Killing sleep and killing sleep, whoever kills, is naturally a sleepless person.

Therefore, the identity of the heavy city fortress that descended on the eastern sky of the Central Upper Kingdom can be easily revealed.

The holy court is on the front line of Chaos Destroying Sea to resist the elite troops of Sleepless Sect!

"It turned out to be Killing Mian City. The Holy Court's withdrawal of Mian Mian City from the Sea of ​​Chaos is equivalent to directly giving up a line of defense from Chaos Overseas. This is a blasphemy to all the creatures in the entire Supreme Profound Land!"

On the wall of Shangling City, when the generals saw the origin of the city above, they roared with horror. Then the third prince Yin Wen was next to him, and a major repairer from Shangguo Longting looked even more Cold, continue to speak:

"This holy court is completely insane. If Sleepless Sect breaks through the defenses and invades completely, everyone in Taixuan will suffer from Sleepless Voodoo, and there will be no eggs under the covering nest. The previous Northern Territory is a naked example. !"

"The Holy Court is crazy, but now this Killing Sleeping City is coming to the back of our country through the blood formation, it is not here to play."

The solemn voice came from Yin Wen's mouth, and then the third prince of the Central Shangguo, who lost his calm and indifferent expression, raised his right fist and let out a roar:

"The holy court must strike back and forth to launch an offensive, only a deadly battle!"

This roar, centered on the upper Xiaocheng city, rolled outwards, like the fuse that ignited this battle.

After that, the Central High Kingdom soldiers who were already ready to go, and the monks who had already rushed to the vicinity of Shangling City above the sky, directly raised their hands and poured out countless waves of supernatural powers without hesitation.

And when this torrent of magical powers swayed and shrouded towards the black Sill Sleeping City above, there were three vibrating sounds of trembling void, resounding through the night sky.


Before the sound fell, the three dragons' arrows directly dragged the dazzling golden light, wrapped the Haohao Longwei and Long Xiao, and soared into the sky.

How powerful is the Longyin Great Crossbow, and the speed is even more powerful than most arrows in the world, so it instantly surpassed the surge of supernatural powers, and took the lead in approaching the killing city above.

The entire giant city fortress that descended, showed a dark color that blended with the night, and with the rotation of the dragon's arrow, Long Yuan Jinmang gradually illuminated the exact appearance of the city.

The first thing that catches the eye is the surface of this fortress wall, covered with countless dense, hideous and terrifying scratches. Each of these scratches seems to come from the sharp claws of a beast.

But in fact, the existence of these scratches is countless times stronger than the so-called beast.

That is the assault army of sleepless people!

Scars are the medals of soldiers, so for the same reason, these scratches are also the best glory and medals of this sleeping city.

In the next instant, outside the walls of Killian City, those dense scars illuminate outward at the same time, and the light from these scars is not dazzling, but appears fuzzy like a sea of ​​chaos.


After a breath, the three dragons' arrows simultaneously blasted above the lighted enchantment of Killian City, and the night sky of the whole world suddenly brightened at this moment. At the same time, the extremely violent impact made the knot outside of Killian City. The world fluctuated suddenly.

The enchantment outside the city of Killing Sleep, every time it surges like a wave, it will remove most of the vast hedging power. After dozens of waves, under the unbelievable gaze of three dragons. The arrow fell down extremely weakly.

"It's such a weird barrier, even our country's heavy weapon Longyin Great Crossbow is hard to break!"

With a sound of astonishment, it came from the collar of the Central High Kingdom general, and then under the condensing of countless lights, the torrent of supernatural powers blasted forward from the hands of countless monks, and then completely enveloped the city of Killing Sleep.

For a time, the entire sky above the city was completely flooded by the light of supernatural powers.

Subsequently, the power of these supernatural power waves swept outwards, tearing the void out of countless dense cracks, making the night sky extremely chaotic, and at the same time, the scattered flames and auras obscured the sight of everyone below.

"What is the situation now?"

The mumbled question came from the mouth of a monk from the Central Shangguo, and at the same time, the colorful flames of magical power shone on the faces of these people, revealing a complex face.

Behind the complex colors on the faces of these monks, perhaps is the epitome of sadness and unwillingness after being beaten and suppressed again and again by a Shangguo at its peak.

It's not that the Central Government is not strong enough, but that the waves of unexpected actions by the holy court have caused the former to be in a situation of being attacked before and after they have not fully reacted.

"In any case, this city must not fall, otherwise my central government will be directly knocked off the backbone, including the heart and spirit, all will be broken!

"Kill, kill, no matter what method is used, even if it is a life to fill, it must prevent this city from falling down!"

The same thought appeared in the hearts of every central cultivator, and then these soldiers again began to lift up the auras on their bodies, took off the longbows behind them, drew the arrows, and pointed directly at the chaotic void above them.

After a few breaths, the sound of a drum beat was suddenly heard in the upper city of Killing Sleep:


What a magnificent drum sound, and it contained the extremely rare chaotic murderous aura of the Supreme Profound Land. This city has been galloping in the sea of ​​chaos and miraculous for so many years, including itself, has become a part of Daoqi Chaos.

And with the sound of this drum, the void like being ruthlessly ravaged by paper was directly leveled completely, and then this fortress with countless scars began to quickly approach the ground.

The speed of the falling of Killian City seemed unsatisfactory, but in the blink of an eye, it appeared on the pothole originally left by Shangling City, and slowly embedded into the earth.

During this process, all the generals and cultivators on the defense line that organized the city headed by Xiaocheng and above the Central Upper Kingdom went mad to prevent the city from falling to the ground.

Even the Longyin Great Crossbow unreservedly fired one bow after another. The more temperamental monk, directly used his flesh and blood body to smash into the front of the Killian City, the **** and **** collision. I was crushed to pieces, but all had little effect.

This giant fortress shrouded in chaos and killing enchantment was still embedded in the earth under countless desperate gazes, and then truly stood on the earth.

The city in the hinterland of the Central Shangguo changed hands. For the entire Shangguo, this is not a simple change of Shangling to kill sleep!


On the walls of Shangxiao City, the princess of the Central Shangguo, who was leaning on a golden crutches, opened her mouth and spouted a mouthful of blood, and then her violently shaking body fell backwards.

"His Royal Highness, come on!"

There was a commotion in the rear, and they immediately gathered around. Then the pale paper-faced old woman stared blankly at the top, as if there was a storm in the night sky crazily condensing, and murmured:

"The old man did not defend the eastern part of the upper country, the Tangdu line of defense has not been broken, and the rear has been lost. The old man is a sinner of the ages of the upper country!"

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