Wind is intangible and impermanent, and yearning for freedom but changeable, and this changeability is also intuitively reflected in the weather.

I saw that the sky above Fengyuan City, where the weather was clear and the night was like water, was suddenly covered with dark clouds and strong winds.

Afterwards, the heavy rain fell, and in a very short period of time, it enveloped the entire busy city.

Although this sudden torrential rain will have a certain impact on the landing of the flying races, the creatures of Fufeng County have long been accustomed to this impermanent climate, let the rain cover the world, and do their own way.

However, for some foreign monks who had just arrived here, there were some complaints.

"This bad weather, just let it go, it's more impermanent than our southern land. Although we are all monks, we feel extremely uncomfortable when we are all exposed to the shower for no reason."

Outside a rather large restaurant in Fengyuan City, a group of monks murmured and raised their vitality, evaporating the rainwater from their bodies, but a little strange color appeared in their eyes.

Because outside the restaurant, a group of people wearing blue robes walked slowly, and strangely, when the rain falling from the sky approached the pedestrian, they were caught by a force and then suddenly absorbed.

Such an abnormality, in the eyes of the people around, is like huge mouths appearing on the street, swallowing the rainwater above the sky.

"Southeast monk in the Taixuan Land?"

In fact, the monks in the southeast of the Taixuan Land are extremely distinctive. Most of these people are aquatic monks, and there are still a lot of scales on their skins. Whether in the river or in the rain, they are like a fish in the water.

"It is said that the recent movements made by these Southeast cultivators are really not small. They have formed an alliance to cut the summer and collected a large number of sect cultivators, preparing to avenge the **** battle in the North Sea a few years ago."

Under the restaurant door, among the several monks who were gathering to hide from the rain, one squinted his eyes and opened his mouth. Then a monk beside him opened his mouth and sneered with disdain, and said:

"It's really ridiculous. I have formed any alliance against Xia, and I don't look at how many catties I have. At this moment, the treasure ship of Daxia in the North is parked on the void outside Fengyuan City. The monks of the alliance, dare to go for revenge."

After speaking, the person raised his hand, and the voice continued:

"Although this northern realm is still extremely mysterious, its strength is beyond doubt. Even Taiqing Sect must personally invite him to participate in this world Taoist meeting. This shows that its strength is evident. .

"Therefore, in the next view, this alliance of cutting the summer may have to lift a rock and smash itself in the foot, and eventually become a stepping stone for the new overlord of the North."

Before this person's voice fell, he was interrupted by a wave of his companions, and then a reminder came out:

"Friends of Daoist said carefully, these people from the Southeast County have come over."

At the next breath, the figure of the female disciple of the GCC with the boy's arms around, stepped in from outside, but the two sides did not have too violent conflict, and they passed by.

And at the moment of staggering, the scaly woman who looked petite in the arms of Young Master Hai suddenly paused, turned her head and glanced at the monk who was just beginning to mock, and her red lips kissed her. , The voice came out:

"The Northern Territory Daxia is just a paper tiger that has been bragged about. My Sea Union and the Faxia Alliance will use the most violent means to prove its fragility like you!"

When the voice fell, the woman and the surrounding people directly pushed open the door of the restaurant and walked into it, leaving the monk behind with unconvinced grumbles:

"It's not ashamed to say anything, it's really a river fish trying to compare with the gods and phoenix, making people laugh!"

In fact, this fleeting confrontation outside the restaurant represented the two attitudes of the monks in the Taixuan Land towards the strength of the Northern Realm.

A kind of thought that the news circulating in the world is seriously inaccurate. These news greatly exaggerate the strength of Daxia, and the monks who went to the north without returning were only because of the existence of the mist of Taoism and some accidents. And died.

The other is naturally a monk who admires Daxia, and at the same time he has endless reveries about the sudden emergence of this legendary and extremely mysterious country.

People who hold these two ideas are not uncommon among the monks in the Taixuan Land, and the two often quarrel with each other after a meal.

But in any case, everyone understands that once the flames of war spread to the entire Taixuan, the mystery of Daxia will eventually be lifted slowly.

At the same time, in the restaurant, the controversy over the geometry of Daxia's strength was also carried out vigorously between the two monks, and most of them were sword repairers with long swords.

Then I saw in the restaurant lobby, a young sword repairman wearing the robes of the Qinglian Sword Sect, standing in the center with a sword on his back, staring scorchingly at the front, after a round, a sharp voice came out:

"Everyone, the strength of Daxia, the new overlord of the Northern Territory, is undoubtedly, the little news passed down from the north is earth-shattering. You might as well think about it, even if it is in the core of Taixuan, which one can Easy to do?"

"The news is only news. Da Xia has never shown a convincing power in front of the world. Even if the bragging is amazing, we don't believe it."

This voice against the young sword repairer came out, and the echoes of the surrounding people sounded immediately:

"Yeah, look at the big powers in the core of our Taixuan, which one is not long-lasting, this great summer is so weak, and it is only a few years after birth, where is the time to accumulate strength.

"Could it be that you think that we occupy the Taixuan Land, the center of the heaven and earth's air transport, and our foundation is not as good as the bottom of the North Sea that the Great Xia sank?"

As soon as the words came out, an aggressive momentum rushed directly at the young man carrying the sword, but the latter took a step forward without fear, and the young voice continued:

"You said Daxia never showed strength in the core of Taixuan, then it was a big mistake. As soon as he stepped into the core of the Central Plains, he showed his crushing invincible strength in my Baolian Sword Field."

Speaking of this, the young Jian Xiu's eyes showed a thick color of worship, his hands suddenly opened, and a louder voice rolled out:

"You guys, don't you know, how magnificent the scene of that great summer treasure ship volleying over the sky and five ancient black dragons covering the sky, not to mention the Nantian King Xiliu behind, who is incomparable in the form of a great day."

After speaking, the young Jianxiu looked proud, but he did not know that the background of this incident was the Baolian swordfield where he was located.

The young Jianxiu said this loudly, lingering in the huge restaurant.

Then in the Jiazi private room above the restaurant, he accompanied Zhao Yu to stand by the window, watching the rouge below, his red lips lightly opened, a smile appeared, and he spoke softly:

"Your Majesty, this little guy is quite interesting."

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