The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2017: Hold the light


The sound made when the knife slashed the monk's neck was still so piercing.

It is true that the higher the cultivator's cultivation level, the stronger his physical body will be. Every increase in the realm is equivalent to re-tempering the muscles and bones of the whole body.

Therefore, even if the cultivators of the Central Kingdom on the outer space battlefield now have sharp blades in their hands, after cutting them out, it still takes a lot of vitality and energy to completely wipe off the enemy's head.

In fact, the more soldiers who have been fighting on the battlefield for a long time, the more they understand that on the battlefield, it is the best choice to end the opponent’s life with the least strength. Whether it is bloodletting or throat stabbing, it is more reasonable than cutting off the entire head. Multiple times.

But for the soldiers of the Central High Kingdom who have suppressed the killing intent in their chests to the limit, only by cutting off the entire head of the person in front of the holy court can they release their inner anger!


After slashing the head of the former Holy Court monk below with a knife, the upper country general wearing silver armor raised his arms and roared, allowing the blood from the enemy to splash all over his body, and his breath surged outward like a madman.

In the next breath, the first general of the Central High Kingdom who swung a knife to chop off the head of the Holy Court monk, with his completely red eyes, looked around, facing the three Holy Court people who had been slaughtered in front of him, without evading. He slammed his head forward and roared out:

"Sacred court's chores, die for Lao Tzu!"

Before the roar fell, the general who looked like a violent bear directly knocked one of the holy court cultivators back without fancy, and at the same time waved a big knife in his hand. Before the other holy court cultivator could react, he slashed it off. The head of the former.

In the next breath, the harsh friction sounded again on the battlefield, but at the same time, a sharp blade also pierced the general's chest.

Then the monk who was stabbed in the shot just wanted to withdraw, but was grabbed by the neck by a powerful hand and lifted it up.

"I stabbed Lao Tzu with a sword and still want to run?"

The extremely cold voice fell, the general of the blood bear clan in the Central Upper Kingdom directly threw away the sharp-edged sword in his hand, and his other hand stretched out, and under the horrified gaze of the holy court monk, he tore it violently. , Directly tore the latter into two **** halves.

Such a violent and **** scene directly caused the holy court army surging ahead to subconsciously stagnate, and on the battlefield, the rapid changes, the emphasis is on momentum, and it is never going forward, so this short stagnation is enough to explain the changes in the situation.


After an instant, the whole person was soaked with countless blood, and a blood bear with a long sword inserted in his chest defeated, stepped forward, and continued to charge, and with it, there were countless people who snarled life and death. The assault soldier.

"Boom boom boom!"

After the deafening supernatural powers reacted to the boom, the vast assault team in the central kingdom, like sharp arrows, directly tore the defensive line composed of the holy court monks, and drove straight in.

"My lord, the front line is down, the front line is down!"

Suddenly, an extremely anxious report sounded directly outside the Xianting Saint Palace, and then several people from the Shengting Tiance Palace's overhaul, their complexions suddenly became extremely cold and stern, and they opened their mouths and let out an angry shout:

"I haven't been blind, so naturally I can see the situation. Press forward and mobilize the cultivator team at the back to fill the vacancy. At the same time, all the rough and thick monsters are summoned to the front to plug the gap!"

After speaking, the commander of the Holy Court Major Repair, whose entire figure was shrouded in a vague cloud, frowned, and his voice continued to speak:

"Where are the great philosophers in Wugong? Especially the ancient giant of the fifth philosopher, who can be described as the most powerful weapon on this battlefield."

As soon as this inquiry came out, it was also on the periphery of this Xian Ting Holy Palace, a volleyed holy court monk who overwhelmed him with a disdainful hum, and the response came out:

"In recent years, since the Holy Venerable closed the gate of the Lingxiao Palace, Wu Palace and Tiance Palace have been fighting for control of the entire Holy Court. Originally, Wu Palace has faintly overwhelmed Tiance Palace. Now the Holy Venerable suddenly After leaving the customs, the so-called great philosophers of these martial arts are all gone, which is really a joke."

The person who spoke was obviously also from Tiance Palace, and then he looked ahead as if the defensive line was completely cut by a huge pair of scissors, and then said:

"We have fought against Central Shangguo for so many years, and we are also very clear about the abilities of these people. In so many battles in the past, Central Shangguo's army has never broken the copper wall and iron wall laid by our holy court so much.

"This time, these people are really desperate!"

As soon as the monk of the Tiance Palace opened his mouth and murmured, the voice of another holy court monk immediately sounded:

"Do you know why the battle between our holy court soldiers and the Central Shangguo army is so different this time?"

After the voice fell, the holy court overhaul, who had hidden most of his body behind the clouds, did not hesitate too much, and the voice continued to spread:

"That's because of faith. The soldiers of the Central Government have the belief that they must die, but this, my holy court monk does not have, or is lost.

After speaking, this rather mysterious monk did not have much explanation. Instead, he turned his gaze away from the front line and turned to the side. A deep awe appeared in his eyes, and a low voice spread. out:

"After the Holy Venerable leaves the pass, his complete power to reach the sky is already invincible in the world. Therefore, the monks in the entire holy court are planning in their hearts what benefits they can gain once the holy court dominates the world.

"So they are afraid of death, because once they die, they won't get anything. No one will remember them, and no one will mourn them."

When he said this, the monk's voice was very soft, as if he was speaking to himself, but then he shook his head again, and the meaningful words continued to sound inaudible:

"As the saying goes, people are not for themselves, and the heavens are destroyed, but the taste of being ignored by people is not wonderful. Perhaps in the eyes of the Lord, we people, even tools, are no different from ants."

"My lord, what are you talking about?"

At the next breath, the sound continued to sound from his side, pulling back the vague figure's thoughts, and then there was a more anxious voice not far away:

"No, the front line defensive formation has been completely torn apart and can't be stopped, my lord, what should I do?"

"Don't panic, arrange for the monks to retreat. If it doesn't work, they will retreat outside of the Xianting Holy Palace."

The still indifferent voice came from the vague monk's mouth, and then without turning his head back, the voice continued to sound:

"As long as the saint beheads this Taiqing Sect Master, even if these people from the central government rush to this High Heaven Palace?"

After he finished speaking, following the monk's gaze, he saw the Holy Venerable standing alone outside the Nanxian Gate. He continued to raise his right hand and once again pinched the Tai Xuan burning lamp on his shoulder.

One lamp one world, and the light of this lamp is the soul of all struggling creatures who are twisted and crying!

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