The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1930: Provocative Terran

In Fengxin City, the eastern region where the younger generation is fighting, the aura is turbulent, and it can be said that one wave has not settled, one after another.

Before there was a violent confrontation between the children of Buddhism and Daomen, the four-armed Buddha was blasted off the table without any fancy with the mysterious and mysterious powers of the Taoist priests in Sichuan. In the back, there was a fascinating woman from the subterranean succubus family, who was wrapped in it. Rushing magma, stepped onto the stage.

At this time, the fascinating succubus appeared in front of everyone, the proportions of the body were extremely perfect, especially the long tail flicking behind him, every flick, it can spur the heartstrings of the male monk below.

This is an extremely ghostly aura that can already tend to the level of law, but most of the cultivators present understand in their hearts that this seemingly seductive succubus woman is not a plaything without the power of a chicken, but The devil who kills without blinking.

Forty-nine games, after each game, the human skin left on the countertop after being drained of flesh and blood, as well as the blood stains on the succubus’s mouth, all nakedly told everyone that under the succubus’s claws, no Stay alive.

Thinking of this, the younger generation below who had thoughts directly extinguished their eager thoughts. What's more, they stared at the front and let out an imperceptible cold snort.

However, at the next breath, these people were silent one after another, because a gaze of hot and cold intertwined with each other, they swept directly from above.

With this gaze swept across, every monk felt that his hairs were standing upside down, and he shuddered subconsciously, and then heard a disdainful and charming female voice, resounding in his ears:

"Why, this demon has been standing here for so long, why hasn't a warrior dared to come up for advice."

When the voice fell, the enchanting demon girl standing proudly among the lava flames stretched out her tongue, licked her red lips, looked around, and said every word of voice again:

"The devil still said that, as long as one of you beats me, everything about me is yours, why not give it a try?"

As soon as this statement was made, there was still extremely silence below, and no one spoke back, and in the face of such a provocation, no one jumped to the high platform.

The scene was once extremely quiet, which made the female succubus on the stage more and more disdainful, with a little sharp voice, she continued to preach:

"When this demon was in the Subterranean Flame Jueguo, he heard that the creatures on the ground were all courageous courageous species. At this moment, when I saw it, it really was, they were all unseeded creatures."

After speaking, the female succubus ignored the poorly colored practitioners in the lower area, and continued to stare down with interest with scarlet eyes, and her gaze resembled the beast of the prey being searched, which made people shudder.

"Since you didn't plant it, you can only pick the demon yourself."

After this increasingly cold voice came out, the female succubus's eyes suddenly brightened, because she saw several people standing beside the Taoist Tingchuan, and also clearly saw the color of their pupils.


"Black Eye, it turned out to be Black Eye, Human Race?"

More interested voices came from the succubus's mouth, and then a hint of thinking flashed in his eyes, and some excited voices followed:

"If this demon remembers correctly, the holy court issued an order to kill the human race as early as tens of thousands of years ago, so that the entire human race almost disappeared in the land of Taixuan. Why, now the human race has so much courage, He actually appeared in Fengxin City in a grandiose way?"

The female succubus's voice didn't make a loud noise, but after it reached the ears of the people around it, it made everyone's heart stunned.

As the saying goes, this time is different. Since Daxia was born in Beihai, in just a few years, today's northern human race is no longer a weak race that was almost wiped out.

Even the holy court has deliberately weakened the killing of the human race in these years, in order to avoid excessively stimulating the nerves of the new overlord in the north.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree, after a series of appalling deeds, more and more forces and monks knew the power of the Daxia people in the north.

Therefore, under this situation, the monks who are still gathering from all directions showed strange colors on their faces, and they all opened their mouths and said:

"This Yan Jueguo female succubus is actually provoking the human race of Daxia in the North?"

"Interesting, so interesting, since this top-level overhaul of Daxia used a series of destructive supernatural powers outside Fengyuan City to destroy the entire Xuemei Nation elite, the cultivators of almost all forces and the human race who saw the black eyes have detoured. Go, this Yan Jueguo is really not afraid of death!"

After this discussion fell, there was a monk who quickly emerged in front of him, watching the atmosphere in front of him that had begun to become harsh and solemn, and the murmur continued to be heard:

"In any case, this duel will definitely be shocking. It is even more appetizing than the previous confrontation between Buddhism and Taoist priests. Hurry, go and inform the rest."

With the provocation of the female succubus, the atmosphere in Fengxin City was directly pushed to another climax.

Immediately after that, the female succubus slowly raised her hand and shook it lightly. The lava under her feet began to roll, condensing a long whip, and slowly rising.

Immediately, the female succubus held the long whip, pointed at the location of Ao Bai and others below, her beautiful face became extremely cold, and she said:

"The order of the holy court, the human race has a serious sin, and everyone who sees it must be killed. The stubborn monks below you have forgotten, and my Yan Jueguo has not forgotten, so the human ants below, come up and die!"

This whistle was particularly sharp, fully revealing the ferocious nature of the subterranean monster. At the same time, without a lot of light, it began to follow the succubus's long whip, looking at the people standing in the crowd. A few figures.

Then, in front of Ao Bai, he finished his salute, and the little Taoist Tingchuan who stood up suddenly became extremely cold and stern. He slowly turned around. He once again defeated the four-armed Vajra Buddha's awe-inspiring power, and rose again into a violent manner. One walked around the river and began to roar.


While Void River roared, Tingchuan took a step forward, but was stopped by an outstretched hand from behind.

Then behind Ao Bai, the upright figure with the gun back stepped forward, and a steady and young voice came out:

"Brother Chuan, since this person is provoking my human race, let me come."

As the voice fell, this tall and straight figure took off the spear behind it, and the ebony pupils reflected the body of the succubus holding a whip on the stage.

In his eyes, there is curiosity and inquiry, but there is no fear!

At the next breath, the figure held the gun and threw it directly to the high platform above, and then a sharp and incomparable whistle sounded directly through the ears of all the monks.


This whistling was so intense that it was even more thunderous, and even caused the surrounding monks to cover their ears, their faces full of shock.

After a while, a long spear blasted on the high platform, and the scarlet battle gas spread out, pushing the magma on the high platform outward.

At the same time, a figure slowly walked onto the high platform, with a voice resounding everywhere:

"The one who killed you, Daxia in the north, Guanshanbei."

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