People don’t offend me, I don’t offend people, if people offend me, I will kill people!

These short sixteen characters are the principle of Daxia's foreign policy, and it is also the golden rule forged by countless Daxia soldiers, with their invincible forces and the swearing to death and fighting with their heads and blood.

If the heavens and the earth pay attention to rules, then Sima Annan's words that resonated in the ears of all monks are Daxia's rules!

Daxia has never been afraid of war, and since Zhao Yu dominated Shenzhou, this invincible posture of victory in all battles and defeats against enemies has also built up boundless confidence for all Daxia's citizens.

This confidence was obvious, and even directly turned into a **** tornado like a scarlet storm, rising mightily above the Daxia Treasure Ship, running through the entire sky.

Waves of fierce iron-blooded evil spirits spread outwards, without fancy blasting on the body of the monk standing on the lotus platform below, making the latter's complexion serious and frowning.

Because these sect monks, in the breath rushing from the front, felt an unprecedented iron and blood evil intention. This kind of evil intention, unlike any sect cultivator, seemed to be bleeding sharply in the face of a handle. The weapon.

"This breath is simply a sword born for warfare!"

In the next breath, the old monk with a keen mind lifted his vitality and placed layers of law aura in front of him. This reduced the ice-cold edge that circulated around him a little, and continued to preach with a bit of amazement:

"This Northern Territory Great Xia is a real country, he is different from the sect forces we previously understood!"

As soon as the voice fell, over the turbulent Fengxin City, the Qi machine trembled crazily again, because the sword of Taiqing that spanned more than half of the sky began to tremble crazily to an unprecedented degree.

Every time this sword of Taiqing trembles, it can cut a series of cracks in the dark space that are visible to the naked eye.

Then the luster like sapphire began to circulate on the sword of Taiqing, and at the same time, countless monks below let out an exclamation:

"Moved, this sword of Taiqing, moved!"

As soon as the voice fell, countless eyes swept back to the Taiqing Great Sage behind the desk, and then he exclaimed even more horrified:

"Great Sage Taiqing, drew the sword!"

At the next breath, I saw the middle-aged man with rolling green hair, once again lifting the Taiqing Longsword in his hand in front of him, and at the same time the Taiqing Great Sage stretched out his left hand, gently holding the Taiqing sword hilt, outwards Unplug.

After an instant, a sword whistling sound that was even more deafening than a tiger's roar and a dragon's roar, burst directly into the eardrums of all the monks.


Taiqing Jianxiao, heaven and earth silenced.

Then in the silent silence, the Sect Master Taiqing held the hilt of the sword with his left hand and continued to exert force outwards, slowly pulling out the long sword in his hand from the scabbard.

Then, in the silent silence, the sky and the earth began to light up suddenly, and the sky and the earth were bright, like the blue sun descending, shining in all directions.

This is a sword light, and it is also a cyan light!

In a sense, the Great Sage Taiqing is the sharpest sword of the entire Tiandao in this era, and the Taiqing sword in the hands of the Sect Master of the Taiqing Sect has undoubtedly gathered the sharpest edge belonging to the Tiandao. .

Therefore, in the next instant, strands of the vast sky visible to the naked eye appeared directly in the eyes of Taiqing Dao above, turning into azure blue thunders, smashing down, and blasting into the sky above the handle across the entire void. In the sword of Taiqing.

Every time the Heavenly Mighty Thunder slashed, it would make the Taiqing Sword, including the entire world, light up for a minute, and then within the sky filled the sky, one after another blazing white Heavenly Dao runes began to appear.


In everyone's ears, the extreme sword whistle still oscillated, indicating that Sect Master Taiqing above the sky was still pulling out the sword in his hand.

The Taiqing sword was originally longer than the other swords in the Taixuan Land. At the same time, the great sage of Taiqing with flying green hair did not pull out fast, as if every inch was pulled out, it pulled away a piece that had passed away. Glorious era.

Then the countless lights in Fengxin City forced the mighty power of the Heavenly Dao above the void, stubbornly opening his eyes, wanting to see the exact appearance of this Heavenly Dao sword.

But how do mortals look directly at the way of heaven?

Even if these people are the great practitioners who control a sect on weekdays, even if their cultivation is already at the top level in the realm of the profound, but they are still at the next breath, can not close their eyes, and at the same time are shaken back by a step. .

After a few breaths, as the Great Sage Taiqing completely pulled out the long sword outwards again, the endless brilliance made it easy for the sword to burst out from inside and out.

Then in the spirit of everyone's consciousness, another round of sun really appeared in the sky above Fengxin City.

The Day of Taiqing!

The blazing blue sun descended on the world and instantly robbed countless cultivators of their vision, and the moment before these cultivators closed their eyes, there was only a horrified thought that rolled violently.

"In the scabbard of this Taiqing sword, is there a round of big sun?"

At the same time, on the deck of the Daxia Treasure Ship, the windrunner Xu Qing stepped forward abruptly, and a solemn voice came out:

"This Great Sage of Taiqing pulled out a round of Great Sun, but it's not just Great Sun, because within this Great Sun, there is still a sword shadow."

As soon as the voice of the enemy approaching fell, the sword shadow within the blazing blue sun instantly solidified and began to outline the figure.

And not so much that this is a sword shadow, it is better to say that this is a torrent of Taiqing flowing forward.

Taiqing Qi is one of the three supreme treasures of the heavens and the earth, and it is accompanied by the power and birth of the heavens when the heavens and the earth first opened.

Therefore, the intangible and impermanent is its original appearance!

Therefore, the sword shadow that was completely pulled out by the Sect Master of the Qing Dynasty, first swayed from side to side like a dancing silk, and then became a river flowing outwards, scouring back and forth.

And no matter what the sword shadow changes into, it will not hinder the strength of this sword, because the upper handle penetrates the sky and the sky, and the Heavenly Dao swords are branded one after another by the heavenly runes, which are the tools of the former's power. Now.

This may be the first time this Taiqing Sect Master has completely drawn out this Taiqing Sword in the past thousand years.

At the same time, with the horrible appearance of the Dao Sword in his hand holding the Taiqing Great Sun, once again let all the monks truly feel what is the most powerful cultivation!

The strongest of the Taixuan Land, carry the power of the sky, and penetrate the sky and the earth!

After a few breaths, under the incomparably fierce Taiqing sword intent, the cultivators who finally recovered, couldn't help but begin to show a trembling thought:

"This sword is rare in ancient times. Who is it pointed at by its blade?"

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