The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1925: Wind Heart City

"Let's let it go, let it all, I said this fellow Taoist, this place is the main road leading to Fengxin City. Isn't it appropriate for you to tie your tent here?"

The central hinterland of the Taixuan Land, the place where the Taoist Society of the World is held, the center of Fufeng County, and outside Tianxin City. At this time, the water pavilion was already impassable, and it was full of dense human heads.

These days, countless monks from all over the land of Supreme Profound flocked, not only filled the entire Tianxin City, but even the roads outside the city were filled with tents, waiting for the start of the Taoist Society of the World.

I have to say that without mentioning the specific attitudes of the top powers towards this Taoist society, the countless small and medium-sized forces and races in the Taixuan Land all hold unusual views on this Taoist society.

For them, this meeting may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make a breakthrough!

It is true that the 108 prefectures of the Taixuan Land are vast and vast. Every creature is like a small fish in the sea, big and small forces, like a school of fishes composed of these fishes.

However, this sea is so big that in a long period of time, no matter how or how far these fish swim, they still can't touch the opportunity of Leaping Dragon Gate.

As a result, the holding of the world's leading Taoist society for tens of thousands of years, in many people's eyes, is such a rare opportunity in this life.

Although the opportunity will not wait for people, it will be fleeting, and there will never be a lack of people in the land of great profoundness.

Therefore, at this moment when the Taoist Society of the World is open and there are two daylight scenes, the entire Tianfeng City, including the outside of the city, is filled with countless monks, and even the routes of entry and exit have many tents erected.

Fufeng County is the home of the Tianyun Temple, and the creatures living in the city are originally dominated by flying races.

These flying races soar into the world, and only need to flap their wings to enter and exit the city. Naturally, they don't need to enter the city from the main road like the creatures on the ground. Therefore, if things go on like this, the square gate of the Windheart City gradually becomes a symbolic decoration.

As a result, the city gate was short and the main road was ruined, which made the Taixuan monks who are now here to participate in the Taoist society extremely depressing.

"If it weren't for the Tianyun Temple, I think these cultivators would have demolished the gates of the Tianxin City long ago?"

In a corner outside Fengxin City, a slightly tired voice sounded, and the voice fell, floating at the entrance of the huge tent that was swaying with the word dining hall, and two figures gradually approached.

The two of them, both old and young, used a robes that didn't fit well, covering their entire bodies, revealing only their two heads.

One of them was a girl with a round face. At this time, she looked tired, shrugged her head, and her voice continued:

"Elder Jin, this lady is very tired and wants to rest!"

After speaking, the fat girl first sniffed the strong food scent floating from the camp next to her, and then stared at the silent old man beside her with expectant eyes.

The next breath, perhaps because the old man didn't speak back, the fat girl's mouth pursed immediately, and she muttered angrily:

"My lady has cents, and it's more than enough to buy a 10,000 restaurant. Now I want to have a good meal, what's wrong!"

After the exhalation, the girl's chubby face became more dissatisfied, and even raised her hand, she was about to grab the small cloth bag hanging under the robe, and the sound of angrily sounded again:

"On this road, I was sleeping and sleeping. I finally got to the place. This time, this lady not only wants to have a good meal, but also packs the best restaurant in Fengxin City, and lie down beautifully."

When the voice fell, the girl stretched out her hand to pinch the priceless Taoist ring in the bag, but did not do it directly, but raised her head and stared at the old man beside her.

Then the girl saw that the latter still didn't say a word, and the movement of taking the road ring still stopped.

At the next breath, the old man with pale beard turned sideways and exposed the tent door with the fragrance floating beside him. He spoke unhurriedly:

"Now in Fufeng County, there is a gathering of the entire Taixuan Land, most of the monks of large and small forces, among them there are many fierce and sinister generations. As the saying goes, wealth is not revealed. You still have to think clearly, miss, whether you want to show yourself. Strong financial resources?"

The silent question fell, and the old man even raised his hand, made a gesture of please, and continued to speak:

"And Ms. Yuansuo, don't forget, what is the purpose of our coming to Wind Heart City at this time? It's not to participate in some world Taoist society, but to find Master Young Sect Master."

As soon as the words Young Sect Master came out, the fat girl's expression of resentment faded away from her round face that had been somewhat changed, but she finally let go of her hand, bowed her head down and said:

"First, I fled from Tangdu to Shangxiao City in the east. Now Shangxiao City is in chaos of war and ran to Tianxin City, Fufeng County, all the way to escape. When will I find my brother?"

It is worth mentioning that if there are people who are familiar with gold ingots on the Daxia Treasure Ship, they will find that the round-faced fat girl with a weeping face at this time, looks and demeanor, and is similar to Jin Dashao.

However, compared to Jin Dashao's roundness, the girl is a lot slimmer, her face and facial features are more beautiful, but the sorrow on her face and the dust on her robes indicate fatigue after traveling all the way.

After the girl's grievances fell, the old man beside her stretched out his hand, patted the former's head gently, and said with a little pitying voice:

"Miss, now the world is in chaos. Our Jinzong is the sweet and pastry in the eyes of others. Everyone wants to bite off some cents from us, so on the way, we can hide as long as we can hide. It's hard work, miss you. ."

After speaking, the old man raised his head, and his voice continued:

"But there is nowhere to go. Liu Anhua is in another village. Some time ago, there was news from the Young Sovereign that he was on the Daxia Treasure Ship, and he was also in Xincheng on this day. So just insist on persisting, and the situation can get better. "

After he finished speaking, the old man squinted his eyes. First, he looked over the sheds built by countless forces in front of him, and then went up, and he could see the top of Fengxin City within the square city wall, under the support of a void to help the wind. There is a huge mountain, hovering directly in the depths of the void.

This huge mountain was cut off with great force and abruptly, forming a particularly huge platform. At the same time, on this platform, there are countless buildings and dense flying races, taking off and landing. Very busy appearance.

"Tianyun Temple!"

A faint voice came from the old man’s mouth, and then he just wanted to continue to speak. The entire area around the city suddenly caused a violent commotion. Then there was a monk who hurriedly ran from the side, and a loud shout came out. :

"It's a duel, it's a duel. In the duel field of Fengxin City, there are two more hostile young children who can't see it. They kill each other. Go and take a look!"

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