Taixuan Land, among the four great kingdoms, except for the Central Shangguo, which inherited part of the fairy palace, and the Yanjue Shangguo, which has been excluded from the mainstream, just as the former Zhongtian Maharaja said, Qingzhi and Xue The Enchanted Kingdom is a special existence.

First of all, this country created by the Qingzhi and Xuemei tribes has maintained a single race in the country for a long time. The purpose of its self-founding country is to serve the East Pole Qinghua Maharaja and the Antarctic Longevity Maharaja. , These two four royal true spirits continued their lives.

However, things are contrary to expectations, and the most meticulous arrangement will also be biased in the long time.

The blessings of the country that was once high hopes were also dragged down by the long war, so that by this time, the true spirits of these two four royal princes could only parasitize in the depths of the soul sea of ​​the two little girls.

"In the souls of these two people, this monarch felt a trace of true spirits of Qinghua and Changsheng, which means that these two are the people who are the most able to awaken the four true spirits and need to find them."

After the words of the Great Lord Zhongtian fell, Gou Chen, standing with his hands in front of him, raised his eyes and stared at the two beautiful shadows appearing in the rolling purple energy in front of him, and opened his mouth and said:

"Then let me go."

However, just after the words fell, the somewhat vague figure of Maharaja Zhongtian shook his head, and a voice of opposition came out:

"Gou Chen, your awakening time is too short, and it will take at least a few years to recover from your original source. I have arranged for you to find the matter of these two people."

After finishing the words, the Lord Zhongtian raised his hand to stop the Lord Gouchhen who wanted to continue speaking. The ethereal voice continued to sound:

"Gou Chen, you have more important things to do, because that place is changing!"

As soon as the words came out, Maharaja Gouchen's eyes condensed, and he murmured and repeated:

"that place?"

"Yes, the back hand under the fairy cloth has been opened, so you need to check it out."

The voice of Maharaja Zhongtian just fell, and the eyes of Maharaja Chen’s stars lit up, and then he fell into a few breaths of thought, and then he said:

"Finally, your Majesty the Immortal Emperor, did he succeed?"

Gouchen's vigorous voice, with a slight undetectable tremor, but the complexion of the Lord Zhongtian did not change, and the response was calm and calm:

"Our entire fairy court has planned for this for so many years. If it fails completely, it will appear too incompetent. It will be timeless and fate. Fighting with the heavens will be easier said than done."

After finishing the sentence, the Lord Zhongtian, who was guarded by the billowing purple air, raised his hands and held it respectfully. Numerous purple air gathered inward and murmured:

"His Majesty the Immortal Emperor always said that when you cross the bones of all enemies and stand on the throne at the top of the world, there is only one enemy in front of you.

"In the end, heaven and earth have to return to balance. This is the law of logistics. We keep talking about detachment, and detachment is only the imprisonment of the earth, but this world is undoubtedly a link that locks a link. Which step can be taken is the key. It's about seeing.

"Where you can go depends on where you can see, and the life span of a creature is really insignificant compared to the sky and the earth, so I agree with His Majesty the Immortal's words."

When the voice fell, the purple energy in the hands of the Lord Zhongtian slowly condensed into a point, and then this point slowly expanded outward, from the size of a fist to gradually becoming like a basin.

And looking at the inside of the sphere from the outside, you can even clearly see that there are mountains, rivers, lakes, seas, and jungles in it. It is already a huge world separated from the land of Taixuan!

"If you want to conquer the half son of the sky, you must have a long vision like the way of heaven, so tens of thousands of years will also pass in a flash. It is also particularly clear who will die."

Among the voices of Maharaja Zhongtian, there was a big pattern belonging to the level of the Four Imperial Emperors. Then Maharaja Gouchen lowered his head and stared at the looming world inside the ball, and the voice came out:

"In the beginning, in order to avoid the Heavenly Slaying Tribulation, His Majesty the Immortal used supreme resources to create a legendary immortal world, so that humans and immortals can be completely separated, thereby achieving conditions with heaven.

"But judging from the subsequent development of the situation, the immortal emperor and Tiandao should be completely discussed."

"Heavenly Dao, as the ruler of heaven and earth, must guarantee his supreme majesty. This monarch has always felt that the matter of negotiating terms is a fantasy, even if it is the immortal emperor, it is extremely difficult to succeed."

Under Nanxianmen, after the vague figure holding a world had finished speaking, he lifted his other hand, lightly stroked the ball in front of him, and continued to speak:

"His Majesty the Immortal Emperor can be called the number one strong in the ages, and he naturally considers more than you and me. He once said that the secret of transcending the end is in this world of immortality.

"Although I don't know what it is, I thought to myself, Gouchen, you should go and take a look. On the other hand, keeping this world away from the great gaze will also help you recover your original source and true spirit."

Speaking of this, the Great Lord Zhongtian took a deep breath, looked down at the world in his hand, and the voice continued:

"Fortunately, the emperor left behind a secret door before our military solution, but it can go straight to this realm, otherwise it would be really difficult to enter, and the monarch has a hunch that this so-called holy lord has been for tens of thousands of years. Find this world!"

Maharaja Zhongtian’s remarks are neither light nor heavy, but they carry a convincing vigor, and it has to be said that every arrangement he has made so far can be said to be dripping water.

Then Gou Chen, who looked like a middle-aged man, closed and opened the eyes of the shining stars, and finally spoke directly:

"Then Benjun went to see, what exactly is hidden in this so-called fairy world, can it recast the glory of the fairy palace as the immortal emperor expects, and at the same time truly achieve the realm of detachment bound by the great avenue! "

After finishing the words, Maharaja Gouchen no longer hesitated, and his body exploded directly, turning into a ray of stars and galaxies, rising into the sky.

In the next breath, after the streamer of the stars revolved around, with an extremely mysterious trajectory, it directly blasted into the world that had been scratched a little bit by the Lord Zhongtian with his fingers.

Then outside the Nanxian Gate, the sky full of purple meaning began to roll, as if following Maharaja Zhongtian's gaze, watching Maharaja Gouchen disappear gradually.

Then the next breath, the vague figure of the Great Lord Zhongtian suddenly fluctuated extremely violently, and he waved his hand to hide the world in his hand, and then directly made a fist and slammed out the dark sky in front of him.


With a punch, the purple energy rushed out, scouring the world, and at the same time, the most majestic voice sounded loudly:

"After watching for so long, it's time to come out."

Before the words fell, the purple energy rushed forward like a tsunami, at the end of the void. The mist of trickery that was shrouded in it dissipated directly, revealing a golden phoenix flame that was burning.

After an instant, this golden phoenix flame stretched outwards, and finally condensed directly into a tall figure wearing a phoenix-clad palace robe, also extremely majestic.

At the next breath, a somewhat cold female voice came out:

"I didn't expect this palace to see the big figures from the ancient fairy palace again, it's really unexpected!"

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