The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1940: Times have changed

As the saying goes, there are no rules and no radius.

The organization of the Taoist society in this world also has its own rules, because there are too many forces rushing to Fengxin City to participate in this Taoist society from the 108th County of the Supreme Profound Land.

This is a Taoist society oriented towards the entire Taixuan, and it will naturally have its own rules, and the five major ranks are the rules it has set for all the forces that come to participate in the Taoist society.

Not influential, low-grade, middle-grade, top-grade, overlord!

"The influential and inferior forces can only stay on the ground outside Fengxin City to observe, and they are not eligible for a seat in the World Daohui."

In a large courtyard in Fengxin City, there were fascinating figures, while the light of Akashi in the night radiated outward, leaving one figure after another on the wall and the ground.

Then the old sect master directly in front of the house in the courtyard raised his hand and stroked the white beard on his chest, and his eyes swept in front of him. The uninvited heads of various sects, the old voice continued to make their debut:

"This is also the most influential and low-grade forces, and if you reach the middle-grade power level, you are eligible to take the wind and enter the Tianyun Mountain to participate in the conference.

"What an honor it is to stand out from so many forces, climb the mountain of clouds that day, and observe it up close!"

In the words of the old sect master, there is an obvious color of envy, and his words also confirm from the side the self-confidence of the sect that he is in, and that he has not reached the middle grade.

In the next breath, a sudden thought emerged directly in the old Sect Master’s mind, and then the former’s eyes narrowed, and then he preached with an uncertain voice:

"You guys are looking for this suzerain, do you mean it?"

As soon as this question fell, the other sect masters who came from outside nodded at the same time, and then became the first one, and even said directly:

"Dare to ask the old sect master, do you think that with the current strength of your sect, can you win a middle-grade seat under so many influences and board Yunshan that day?"

As soon as this question came out, the old Sect Master who wore the costume did not think too much, but shook his head and responded:

"Don't mention the lower overlord level that day and the high-grade sect that can directly board the Tianyun Palace. For this middle-grade sect, just a few masters of the birth and death realm may not be enough, so the old man can't guarantee it."

As soon as the words of the old sect master fell, the words belonging to the heads of the other sects directly rang out in front of him:

"It's not a coincidence. Old Sect Master, you can't guarantee that the sects of us are equally worried. Therefore, if we join together, we can definitely win this middle grade.

"It's not just that, if you and I are added together, maybe we can still try to be the top grade."

After the word “Top Grade” lingered in the courtyard, not only the old sect master, but also the rest of the disciples in the rock sect, the eyes flashed with intense heat, and then they all focused their eyes on their own sect master. on.

In the next breath, the old man, who was in full view, showed a very calm posture. After careful consideration, he said:

"To tell you the truth, there is no land fairyland who does not sit here. This high-grade force, the old man can't even think about it, but according to the words of the fellow daoists, it is not impossible to enter the middle-grade and climb the Tianyun Mountain.

"The key is how to unite. Before today, you and I belong to different forces after all."

"This point, this suzerain has already considered it clearly."

A rather confident response sounded from the mouth of a suzerain below, and then he raised his hand and shouted:

"Bring up the map."

As soon as the voice fell, a fairly large map was sent directly into the courtyard and spread out. Then the middle-aged sovereign raised his hand and circled one position of the map with his fingers, still confident in his voice, again. Resounded in the courtyard:

"Look at the old sect master, if our powers are united together, it happens to be the five sides of this area, and after you and I are united, we integrate our strengths, and then pack inward. All the powers in the entire circle are What's in our bag."

After the words were finished, a smile appeared at the corners of the mouths of the heads of the sect, and then the middle-aged sect master who had spoken before, staring at the old sect master in front of him, continued to sound word by word:

"Old Sect Master, as for the way of uniting, obviously, there are already good examples before us, right?"

This rhetorical voice fell, and the middle-aged Sect Master's lips opened. Although he did not speak directly, the two words can still be clearly seen through the shape of his lips:

"Establishing a country!"

After these two words were reflected in the eyes of the old sect master, his complexion suddenly changed, and he blurted out subconsciously:

"No, no, this is a big taboo!"

After speaking, the old sect master, who was still trembling in his heart, finally raised his hand and swayed suddenly, spitting out with an anxious voice:

"The country must not stand lightly, otherwise it will be condemned by the heavens. Is this not clear to you?"

"Old Sect Master, now the times have changed. It's not just us. You can go to the surrounding Fengxin City to see how many forces are uniting and preparing to establish a nation."

Several heads of the sect in the courtyard who came to join together responded with excitement.

Then one person walked forward quickly. After arriving on the map, he drew circles one after another on the map that was not detailed, and said in an anxious voice:

"Look at the old sect master. We have received news. These are the forces around our county and will announce the establishment of the country on the Taoist Society of the World.

"If you look at the location of these forces, you almost completely surround us. If you and I still don't act, then it's what these people are in!"

When this word fell, another Sect Master in the lower courtyard raised his hand and arched forward, and then said:

"Our move is also a compelling move. Today's era has changed. It has long since changed from the autonomy of various clans to a new era of unity and cohesion of nations.

"If we don't make any changes, it will be the fish on the chopping board of others, the old sect master, at present, and only by uniting, can we occupy the first line of life in this troubled world."

This speech was sent to the ears of the rest of the people in the yard, and it was deafening and distracting.

After that, the old Sect Master, who continued to be shrouded in countless light, had a dramatic change in his complexion, but he was still undecided.

"Give the old man some time and think again."

The old voice came from the mouth of the old sect master, and then he raised his head and looked at the sky, only to see the huge Tianyun Mountain above the dark night sky before dawn, like an ancient giant beast, crawling above the void.

At this moment, the darkness that rushed to the face was like a mountain, coming on top without fancy, the old Sect Master who was pressing suddenly couldn't breathe.

Afterwards, drops of cold sweat flowed down the old Sect Master's forehead, while the former's complexion still changed drastically.

Finally, the old man looked around for a week, clenched his teeth, punched heavily, and opened his mouth with a loud roar:

"Mother, this deal is done!"

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