The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2050: Fall in the most brilliant time

As the saying goes, the will of heaven is hard to violate, the majesty of heaven is unpredictable, and the will of the way of heaven, as a mortal, is unpredictable and unpredictable, even if it is the Taiqing Great Sage who has already practiced to the extreme.

The Great Sage of Taiqing is the sharpest sword of Heaven, but in the eyes of Heaven, he is only a sword, not to mention that this sword has been broken now, so everything left by it is naturally meaningless.

This naturally includes the law of co-ruling the world established in this grand Taoist society!

Heaven does not carry any emotions, so the so-called public order and good customs, rules and morals are not within its rules. What it needs to maintain is the operation between heaven and earth.

Ordinary people can only see the monks with extraordinary knowledge in front of them, and perhaps they can see the situation after ten years, but there are very few talents who can see the development of the general trend after a hundred years or a thousand years.

But the way of heaven is different, its will is enough to extend for thousands of years!

Perhaps at this time, in the eyes of the sect monk wailing in the ruins of Fengxin City, the great sage Taiqing worked so hard, and even built the law of co-ruling the world with his life's strength, was shattered so without hesitation. What a sorrow.

But in the eyes of Tiandao, this is a discarded thing that can be discarded at will, and on the other hand, whether it is the delicacy or the dregs in the eyes of ordinary people, in Tiandao's view, it is the same.

How long the whole world is, even if it is the Great Sage of Taiqing who has amazing one era at this time, there will be an existence comparable to it in another era.

"Sad and sad, sad and sad!"

In Fengxin City, countless cracks spread outward like spider webs. At the same time, because of the proudly standing world of Daxia Treasure Ship, most of the core area of ​​Fengxin City was still preserved.

After that, the sects were overhauled with sorrowful expressions, and the screams in their mouths continued, and the breath on their bodies was particularly wilting. They looked at the mighty thunder sea around them, desperately desperate.

It is true that when a mortal realizes the gap between himself and the way of heaven, all that is left is despair.

But at this time, fortunately, there is this heaven-shielding beast claw on the top of these monks, which is like the strongest fortress in the boundless sea of ​​thunder, sheltering all quarters.

In the next breath, a monk in Fengxin City seemed to have thought of something, his whole body began to tremble violently, he suddenly raised his head, staring at the big summer treasure ship above, as if he were in the vast desert. Seeing the hotness of the oasis.

Tiandao regards everything as a dog, and a single look is enough to almost completely erase the entire Fengxin City, and in the rules of the operation of the will of Tiandao, now he knows the secret sect monks in the fairy palace period and on the treasure ship. The standing blasphemers, naturally, have already turned into dust.

But the main road is fifty, the sky is forty-nine, and people are one of them.

After an instant, outside the Nanxian Gate, he sensed the will of the Great Dao that the Spear of Divine Might did not work. He turned his gaze back for a moment, but he did not continue to look back, because in front of him, under the Pillar of Might of Heaven, it was melted. To the point where there was only a trace of Tai Xuan burning lamp, a stern and painful speech sounded directly:

"It is said that the way of heaven is ruthless, and it is really naked and unconcealed. Taiqing is not only the sword in your hand, but also letting go of the physical body, leading you to come here.

"Now he is too clear to fold the sword, and everything he does will be swept into the dust of history in a blink of an eye, heaven, what a heaven!"

As soon as this roar came out, all the monks who heard the words in the sky, clenched their fists, and directly exclaimed:

"Holy Lord, the holy Lord is not dead, he is still roaring under the sword of punishment of the gods of heaven."

This exclamation fell, not only everyone around, even the Heavenly Dao outside the Nanxian Gate holding the sword, there was also a slight pause in the emotionless eyes.

Few people know that the will of Tiandao pays attention to rules and sequences, and its every move is based on this set sequence. Obviously, the first sequence of the will of Tiandao is Destroy the Lord in front of you!

Therefore, this Heavenly Dao Will retracted a trace of will that had been locked to the side of Fengxin City, and once again faced the front, slowly raised his right hand, and then gently shook it.

At the next breath, the power of Heaven's Punishment and Divine Power spreading in all directions like a vast ocean, as if being summoned, suddenly gathered in the right hand of Heaven's Will.

The sky outside the sky, once again appeared a picture of incomparable fear, in other words, every minute and every second that happened in this place at this time was enough to be remembered for a lifetime.

The endless sea of ​​Heaven's Punishment and Thunder, converging inward at an unparalleled speed, so only a short moment later, before the right hand of Heaven's Will, condensed a sword again.

At the same time, along with the aggregation of all the divine powers that poured and spread, outside the Nanxian Gate, which was originally flooded with countless glare, the pillar of light that opened to the sky suddenly dissipated, and then the situation under the original pillar of light gradually emerged under all sight. .

I saw that the flat platform outside the Nanxian Gate, which had existed for an unknown number of years, had numerous cracks due to the bombardment of the Pillar of Divine Might.

You must know that in the remote fairy palace era, the Tiantiantai outside the Nanxian Gate was the facade of the entire Xianting Sacred Palace, and this facade was naturally built by the entire fairy palace, even this platform and the extremely heavy Nanxianmen. Be of the same material.

And as today Dao Will waved his hand to blast him out of countless cracks, which naturally included his overbearing power that he wanted to overwhelm the fairy palace.

However, at this time, all the existence of Tianwaitian didn't have the time to worry about this broken platform, but condensed the line of sight on the light lying in the crack.

The Holy Venerable who has been lurking for countless years deserves to have the infinite background that even the Heavenly Way. After taking over the Taiqing Sword and the Heavenly Sword before, he can even use the Taixuan Burning Lantern to protect himself. A trace of soul, thus not completely extinguished.

However, although there is still a trace of wisdom, the faint glow of lights already indicates that this era's hero is really at the end of the road, and the roar that comes out at this time is more like a powerless rebuke to the heavens.

The next breath, an even more violent roar, continued to spread among the lights that were about to be extinguished:

"The Eight Ways of Heaven in the Taixuan Land is a big joke. This saint shouldn't keep his hands back then. If only one side of the Way of Heaven is destroyed, you should ignore the so-called life and death of the world, and let your Eight Ways of Heaven be broken! "

This roar fell, and the weak burning lamp above the Nanxianmen platform still burst out with a glimmer of light at the end, and after a bang, the orange light completely filled the entire Nanxianmen.

Then under the shining light, this group of lights began to flee towards the rear, and the direction it fleeed was surprisingly the fairy garden shrouded in colorful light behind!

The holy lord who is now on his way to the end, in front of the divine might of heaven, there is only one way, and that is to rush into the fairy palace behind to accept the shelter of the former fairy palace.

This is undoubtedly a particularly ironic thing.

However, human calculation is ultimately no match for heaven calculation, so after an instant, the right hand of Tiandao Will lifted up slightly, and the sword in his hand came forward.

At the same time, the sharp sword tore through the void and nailed the lamp to the ground.

A generation of heroes finally fell at the peak of glory!

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