In a sense, the world is not only divided into yin and yang, but also distinguishes heaven and earth, and this heaven and earth does not specifically refer to the sky and the earth, but the heaven and earth in the heart of the monk.

Monks like to go to the sky to the end of their cultivation, because of this, they can look down on sentient beings.

Looking down on the taste of all living beings, perhaps anyone will be fascinated, and the difference between heaven and humans and mortals, at this moment in Tianxin City, Fufeng County, is vividly displayed.

What makes people feel infinitely desperate is that even the people on the ground, who have gathered courage, courage, and affection, even burned the whole life and life, but they can't reach the person sitting at the desk in the sky and move their fingers.

Then the Taiqing Heavenly Man who opened the eyes of the Great Sage Dao continued to wave his hand forward, and then the void became a sword, hanging high above the heads of the creatures on the ground, impartial and difficult to avoid.

At this time, for those founding monks standing on the Taoist lotus of Taiqing, the sword of Taiqing that turned in front of him was the punishment of the Heavenly Dao that was about to be added. Once it fell, he would undoubtedly die.

At this moment, the creatures could really feel the infinite coldness of the sickle wielded in the hands of the mother of death when it was pressed against his neck.

The fear of eternal darkness is enough to crush the nerves of most monks who think they are determined.

With the next breath, drop after drop of bean-sized beads of sweat appeared on the forehead of a monk's creature, and then these extremely terrified monks from the founding nation turned their heads and jumped down from the lotus platform without saying anything. Shout out:

"Disbanding the kingdom, your lord Taiqing, I am willing to disband the kingdom, and I won't mention it again."

The words fell, and above the eight thousand lower-grade Dao lotus, along with the leaping of a large number of cultivators, many positions were immediately available.

Even the forces in Fengxin City who had already negotiated with each other subconsciously pulled a distance away, staring at the high-hanging Taiqing Dao Sword above them with trepidation.

However, what made these people sighed slightly was that the Taoist sword under Tai Qing Dao's eyes did not fall, which may mean that Tai Qing Sect Master did not intend to pursue further investigations.

However, in the next instant, countless more intense colors of horror burst out of the pupils of the monks, because the middle-aged man sitting behind the desk in the Tianyun Palace suddenly raised his hand forward. , Lightly click out.

At the same time, the Taiqing Dao Sword floating above the void disappeared several times in an instant, and then many cultivators directly closed their eyes. The eyes were just closed, and a roar and wailing spread throughout Fengxin City. .

But what is puzzling is that the direction in which these swords of Taiqing fell was not the monks who founded the country without authorization, but directly fell into the power formations standing on top of the lower grade Daolian.

"This sword didn't fall on the cultivating cultivators, where did it fall?"

The same sound of doubt came from the mouths of a large number of cultivators in Fengxin City, and then these cultivators turned their heads to the place where the screams were made, and continued to blurt out their debut.

"The hidden forces, this Taiqing Dao sword, unexpectedly fell into the hidden forces."

As soon as the voice fell, dozens of blue qi tornadoes rose above the lotus platform, leaning to the sky and grounding, making the void of the entire Fengxin City suddenly bright again.

In an instant, another short instant later, those Taiqing lotus stands were directly emptied, and then the extremely magnificent voice resounded through everyone's ears again:

"Establishing a country privately, those who keep secret but don't send out, also have to take this holy sword!"

When the voice fell, the whole city was quiet.

Then raised the Taiqing Dasheng with his right hand in the Tianyun Temple, and gently shook his right hand forward. The rest of the Taiqing Dao Sword above the sky slammed inward and directly condensed into a more magnificent and extraordinary huge lotus platform. .

At this time, the Taiqing Daolian lotus that appeared at the highest point of Tianyun Mountain has completely condensed into substance, each of which is extremely large and noble. At the same time, this lotus platform is composed of 99,999 lotus leaves. Every piece of Taolian lotus leaf also carries a monstrous majesty.

Amazingly, it was prepared for high-end monks, high-grade Daolian!

As soon as this high-grade Dao lotus appeared, a large number of monks' eyes lighted up, and then some monks swept their eyes across the sky above their heads, and murmured:

"One, two, three, the number is so scarce, there are not many, right?"

As soon as this voice fell, another monk on the side immediately opened his mouth and said:

"One hundred and eight, there are only 108 of these top-grade lotus stands."

As soon as this statement came out, a look like this really made it easy to appear on the faces of a large number of monks around, and then a low voice of exchange continued to sound in everyone's ears:

"Everyone, since the lotus platform, which represents the lower rank, only appeared less than 20,000, we have already known that whether it is a higher-rank middle-rank or even the upper-rank Dao lotus, the number is bound to be even rarer."

After speaking, the gazes of a large number of monks continued to hover over the more than 100 high-grade Dao lotus above, and said:

"One hundred and eight high-grade Daolians correspond to the 108 prefectures in the land of the Supreme Profound Land. In other words, there is nothing wrong with one county corresponding to one high-grade sect."

After finishing speaking, everyone around nodded, perhaps in the subconscious of the monks in Fengxin City, one sect per county, perhaps the best interpretation of the so-called high-grade sect.

However, what many monks on the ground did not notice is that after the Sect Master of Taiqing used Taiqing Dao Eyes to blast out the middle-rank Dao lotus and the top-rank Dao lotus in the void, the battle between life and death that was originally expected did not occur. .

According to common sense, this competition for the lower ranks is so cruel and bloody, so the rarer middle-grade and high-grade should be more tit-for-tat and extremely violent.

However, the facts are just the opposite. Not only are these thousand and eight hundred middle-grade Daolians still vacant by this time, the 108 upper-grade tiers that represent the supreme glory, and no power has ever climbed it.

As a result, the World Daohui under the eyes of Tai Qing Dao directly encountered a particularly shocking cold field.

This may be an unexpected situation for most of the monks who came to participate in the World Taoist Society!

At the same time, it became quiet at the corner of Tianyun Mountain, floating in the air, exuding a misty and colorful light on the deck of the Daxia Treasure Ship. Zhao Yu, sitting at the white jade table, gently put down his hand and only drank. Half of tea cup.

Then the young emperor stood upright and walked slowly to the front of the deck, staring at the once extremely strange scene ahead, frowning slightly.

At the next breath, Sima Annan, dressed in the official robes of the Daxia Military Aircraft Department, came behind the young emperor, and a respectful voice came out:

"Your Majesty, the subordinates can understand, this world Daohui, what exactly the Sect Master Taiqing wants to do."

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