Nan just stood on the edge of the main island platform, and complaints came directly into his ears. Then a trace of pity flashed across Nan's face. He just wanted to turn around, but frowned.

Because a beautiful shadow jumped out directly on the square platform and rushed directly into the dense fog in front of him. Such a sudden change made Nan Subconsciously pounce forward, reaching out and grabbing forward.

However, this grasp caught a void, and within a few millimetres, the figure slid between the fingers and fell into the fog. At the same time, a series of exclamation sounds directly sounded:

"This person is not going to kill him. When the wind broke out, he even jumped to the island, looking for death. It's really looking for death!"

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