The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1974: Change of identity

"Hallmaster of Tianyun Palace?"

When the sky above Fengxin City, the woman who can be called the spirit of the sky, wrapped in the Lan Feng who began to cheer with thousands of people, slowly appeared on the heaven and earth Dao lotus, the sound of inquiries made it easy for a large number of monks to pass on. Out.

Too many people are extremely unfamiliar with this tall figure dancing in the sky above the sky, so the continuous inquiries sounded again:

"The Lord of the Heavenly Cloud Palace is such a dazzling and wonderful person, why did I never understand it before?"

As soon as this question was heard, an old man in Fengxin City raised his mouth, raised his hand to caress the white beard on his chest, and explained:

"You little guys, the cultivation time is still short, so I don't know that there is such a number one person, but if the time is moved forward a thousand years, the name of the head of the Tianyun Palace, it will be like thunder."

After speaking, the eyes of the surrounding young monks lit up, and several others raised their hands to salute the old man beside them, and said:

"I also hope that the old Taoist friends will solve their doubts. I am waiting to hear the details."

"You young people, seeing Zhong Tiandi's spiritual woman, always pay special attention, but the old man advises you to wait. Although you don't know the specific age of the head of the Tianyun Palace, you better move less. Crooked thoughts."

As soon as the old monk said this, the young monks around shook their heads violently, and said in a hurry:

"I dare not dare, let me wait ten more courage, and dare not be disrespectful to this Heavenly Cloud Hall Master. I am just curious, because in my impression, Heavenly Cloud Hall never competes with others, so This lord of the palace also rarely shows up in the land of Supreme Profound."

"In the past 100 years, the Lord of Heavenly Clouds has indeed disappeared, and all traces have disappeared, so that before he re-enters the sight of all of us at this moment, too many people have forgotten him."

After falling down with a voice of approval, the old monk nodded, continued to look at the top of the sky, and said again:

"The thing that the world is best at is forgetting, and now, how many people can think of those two peerless double prides whose reputation spread throughout the Profound Sky a thousand years ago?"

"Peerless double pride?"

"Yes, a thousand years ago, two peerless Tianjiao with talents overwhelming the same generation turned out to be stunning, and one of them was the Heavenly Cloud Palace Lord above."

The words that continued to ring in the old monk's mouth were filled with memories and confusion.

The stories that these young monks heard at this time were the most memorable youth for this old man.

That was his most energetic era, and it was also the era of peerless double walls!

At the next breath, the old man put away the strangeness in his eyes, while stroking his white beard, the old voice immediately followed:

"Yun Xiang Xianxianhuaxian, this Heavenly Cloud Palace Master, at that time, was called Fairy Yun Chang. Whenever he travels, the breeze is the sedan chair, and the white cloud is the company. All flying races respect him, and he truly clocks the sky. Of love.

"As soon as this fairy Yunshang was born, he attracted countless practitioners to bend his waist, and some even regarded him as a princess in the sky.

The words of the old monk, like a dancing paintbrush, directly painted a vivid picture in front of the surrounding monks.

In this picture scroll, a wonderful person, dressed in neon clothes, surrounded by clouds, gathers the spirit of the entire sky, which is indescribable.

"She originally belonged to Skyrim, and the fairy in the ancient fairy palace is nothing more than that?"

After this faint sigh fell, the blurred color in the eyes of the old monk appeared again. Perhaps thousands of years ago, there was also his figure among the younger generation of monks who looked up to the sky with admiration. .

The long river of time always rolls forward without turning back. In every era, there will be the proud son of the world, and in many cases, the times in which they are in are different, and the feelings between each other will be different.

Therefore, the young monks present could not realize the melancholy in the old monk's heart at this time. They were more concerned about the other side.

At the next breath, another young monk's question came next to him, and he said:

"Old fellow daoist, since you said that at that time the one who was the best in the world was the peerless double pride, and one of them was the Hallmaster of the Heavenly Cloud Palace above, then dare you to ask who the other one was?"

With a curious voice of inquiry, the old monk who was in the memory was pulled back, and then the latter returned to his senses, with a secret expression on his face, raised his hand to the top and gently pointed his lips open, and spit out two Inaudible words:


When these two words came out, the eyes of the surrounding monks suddenly appeared, and then they showed an unexpected and expected look, and blurted out subconsciously:

"Since they are both Tianjiao Shuangbi of the same age, does it mean that these two have an unknown past?"

As soon as these words fell, the old monk, who was still there, suddenly changed his face and waved his hand:

"Boys, speak carefully!"

However, the old monk stopped abruptly before he finished speaking, because an indifferent female voice sounded directly in the ears of everyone in Fengxin City:

"Taiqing, the main hall master is here."

In this word, there was a cold color, and the wind whirling over the entire Fengxin City seemed to feel the emotions of the princess in the sky, and stopped there for a moment, and then, with a more frenzied posture, The roar of the wind is not low.

Sect Master Taiqing, who was sitting behind the desk of the Tianyun Temple, did not respond with a low roar, but frowned slightly, and for the first time a little doubt appeared in the jade-like eyes.

As we all know, the monks of the Great Sacred Realm are as vast as the Little Heavenly Dao, and within the scope of the Taiqing Dao's eyes, the Taiqing Sect Master’s own laws interweave the world.

Therefore, after an instant, with this Great Sage Taiqing frowning slightly, everything above Fengxin City seemed to have been directly pressed by the pause button.

At the same time, the three great sages, who were rolling in the sky, took a step forward slightly, and the whole void suddenly shocked.

However, although the Qi of Taiqing encompasses all directions, the Hallmaster of the Heavenly Cloud Palace still possesses his own ability to act.

Then an extremely deep gaze shot out from the former's eyes, staring closely at the face of the middle-aged man with blue hair in front of him, as if he wanted it to be deep in his soul.

"You are finally willing to open your eyes. I am standing in front of you at this moment. You should see me."

After the still cold words sounded, a thick weird color suddenly appeared on the faces of countless monks below.

In the next breath, between the heavens and the earth, the voice from the Lord of the Tianyun Temple rolled out again:

"If you still haven't seen me, it doesn't matter, then the main hall master can change his identity."

After speaking, the Lord of the Heavenly Cloud Palace suddenly opened his hands outward, and his high voice continued to resound through the world:

"Well, at this time, I am standing here as the head of the Tianyun Temple, the princess of the Fufeng clan.

"As long as the Taiqing Daoist can convince the master of the temple, then the entire Tianyun Temple and the Fufeng clan behind me will stand on this high-grade lotus platform and rule the world with you!"

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