The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1899: All parties rushed to

"Meet Daxia, Lord of the North!"

Outside Fengyuan City, the mountains whispered a tsunami of respectful greetings, billowing into the sky, resounding throughout the world, and with the wind that runs through the entire Fufeng County, spreading outward, the sound spread far.

This greeting was like announcing to all the monks in the entire Fufeng County that this newest overlord of the Northern Realm was officially crowned and descended in the core of Taixuan.

Only with supreme strength can you gain awe, this is the eternal truth!

At the same time, outside of Fengyuan City, Daxia's display of intrepidity was like a blockbuster, which exploded without accident, and set off a wave of no sky in the core of the Central Plains, and even the entire Taixuan Continent.

The strong rise of Daxia represents the dramatic changes in the upper-level power pattern of the entire Taixuan Land. It is foreseeable that the turbulence of this pattern and the alternation of new and old forces will only intensify, and it will become the collapse of the fairy palace for tens of thousands of years. The greatest subversion and change in the subsequent era.

After Daxia showed his superb strength outside Fengyuan City, the heavy rain that enveloped the entire Fufeng County continued for several days without a break.

However, because of the imminent opening of the Taoist Society of the World, countless monks from various forces have swarmed into Fengxin City in the middle of Fufeng County in these few days, so that the huge Fengyuan City suddenly became extremely empty.

In the evening, outside of Fengyuan City, the southern gateway of Fufeng County, a group of flying races, carrying a group of silhouettes in dark green robes, shot from a distance. It only took a few breaths before they went straight. Appeared above the big city.

These flying races are huge in size and extremely distinctive. On their flying wings, each wing is like a leaf that overlaps each other. At the same time, the vital parts of the body are wrapped in gorgeous and exquisite armor.

The exquisite armor on these alien beasts not only has excellent defensive effect, but also integrates beauty into one, making these flying alien beasts streamlined, and the body lines are round and soft. With the long swan neck, it is very beautiful, just like It is a work of art.

Among all the forces in the entire Taixuan Land, there is only one force that has such perfect armor and beauty.

"Dongsheng Shuying is a country on the green branches. The team from this country to participate in the Taoist Society of the World has finally arrived."

Outside the walls of Fengyuan City, some of the sect monks who had also just arrived outside the city gate felt the strangeness above their heads. They raised their heads and looked at the strange beasts flying above, opening their mouths and continuing to exclaim:

"It is said that in the past few years, Qingzhi and Yanjue went to the country, fighting around the Tianchi volcano. They all thought that in this Daoist society, the Qingzhi Congress only sent a few people to participate like the Daomen of Dayan Pass. Thinking of the momentum, it is not weak."

"Does that mean that Qingzhi Shangguo has the upper hand over the competition in the Tianchi Mountain Range?"

After the voice of doubt rang out from these monks, the others around shook their heads and responded:

"Because of the **** battle between the Holy Court and the Central Shangguo, we, Tai Xuan Dongfang, don’t know much about the battle between the two Shangguo. However, in the past, Qingzhi and Yanjue were feuds. The two sides will win each other's victory and defeat, so the victory is unpredictable. ."

After speaking, the monk narrowed his eyes and stared at the Dongsheng Treehawks team that began to span the entire Fengyuan City from above, and his voice came out again:

"This elder is very curious now, who is the leader of the Qingzhi Shangguo? As the saying goes, under the turbulent times, young generations have stepped onto the stage of history. Could it be that he is the latest young man?"

This person's words had just fallen, and the sky above Fengyuan City, the back of the tree eagle in the front, a tall and slender shadow, stood silently.

The wind and rain that hit the sky above the sky crackled and fell on the robe of the Wizard of Oz that Qianying was wearing, but there was no sound.

The Wizard of Oz robe is the premier breath-holding device in the Taixuan Land, and the Dongsheng Forest is already rich in rain, so this robe will naturally not make low-level mistakes in falling rain, and it can completely absorb rainwater perfectly. And slipped out gently from the bottom.

"Miss, the next place is Fengyuan City, which is the southern gateway of Fufeng County. This also means that after passing this city, we will truly enter the place where the Taoist Society of the World is held."

A young voice sounded from behind, interrupting Miss Qingzhiguo's thoughts, and then Qing Tian, ​​who recovered to his senses, nodded, looked down, and the voice came out:

"In Fengyuan City, the streets are empty and the squares are sparsely populated. There are very few people."

Compared with a few years ago, Qing Tian, ​​who has experienced the baptism of war at this time, has a more mature face. The original tenderness has faded away. At the same time, some round cheeks are equally angular.

What is even more striking is that Qing Tian at this time has cut off her waterfall-like green hair, leaving a neat short hair.

The eldest lady with short hair is a bit less sweet, but more heroic, and at the same time her eyes are sharp and determined.

After Qing Tian's words fell, Qing Lin, who was tall and tall behind him, pondered for a while and responded:

"Miss, we came too late. Not only did we miss a big scene, but now that most of the monks have already gone north, the bottom is naturally empty."

As soon as these three words came out, Qing Tian's pretty face condensed, and then as if thinking of something, he said:

"It is said that a few days ago, the Daxia monk, using the body of a mortal, showed his power, killing all the monks on the side of the princess of the Xuemei Shangguo, and even smashed the hidden land gods and gods with their heads.

"In the end, even the holy court was afraid of Daxia's hidden strength and chose to avoid its edge. Our northern ally, who has been dormant for so many years, finally began to show his power."

"The turmoil caused by Daxia's move is not small, making the situation on the eve of the opening of the Taoist Society in the world even more complicated, and many forces have begun to become uncertain."

Qing Lin's words fell, and Qing Tian's complexion in front of him remained unchanged, and then his red lips pursed, and with a strong voice, he continued to say:

"I don't care about other disputes in my country, but Yan Jueguo's miscellaneous things must die. Can you find out the route and location of those people?"

"Miss Hui, after these Yan Jueguo chopsticks entered the core of the Central Plains, they went underground and their whereabouts were vague, but it can be concluded that they are already close to Fufeng County."

"Then look for it, and after you find it, cut off the heads of these people!"

After the more and more intense killing intent came out of Yu Qingtian's mouth, this increasingly sturdy girl continued to look down.

At the next breath, the girl saw this special banner floating above a restaurant in Fengyuan City below, her eyes lit up, and her voice continued:

"My lady is going to the city, you continue to Fengxin City, I will catch up later."

Before the words fell, a figure jumped down directly from the tree eagle, turned into an arc of light, and disappeared above the sky.

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