The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2083: The New Order of Windheart City

How long does it take to build a big city at the level of the capital in the land of the Supreme Profound Realm from scratch?

It took two thousand years for the capital of Xuemei Country under the Snow Wind Mountain, and Tangdu, the capital of the central state, took a long time for thousands of years.

Although this data cannot clearly calculate the average time taken for the establishment of major cities, it is sufficient to show that the establishment of cities is not overnight, but a huge project that requires continuous construction from generation to generation.

"Girl Han, you said it took a year to build this Fengxin City?"

Above the void of Fufeng County, the stammering sound of the stammer sounded from the back of the snow storm eagle that shook its wings from Xuemei Shangguo. Then the two eyeballs almost stared out of Huo Lao, thinking that he had appeared in front of him. Illusion, after shaking his head, he looked up again, his mouth opened wide, still an incredible appearance.

Because appearing in front of him at this time is a city completely floating in the void, or a huge group of buildings connected to each other with floating giant islands.

"The old man himself is one of the instrument repairs. Therefore, he is very aware of the difficulty of building the city. It is impossible. In such a short period of time, to build such a large group is simply a matter of heaven and night, unless it is the past of the fairy palace era. Only those immortals who can turn stones into gold in the legend have some permission."

After this sound came out of Huo Lao’s mouth, the cold yin standing around him did not explain it, but with a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said softly:

"Old man, now this era has completely changed. If you look at things from the past, it will affect your normal life, and there is one thing you should pay attention to.

"This city was built by Daxia with the help of Tianyun Temple, and once you enter this brand-new Fengxin City, even if you are surprised, you must remain calm, because in the end, you will still be numb."

Speaking of this, Han Yin stretched out his hands to get the seal, and gently pushed forward, and suddenly there appeared a series of runes around the blizzard giant eagle, these runes appeared blue, if you look carefully, It is the elves of the wind that are beating.

At the next breath, the voice from Han Yin continued to sound in the ears of the old Huo and the young man Nan:

"This Xinfengxincheng has re-arranged enchantments in all directions, but the formation key to enter the enchantment is public, and every monk can directly use it.

"Although the Tianyun Temple has undergone major changes, these flying races still adhere to a neutral stance, so all visitors are welcome and they are welcome."

As soon as this statement fell, the Snow Wind Condor under a few people waved their wings heavily, and the entire huge body plunged into the Fengxin City in front of them.

In a short while, the flow of people around, the most intuitive feeling is that the heavy rain that originally fell on the top of the head suddenly disappeared, and then the wind, a gust of wind rolling up from the bottom to the surface, At the same time, in this wisp of wind, there is an extremely warm noise and popularity.

At the same time, everyone above the Snow Wind Eagle looked down and saw the sky above the main island of Windheart City, circling countless flying races with flying wings, waiting to descend.

In other words, compared with the previous capital of Xuemei Country, this place is completely ice and fire.

After a breath, a very sweet female voice suddenly sounded in the entire Wind Heart City array, and it was clearly transmitted to the ears of all the monks hovering in the air:

"Dear fellows, please line up to the monks between the 14th and the 3rd,300th, and descend to the 8th square of the main island in an orderly manner. If it is the first time to come to Xinfengxincheng, you can follow the light of the magical power to guide you. Landing slowly.

"At the same time, the flying monks in the 17th, 21st, and 34th airspaces of the main island, please stay away. You Tianweng is about to take off. As the number of monks coming to Fengxin City has surged recently, the airspace has become crowded, so please The monks must listen to the tower's command.

"If there is a situation that disturbs the flight order, the Tianyun Temple will discharge the red-clothed cultivators to ward off. If the circumstances are serious, they will be expelled from the city. Please pay attention to the fellow daoists."

This series of sweet voices echoing in the void, like a gentle heavy hammer, drove the smashing minds of the old and young from Nanze country on the giant snow eagle. After looking at each other, they all From the other person's eyes, I saw a thick color of incomprehension.

The voices that lingered in the ears before, although every word is familiar to the two, but when combined, it gives people a sense of doubt. Then the old man with a rough face rubbed his robe with his hands a little uneasy, and asked. road:

"Friends of the cold Daoist, my old man is not afraid of being laughed at. What does this sound just now mean? The old man has been to Fengxin City several times before, and he just landed directly in the city at that time. There is no such weirdness. Excuse me."

"Old Huo don’t have to be arrogant. The monks who came to Xinfengxin City for the first time don’t know much about it. According to the statement in the Tianyun Temple, this is the order of landing in Xinfengxin City, in order to increase the entire Fengxin. The efficiency of flying in and out of the city."

After finishing the sentence, Han Yin slightly moved forward again, and a wisp of wind appeared directly in front of him, and then the wind spread out, revealing one of the numbers.

"Don’t say anything else, after the implementation of this new order, the entire Fengxin City seems to be completely transformed, and the entry and exit are orderly. The number in front of us is the number left when passing through the outer barrier. It means you can Number of landing.

"Three thousand two hundred and forty-two, this is our serial number, so according to the instructions, we are going to land on the eighth square."

After the voice fell, his expression was cold, but he was extremely patient with a cold chant, waved away the serial number in front of him, then lowered his head, scanned down for a circle, clicked in a certain direction of the main island below, and continued to speak:

"Plaza No. 8 is there, and once we use the corresponding simple magical powers, there will be a guiding light shining out of the square to guide the whereabouts of the flying race."

"What about this so-called airspace?"

"The airspace is easier to understand. It is to divide the entire Windheart City into areas in all directions. Because Yu Tianweng is so huge, it is accompanied by a hurricane after takeoff, so the airspace that he passes through must be cleared."

After Han Yin's explanation fell, accompanied by the flapping of the wings of the giant snow eagle under the several people, a soft light was easy to shine from the ground, locked on the bodies of the giant snow eagle of several people, slowly Move forward.

"Friends in the cold, the old man has one last question, what's the explanation for the word tower?"

As soon as this question came out, even Han Yin, who was standing on the back of the giant eagle, had a pretty face, frowning and thinking carefully, muttered:

"Lao Huo is really going to be embarrassed when he asks this."

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