The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1903: Create rules

"It's messed up, these hidden Sejong Sect's such big movements are beyond our expectation."

Outside the gate of the central hall of the Daxia Treasure Ship, the officials who had just been urgently summoned by Zhao Yu to discuss, filed out with dignified faces, then spread out, and returned to the office cabins where the ministries were located.

Then as usual, Sima Annan finally stepped out of the gate of the temple, facing Xu Qing, the windrunner of the Radiant Army on the side, and continued to speak:

"Xu Sicheng, perhaps because the official has scruples about the enemy of the Holy Court, so once something major happens, he will subconsciously associate the two.

"Therefore, Xu Sicheng, in your opinion, do you think that behind the rise of the nations this time, is there any secret hand in the holy court?"

As soon as this question came out, Xu Qing, who raised her leg and stepped forward, paused slightly, then stood up straight, with a thoughtful look on her face, and responded:

"Master Sima's thinking is not without basis, although Shengting's consistent method is the so-called balanced consumption.

"But as you said in the temple before, today's Shengting Tiance Palace may have been replaced by a more radical decision-maker."

After speaking, Xu Qing stepped up and continued forward, and a steady voice came out again:

"And the impact of the comity of the nations this time, we can all foresee, this is undoubtedly an extremely obvious fuse, which will directly greatly accelerate the disputes and fights in the entire Taixuan Land.

"If it is analyzed in this way, it is really possible for the holy court to completely change its thinking and try to break through and stand up, or say."

"Or, he is in a hurry."

Sima Annan's response sounded with a hint of smile, and then he took out a folding fan, brushed it open, and spoke again:

"No matter what the impact of this matter will be in the end, but the holy court is anxious, this is a good thing.

"As the saying goes, the more radical you are, the more you will make mistakes. After all, our Daxia's background is a bit shallow. If this holy court consumes a little bit with you and fights for the background, it would be really a headache."

"Master Sima has a point."

Xu Qing nodded, just about to continue speaking, she looked ahead, wearing a decent rouge, walking slowly down the aisle.

Then Xu Qing and Sima Annan stood up straight, saluted respectfully, and asked:

"The officials have seen the queen empress."

"You two don't have to be polite."

Rouge's voice is always so pleasant and pleasant to the ears, and then the quiet face of the mother of Da Xia, facing the front, the voice of inquiry came out:

"Master Sima, can your majesty be in the hall?"

"Hui Niangniang, your majesty is naturally there, and the hundred officials in the temple have all left."

"My palace knows."

After Rouge smiled and signaled that the two of them don't need to be formalized, then, under the sound of the two of them, they continued to walk along the aisle of the treasure ship towards the main hall.

After 50 breaths, behind the imperial table in the hall, Rouge stretched out his hand beside the imperial table in the hall, Rouge stretched out his hand, poured the freshly brewed tea into the cup, and gently placed it in front of the young emperor.

The scent of tea turned into a white smoke that was not strong, and then the voice of the young emperor resounded in the hall:

"It's still bitter tea poured with rouge, and it's refreshing after a sip."

"Your Majesty's praise, the concubines can be ashamed, this tea is made by Liang Po."

There was a smile in Rouge's response, and then he waved his hand, and some white candles were placed around the hall by the maid, who were then lit all together.

In the next breath, a good smell of flowers permeated the hall. This scent was not greasy, but refreshed and relaxed.

"Because of the heavy rain in Fufeng County in recent days, the air is a little silken, so the concubine took the time to make some hundred flowers, hoping to be useful to your majesty."

The soft voice of Rouge fell. After the Yu table, Zhao Yu, whose brows gradually stretched, raised his head, staring at the gentle girl standing in front of him, and responded:

"Rouge is interested, come on, sit here."

After he finished speaking, Zhao Yu patted the position beside him, and placed an object in his hand on the desk. This scene happened to be seen by Rouge, and then the latter's somewhat puzzled voice sounded:

"Your Majesty, what you just read is a letter?"

The sound of this questioning sounded, and the smile at the corner of Zhao Yu's mouth grew thicker, pushing the letter-like object in front of Rouge, and the emperor sounded:

"Rouge, this is actually an invitation, a post from the Taiqing Sect Master."

As Di Yin fell, the color of curiosity in Rouge's big eyes became thicker, and then after carefully looking at the green invitation card in front of him, a little unexpected color appeared.

I saw this small post, and at a glance, there is nothing special about it, but if you investigate it carefully, you will find that there are countless blue qi flowing on the surface or inside.

"Your Majesty, this?"

Before Yanzhi's surprised voice fell, Zhao Yu's response sounded immediately:

"Rouge, you are right. This post is not any kind of object in the world, but a condensate of laws."

When Di Yin fell, Zhao Yu raised his right hand and waved lightly at this post. Suddenly, countless blue qi exploded, flying all over the sky, and big characters directly appeared in the void, so mysterious.

However, after a while, these blue auras, under the influence of a certain law, regrouped inward, forming the original appearance of a blue light circulating post.

"This kind of method that can condense the rules into posts, and has always existed, is not something that ordinary great monks can do. It is enough to show that the cultivation level of the Taiqing sect master has reached the level of unpredictability."

The young emperor's voice continued to be heard from Zhao Yu's mouth, and then the young emperor turned his head and stared at the dark green eyes of the rouge, and the voice sounded again:

"In the land of the Supreme Profound Realm, the abilities of each realm are also different. Once an ordinary cultivator steps on the bridge of heaven and earth, he will begin to control the law, and according to the law, achieve some of the vast abilities like the gods.

"For example, calling the wind and calling for rain, such as moving mountains and reclaiming the sea, these seemingly incredible things in the eyes of ordinary people can often be easily achieved by flipping the rules.

"With the body of a mortal, walking the power of the gods, this is also the reason why monks in the upper realm are called land gods."

"This point has always been heard by the concubines."

Zhao Yu's emperor's voice fell, Rouge nodded, and after speaking in response, he listened to the ears, and the voice belonging to Zhao Yu continued to linger:

"But the road is endless, and the land fairyland is naturally not the end of the Taixuan monk's practice. Therefore, I have been thinking for a long time, what on earth is this land fairy?"

As soon as this very serious questioning sounded, the pupils in Rouge's big eyes shrank slightly. Although he did not speak, his eyes were fixed on the handsome and mighty young emperor in front of his face.

At this time, Zhao Yu, for some reason, the whole body was as ethereal as if he were in another world, but the slight aura leaked out was enough to make the void vibrate and unbearable.

In the next breath, the silver light flashed in Zhao Yu's black eyes, just like the twinkling of the Milky Way in the night sky. At the same time, the more and more majestic emperor's voice continued to roll out:

"Rouge, the answer is actually very simple. The terrestrial fairyland cultivator controls the law, so the person at a higher level is the law of creation.

"Create a unique rule that respects oneself!"

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