The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1881: Strong man with broken wrist

"If General Daxia, and even Emperor Daxia stood here, what would he do?"

For some reason, when the three princes of the Central Government stood on the city wall, watching the precarious situation in front of him, such a question suddenly flashed in his mind.

In fact, for all the forces in the entire Taixuan Land, Daxia, who dominated the northern realm, was considered to be an alien.

Heterogeneity means variables. Yin Wen has been a storyteller in Shenjing City for several years. She knows Daxia better than others, and she also knows that this country controlled by the human race is best at creating miracles.

"Miracle, I need a miracle when I go to the eastern part of the country!"

The murmured voice came from Yin Wen's mouth, and through its beating golden pupils, one could clearly see the fortress of killing sleep wielding nine chains of slaying demon. After destroying Shangyue City under him, he continued to accumulate. Shi, Yu once again leaped towards Shangxiao City in front of him.

Under the night sky of dawn, the Killian City controlled by the second Zhe Daoqi of Shengting Wugong clearly showed the invincible power of devouring the sky and the earth.

The city blocks the city and the people block the murder, which is frightening!

Then Yin Wen, the third prince on the city wall, looked around. Although his body was still upright, dense beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Strands of sweat flowed down from Yin Wen's forehead and flowed into the former's eyes, with tingling pain, but the third prince kept his eyes open, and the thoughts in his mind flew rapidly.

At the next breath, Yin Wen turned around abruptly and looked to the rear, only to see a silver armored general carrying a person on his back, rushing up under the city wall, and from a long distance away, he roared:

"His Royal Highness, there is a situation."

After speaking, the general moved a few times before coming to Yin Wen, hugging the figure on his back, and the voice continued:

"His Royal Highness, there was a mysterious person just now, who handed this person into the hands of the end general, saying that he would be helpful to this battle in the east, so the end would not stop for a moment and directly escorted him."

As soon as this statement came out, Yin Wen, who turned around, took a step forward, squatted down, and looked down at the depressed figure below. When he saw the central Shangguo-standard armor on the ground figure, he paused slightly. , And then asked:

"Are you a soldier of my country?"

After Yin Wen's question came out, the middle-aged soldier lying on the city wall below, opened his eyes eagerly, regardless of the seven orifices that were still bleeding, and responded:

"Shang Lingcheng Vice Admiral Tang Yuan, I have met the Three Highnesses."

As soon as the three words Shanglingcheng came out, a riot broke out among the generals gathered around, and then Tang Yuan clenched his fists and opened his eyes tightly. He wanted to continue speaking, but he only coughed up a lot of blood. .

"General Tang, don't worry, first restore your energy and speak slowly."

The voice fell, and the third prince Yin Wen leaned forward, leaning in front of Tang Yuan, pressing the latter's shoulder, and continuing to speak:

"Shangling City suffered a disaster, how did you escape from it?"

"His Royal Highness, it was an overhaul who saved me."

After this sentence came out, Tang Yuan straightened his body abruptly, stretched out his **** hands, grabbed Yin Wen's shoulder, and said every word:

"His Royal Highness, there is a plan below to slow down the robbery of Sleeping City!"

As soon as this remark came out, Yin Wenhun's aura suddenly rose and contracted, and finally took a deep breath and slowly said:

"General Tang, please speak."

"Lake, Your Highness, behind Shangling City, there is the Great Lake of Sunset!"

Tang Yuan's words had just fallen, and Yin Wen's depths of the sea of ​​consciousness exploded directly outwards, directly causing endless waves, and instantly the hut opened, stood up suddenly, his eyes fixed on the outside of Shangxiao city.

After a few breaths, more and more generals began to comprehend the meaning behind Tang Yuan's words, their expressions changed first, and then a strong panic appeared.

Afterwards, the rich and rich monk of the violent bear family raised his hand and touched the sweat beads on his forehead, staring at Yin Wen in front of him, and said in a trembling voice:

"His Royal Highness, you?"

Before the question was heard, Yin Wen in front of him suddenly raised his right hand and gently drew a straight line between the cities in front of him. The voice came out:

"Rich, you know better about the eastern part of the Central Upper Kingdom, but do you know how many cities and citizens there are in the northeast of Shangxiao City, beyond the horizontal line drawn by your Highness?"

After this sound, neither light nor heavy, Yin Wen's body trembled more and more fiercely behind the rich, and after taking a few deep breaths, he spoke:

"His Royal Highness, use the line you drew to push towards the sunset lake in the northeast. The minister estimated that there are forty cities."

After speaking, more dense beads of sweat continued to flow down the wealthy forehead. After it settled for a while, the voice came out again:

"As for the people in the city, because most of the people in the city have been evacuated before, it should be much less."

After he finished speaking, perhaps he wanted to conceal the look of horror on his face, Fu Gui raised his hand and wiped his face, and then heard the voice from the third prince Yin Wen in front of him:

"Even if you have retreated most of it, there should be a lot of it, right?"

After this self-talking voice came out of Yin Wen's mouth, he took a step forward, and the muttering sound followed:

"They should hate me, they should hate me, they died because of me!"

The words from Yin Wen's mouth became louder and louder, and finally turned directly into a roar with infinite despair:

"Your Highness, guilty!"

The roar fell, and the third prince Yin Wen jumped up directly from the city wall, which could easily dodge the rich and noble hand from behind.

"Your Highness, Your Highness."

Fugui's anxious voice came out. After grabbing the space, he hurriedly looked forward and saw Yin Wen's golden robe flying body, like a big bird, falling below Shangxiao City.

At the same time, the latter's decisive command sound came out:

"None of you are allowed to go down the city wall, you must try to protect Xiaocheng without losing it. This is an order!"

As soon as this remark came out, each of them had red eyes, and they wanted to follow the general who fell down the city wall to a subconscious pause, but there were still several people who followed the fall.

After a few breaths, Yin Wen, who landed on the city wall, suddenly turned around and raised his head, watching the bright light in front of the sky rising into the sky in the city, and the sky above the city, the nine-day sun that finally appeared in his head.

Then a ray of dawn light shone on his handsome face, as if he was crowning the rising central Shangguo emperor star!

In front of Yin Wen is Shangxiao, and behind him is the mighty Killing City that rushes towards him.

The extremely violent murderous intent surged like a tide, and at this moment, Yin Wen didn't think too much.

Because he has made a choice, and at the same time, he has no choice!

At the next breath, the sudden emergence of the three princes raised his hands, pressed directly on the ground below him, and gently spit out two words:

"Point the dragon!"

Then the whole earth began to roll violently, starting to bulge and crack in front of Yin Wen's body, and finally two golden dragons rushed out of it.

After a while, the huge golden dragon shook its body and divided the earth along a straight line, just like a pair of scissors, completely splitting the entire continent.

"The central government goes to the country, the will is immortal!"

After the shocking roar came out, Yin Wen turned around, opened his hands, and faced the attacking Killian City.

At this moment, he is alone, like a mountain!

At the same time, the Golden Shuanglong withstood this huge piece of land and quickly pushed it back into the Lake of the Moon.

A large piece of land in the northeast of Shangxiao City was directly cut off and rushed into Luoyue Lake, quickly moving away from Shangxiao City.

In the Central Government, the strongman broke his wrist!

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