The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1919: Can't have fun till death

Chosen one.

The content behind these short four words is enough to make the ground monks of different races outside the Nantian Gate at this time, their hearts are plunged into infinite joy and madness.

Therefore, along with the loud words of the monk like a bamboo pole, a fanatical gaze lit up in the eyes of these monks one after another. If it weren't for a lot of holy court monks around, I'm afraid it would have been surging. , Raise your arms and shout, cheers again and again.

However, the excitement still appeared on the faces of these monks, with their fists clenched, and what's more, they subconsciously took a step forward, trying to get closer to the Nanxian Gate in front of them.

It is true that in the face of the great opportunity of one step to the sky, very few people can maintain their inner calmness, and the young man in Jinyi also suddenly left behind the old man next to him and the news from the north, his eyes scorching staring. Looking ahead, a look eager to try.

At the next breath, under the Nanxian Gate of the Xianting Site, the hoarse voice from the mouth of the bamboo-like figure continued to be heard:

"Everyone, after my holy court monk has counted the number of people, you can directly enter this Nanxianmen with this seat."

After speaking, the figure of the bamboo pole scanned the circle below again, looking at the monks in the square shape in front, the color of disdain hidden in the eyes was thicker.

After a few breaths, when the bamboo-like monk saw the holy court monk who was in charge of the inventory at the back of the team, he nodded to confirm, turned around, waved his hand, and let out a loud roar:

"Enter the fairy court!"

After the roar rolled out, a riot broke out outside Nanxianmen, and immediately after the entire team began to move forward scrambling.

"This Xiu emphasizes it again. The Immortal Palace Site is the Holy Venerable Dojo. Everything is sacred. It is not allowed to touch or make noise at will. If there is any disrespect, the offender will be destroyed, and there will be no transcendence forever!"

That cold and hoarse voice continued to sound, so that these surging monks calmed down a little bit.

Then the group walked along the half-open Nanxian Gate and stepped into the remains of the fairy palace.

It has to be said that the towering Nanxian Gate, which is soaring into the sky and grounded to the sky, gave these monks who had ascended to the sky for the first time, an indescribable visual impact.

Then the young man in Jinyi stretched out his hand, holding the arm of the purple-clothed old man, and exclaimed:

"Mother, this is the legendary Nanxian Gate, so magnificent, so magnificent!"

This young man's behavior made the purple-clothed old man beside him a little surprised and said:

"Why, your kid is not worried that the old man is from Daxia in the North?"

"Old gentleman, as the saying goes, is the golden scale a thing in the pool? Once the wind and cloud change the dragon, we enter this door and we are all stepping into the sky now. Since we are all immortals in the sky, we don't care where the robbery comes from."

The words of the young man in brocade were quite confident, then he flicked his brocade sleeves, his face became more confident, and he continued to speak:

"It is said that there was a difference between Xianfan in the time of the fairy palace. Once the sky is in the fairy class, the red dust of the past must be given up. No matter where the old gentleman comes from, it doesn't matter at this time."

As soon as the words came out, the purple-clothed old man walking along the crowd showed a little smile on his face, stroked the beard on his chest, and responded:

"Your boy's mentality has changed quickly."

"The old gentleman doesn't know anything about it. The land of the profound mystery is a rare opportunity. Now that I have become the chosen person of this day, if he still hesitates and only promises, doesn't it seem too petty?"

After speaking, the young man glanced at the old man next to him, and then, following the latter's appearance, put his hand behind his back, showing the old **** is there.

Then it continued to move forward, as if thinking of something, the voice continued:

"Sir, what do you want to do the most after becoming the chosen one this time?"

After this questioning sound was heard, the old man's faint purple qi tumbling eyes suddenly appeared a little blurry.

This blurring seemed to carry the weight of a very long time, and for the old man at that time, those years were too far away from the present.

It was so far away that it was hard to sum it up in mere time, so after a dozen breaths, the old man recovered his senses and murmured:

"From the outside world, I don’t know why, the longing, excitement and throbbing all disappeared. I think I will eat a bowl of noodles with the grandma at the entrance of the village. I don’t want to know that this grandma’s grandma Zeng Zeng is myself. The girl I used to like."

Facing the ambiguous words of the old man, the young monk beside him did not understand much.

However, his attention was clearly placed on the actions the old man said, and then with a surprised and exaggerated voice, he directly sounded:

"Just eat a bowl of noodles? Old sir, you finally became a fairy in the sky. Returning to your hometown, you just want to eat bowls of noodles?

"That's too shabby, right then, we were immortals, immortals, immortal, immortal, with a small view of the world and a big layout, how can we be satisfied by a mere bowl of noodles?"

After speaking, the young man raised his hands and opened them outward, with a longing voice, and continued to say:

"If I become the fairy who flies to the sky and hides in the legend, boy, I will go back the first time I will bully my mother's big house, including those running dogs and accomplices, and I will not let it go.

"Then I want to grow the family and make it the number one power in the entire county, admired and worshipped by countless people."

Perhaps it is because the more he speaks, the more excited the look continues to appear on the young man’s face. It is worth mentioning that, because the Nanxian Gate is so huge that these monks, light and light across this gate, all It took hundreds of breaths of time.

Then the scene behind the Nantian Gate began to gradually appear in the eyes of the monk in the front, and at the same time the purple-clothed old man’s inquiries sounded in the ears of the young man:

"Boy, if you become an immortal in the sky, one is to become a mother, and the other is to rejuvenate the family. These are all human beings, but have you ever thought about doing something for the people in this world?"

As soon as the words came out, the young man's smiling face was taken aback, and then the old man beside him raised his hand and patted the former's shoulder lightly. Then the old gentle voice sounded:

"If you want to be an immortal, it's not as simple as you think. The immortal does not mean a free, carefree detachment. The world is fair, and the immortal has its own mission.

"Ability is accompanied by responsibility. To be a son of man is naturally to be a mother, and to be a member of the clan, revitalizing the family is also within the responsibility, but you might as well think about it once in the immortal class, what is the responsibility of the immortal? what?"

"This this?"

Facing the old man's question, the young monk could not answer at all, and could only stammer in place.

Finally, the young man stared blankly at the back of the old man who was continuing to walk in front of him. The next breath was an old gentle voice coming from the front, with countless helplessness:

"It's said that you can't have fun in life until you die. Isn't that the way the immortals in the sky are like this?"

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