The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1906: Landing in the world

The core place of Taixuan Central Plains, Tangdu, the battlefield of the old city.

Before dawn, the deep darkness enveloped the entire void, and the darkness before dawn was often deeper, heavy with the sky, and with the heavy rain, enveloped down, and the place reflected the place with no fingers.

But everyone who sees such a situation will lament the impermanence of the world, because as early as a few years ago, this place was brightly lit, and countless creatures lived in it, which can be said to be full of prosperity.

Because this area is the inner city of the central capital of the upper kingdom, and even after a whole number of years of war, under the darkness, there are still countless classic buildings standing here, silently telling the once greatness.

But it is undeniable that the flames of war almost destroyed everything, and the darkness like thick fog can best explain the problem.

On the periphery of Tangdu’s inner city, the soldiers from the central government gathered the power of the whole country to create a circular barrier line of defense, which is also this line of defense, blocking the holy court's army, without spreading outward.

Under the dark night, within a camp, a burly silver armored general opened his eyes as he closed his eyes and meditated.

As soon as the person's eyes were opened, electricity was generated in the void, and the entire camp was lit up instantly.

After the next breath, the surging aura was taken back into the body, and a deep voice came out:

"Come here."

The voice lingered in the hall, and soon a lieutenant stepped in from outside and said loudly:

"General, what's your order?"

"How long did Ben just rest?"

"Back to the general, you only rested for half an hour."

After speaking, the lieutenant hesitated and continued to speak:

"General, you have not rested for several battles. You should rest again. The previous offensive of the Holy Court has just been retreated, so it should not be organized immediately."

After the lieutenant's words fell, the national character face silver armor general waved his hand, got up and walked to the desk, picked up the teapot, poured himself a glass of water, raised his head to drink, and responded:

"Presumably you and others should have noticed that the recent frontline troops of the Saint Court have changed their previous styles and launched waves of fierce offensives.

"Leave aside, these days, the interval between each wave of shocks is shortening, which makes Ben extremely worried."

"General, in the opinion of the last general, the holy court recently launched such a fierce attack, perhaps for the nail near the city of Shangxiao in the eastern part of the country, the city of killing sleep."

"This should be one aspect."

After the deep voice fell, the general put away the slight tired color on his face, put down the teacup, and continued to speak:

"But for some reason, I would always feel that something big is happening. The commander of this holy court's front line should have been replaced by a more radical main combatant."

As soon as this statement was made, the lieutenant's face in the camp showed an extremely solemn expression, and then he looked at the calm general, stretched out his right hand, patted the lieutenant's shoulder, and the voice of inquiry continued:

"Since I'm talking about the battlefield on the east side, I don't know what's going on there. Is this killing the city held back?"

"General, he was holding him, but he was stuck in a stalemate.

"The chaotic god-destroying law in the city of killing sleep is too difficult, and the second philosopher of the holy court martial arts palace has the ability to mobilize Huangquan. Although he is not truly immortal like the sleepless person, it is also extremely immortal. Hard to kill.

"So we can only seal it in the Sunset Lake, and in this way, we have fallen into a very passive situation!"

The lieutenant’s response just fell, and the burly general in the camp turned around, and his voice rang out every word:

"It is more than passive, it is simply a huge impact. For the situation in the east, how many elites have been taken away from the front line?

"And under the increasingly fierce offensive wave of the Holy Court, we could obviously feel the difficulty of our soldiers. This is a trick, but we don't have any good countermeasures."

After the general raised a lot of voice and fell, perhaps he felt his gaffe, calmed down, and then a voice that calmed down a lot:

"I heard that in order to protect Shangxiao City, the Three Highnesses blasted the land and pushed the Killian City into the Sunset Lake, but they didn't know their life or death. Can there be the latest news?

When the question fell, the lieutenant pressed his lips tightly, shook his head, and responded:

"Back to the general, there is no news yet. Not only you, but the entire Central Government is concerned about the safety of the three princes, but it seems to have evaporated from the world, and there is no trace of it."

"As the saying goes, you have to see people when you live, and you have to see corpses when you die. There will never be even a trace of it. This is very strange."

A faint voice came from the mouth of General Yin Jia. After drinking another cup of tea, he took the lead to move out of the camp, while the voice continued to linger inside the camp:

"I will go out with Ben for a round of inspections. It is now when dawn breaks. Between the day and night exchanges, the qi is the most obscure. I will ensure that the line of defense is safe.


After a response, the lieutenant stepped behind the burly general, thought for a moment, and said:

"General, there is one more thing that needs to be reported. The Daoist Society of the World will be held in the near future. I don't know if there will be any changes."

"There must be variables, I just hope it is beneficial to us."

After the steady voice fell, the burly general opened the camp in front of him and stepped into the darkness outside.

As he said before, at the turn of day and night, the darkness is the most turbulent, and the entire inner city battlefield does not even have a hint of starlight. Then the former raised his head and stared at the top of his head. In his eyes, there were murderous opportunities.

I saw that over the ruins of the battlefield in the center of Tangdu, there were huge floating battalions arranged in a formation and spread out, covering the sky and the sun.

If the fortifications above the ground are the copper walls and iron walls of the Central Kingdom, then the floating fortress above the sky is a manifestation of the vast strength of the holy court.

In other words, the protracted battle between the two parties at this time is actually a life and death confrontation between the sky and the earth!

"In fact, it's really embarrassing to say it. In the original war, we were the first to launch an offensive when we went to the country. I wanted to fight all the way to the Nantian Gate, but I didn't expect to even touch the sky."

With a little self-deprecating sound, it was heard from General Yinjia's mouth, but as soon as this sentence fell, the former's eyes suddenly squinted, grabbing the arm of the lieutenant next to him, and opening his mouth with a roar:

"No, the holy court has big moves, fast, send orders to the whole army, go to war, go to war!"

The roar of the silver armor general’s roar resounded everywhere. At the same time, above the sky, among the continuous floating fortresses, countless rune lights were released. When they lighted up, it was like flames of various colors, burning blazingly. Up.

"Boom, boom!"

At the next breath, three earth-shattering roars instantly resounded across the sky, and then the sky formation of the holy court began to crash down without fancy.

If the previous soup was a duel between the sky and the earth, then from this moment on, the people on that day can no longer be restrained, landing in the world and fighting personally.

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