The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1977: Taiqing Changhe

With a cocoon in his hand and a sword in his heart, for the common people of the world, willing to be a sword!

This shocking and even shocking speech was the answer and promise of Sect Master Taiqing, at this moment, to the Palace Master of Tianyun Palace, and even to all the monks in Fengxin City.

Obviously, he is just a sword held, and who is holding him?

Only God!

He acts on behalf of the sky and promotes the law of co-ruling the world. Naturally, it is impossible for him to have the heart to encroach on the world like the Lord.

"The will of this saint is the will of Heaven!"

Above Fengxin City, the voice from the Great Sage of Taiqing continued to blast out loudly. After resounding in all directions, the pitch-black crack that appeared on the eyes of Taiqing Dao still did not open after all.

After a few breaths, the turbulent and boundless momentum, together with the boiling and tumbling Taiqing Qi, gradually subsided, but the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness of all the sect powers were tumbling more violently.

Then in Tianyun Mountain, there were several powerful monks flying out of it, nodding their heads in the void, and together with the sect disciples behind them, they landed on the high-grade lotus platform one after another.

Immediately after that, more and more forces flew out of Tianyun Mountain, and in the end it exceeded the number of hands.

And along with dozens of big sect monks in a row, stepping on this high-grade lotus platform, one after another shouted loudly in Fengxin City:

"Apocalypse Sect, Lian Yun Sect, and other major sects, but many sects have chosen to join this camp that governs the world together, it's incredible!"

The scene of such high-level forces coming together also means that the words of the former Taiqing Sect Master's willingness to make these power leaders who were hesitant in their hearts completely made up their minds.

One family has made a choice, then more families will follow.

Therefore, after a few more breaths, there are a series of extraordinary monk figures flying out of Tianyun Mountain, their clothes fluttering, and their breath rolling.

"If it hadn't been for this time that the Heavenly Cloud Palace Lord still burst into tears, the King Bentian even thought that this princess of the sky had been arranged in advance by the Great Sage Taiqing."

On the edge of the deck of the Daxiabao ship, a voice of interest came from the mouth of the Southern Heavenly King Chang Xiliu, and then Sima Annan next to him raised his right hand and swayed gently, responding:

"The princess of the dignified sky is surrounded by the two major forces of the Tianyun Temple and the Fufeng clan behind it. How can it be such a good arrangement.

"In other words, this Fairy Yunshang's decision is very important at this time, because whether it is Tianyun Temple or the Fufeng clan, it is a particularly critical part of the entire world co-governance system."

Sima Annan's response sounded with certainty, and the high-ranking monks who saw the situation clearly thought like Sima Annan.

Therefore, these people continue to lock their sights on the sky and pay close attention to the changes in this situation.

But unexpectedly, the sad fairy Yunshang did not fall directly on the top-grade lotus platform as expected by a large number of monks below. Instead, he raised his hand to cover his heart, and continued to stare at him. The man in Tsing Yi ahead.

Then I saw the woman who encompassed the entire sky's spiritual energy, clenching her fists, and slowly speaking:

"Taiqing, is it worth it for you?"

Is it worth it? After these three words lingered in the void, the whole world of Fengxin City suddenly fell into silence again, and then a particularly strange emotion began to emerge in everyone's hearts.

It is true that for countless years, countless creatures have appeared on this Taixuan Continent. They come from different races and have various ambitions.

In fact, it is difficult to simply use good or bad to describe each of these creatures that have appeared on the earth, but there are few people like the Taiqing Sect Master above.

For the common people, willing to be a sword!

Therefore, the steady voice continued to roll out from the Taiqing Sect Master’s mouth:

"Friend Tianyun, Ben Sheng believes that all this is worth it."

This decisive and magnificent voice resounded through the world, and then the Taiqing Sect Master, who was sitting cross-legged behind the table of the Tianyun Temple, still held the exceptionally slender Taiqing sword in his right hand, but raised his left hand to face the front Tap it lightly.

At the next breath, under the eyes of Taiqing Dao above the sky, the infinite Taiqing Qi began to converge inward, and in a blink of an eye, it converged into a giant finger like a mountain.

"Heaven and earth are like springs, and everyone in the world is indulged in springs, but they are unable to struggle to get out and gain true detachment."

When the words fell, the Great Sage Taiqing in the Tianyun Palace directly glanced at the clear spring. At the same time, above the sky of Fengxin City, there was also a huge and incomparable Taiqing spring slowly emerging.

The Great Sacred Realm's thought change piece contains great power, so in a short while, everyone's top sky will change drastically.

The misty sky was completely replaced by a large azure lake, and the extremely magnificent scene shook the monk's heart.

"This should be the legend, the one that created the Great Sage of the Qing Dynasty is too clear, it is really magnificent!"

With a heartfelt admiration, the fingers of the left hand of the Sect Master Taiqing just reached into the phantom of the spring water in front of him, and then gently stirred.

"Ding Dong."

I saw a clear and pleasant sound directly, and the sound was as clear as a spring falling on a jade plate, which made people feel slightly shocked.

At the same time, the entire void above Fengxin City, along with the stirring of that finger, also began to ripple violently.

As the ripples spread, Taiqing Qingqi surged out, forming a long river of Qingqi directly within the eyes of the Taiqing Spring, flowing slowly above the sky.

What is strange is that this Taiqing River is clearly divided into three parts.

At the forefront of the Taiqing River, the whole body showed a particularly clear blue color, clean, extremely stable, and without the slightest undulation.

In the middle section, it was extremely turbid, as if it was mixed with sand, and there was even a lot of scarlet and black gas mixed in, and it rolled up and down extremely violently, as if it was boiling.

In the end, I arrived at the last section of the river. I saw that the last section of the river was looming and very vague. Even if I looked carefully, I couldn't see the truth inside.

"The Qi of Taiqing, as one of the three treasures in the world, really deserves its reputation. It can evolve the River of Taiqing to show the mystery of time."

Sima Annan immediately rang the sound from the deck of the Daxia Treasure Ship, revealing the identity of the river in front of him, and then there were several other eyes staring from all over the deck.

Because the Daxia Taboos who came along with Zhao Yu all know that there are very few people in this world who can control the power of time, and Sima Annan happens to be one of them.

At the next breath, Sima Annan, who was watching all the gazes, suddenly raised his right hand, opened his five fingers, and lifted it upwards, and a three-phase golden flame burned on the palm of his hand.

Above the burning three-phase golden flames, a river of time slowly emerged. At the same time, Sima Annan’s young voice sounded directly:

"The Great Sacred Realm is worthy of being a Great Sacred Realm, and the long river of Taiqing it transforms is stronger than mine!"

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