The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1872: Shattered City Elimination

"Longyin Big Crossbow, let go!"

Accompanied by a roar that resounded through the sky, it condensed into three substantive golden dragons to the sky, roaring up to the sky, and at the same time, in the eastern part of the central Shangguo under the night, the strong smoke of gunpowder burst open in an instant.

In the next breath, under the gaze of countless lights, three gilt arrows, tearing the sky without fancy, turned into mighty golden meteors, and in a blink of an eye they crossed countless distances and approached Shangling City.

"Where is the bombardment direction of our Shangguo Longyin Great Crossbow?"

Looking at the golden arrow that pierced the sky, the same inquiries came from the mouths of a large number of Shangguo citizens.

Then some monks who climbed up the tall buildings raised their hands and lightly tapped at the three arrows in the distance, and the response came out:

"These three dragons' arrows shot at the same time, they must be the same target, so the intersection of the three arrows is where the enemy is."

"This statement makes sense."

The echo sounded in the surrounding population, and then some monks mobilized their thoughts to calculate. After only a breath, they spoke:

"The place where the three arrows meet is just north of Shangxiao City. Based on the distance, it should be Shangling City."

"Shangling? This is just a small town. Why is it going to be Shangling?"

This doubtful voice hadn't fallen yet, an unprecedented loud noise rang out directly above the sky:


This loud noise came when three dragons' arrows bombarded the large array at the same time. At the same time, under the dark night sky outside the upper Lingcheng, a large cylindrical broken air array appeared completely in the world.

I saw a huge monster purple moon above this big formation, flickering and flickering, representing the identity of this big formation.

"Ziyue Duankong, **** it, it's the holy court, holy court thief, deceive people too much!"

The roar of the people of the Central Government was filled with extreme anger. All these years of **** battles have made the people of the Central Government hate the Holy Court into the bone. The blood feud between the two parties can be described as irreconcilable.

The roar roared, and accompanied by the roar of the Shattering Void, these three golden arrows fired by the Longyin Great Crossbow slammed into the large array of broken air, and blasted countless cracks above the large array.

And above the cracks that blasted outwards, a large amount of extremely pure Longyuan power flowed on it, just like extremely hot lava, and began to melt this ravaged and broken air array.

"Princess, this Purple Moon Broken Sky Formation has been blasted out of a gap for some reason, which has caused it to be incomplete. Therefore, our three dragons and arrows can completely tear this formation."

After the voice of a defender of the city of Shangxiao fell behind, the princess Shangguo's old face showed no trace of joy, but she just asked:

"You only need to tell the old man, how long will it take to completely tear this formation?"

As soon as this question came out, the general behind the old man Shen Ning took a breath and responded:

"Returning to the princess, the Ziyue Suspension Array is one of the strong formations of the Saint Court, so it takes half an hour to break through this array, and a quarter of an hour long."

"It's been too long, let's have another Longyin Great Crossbow. The old man wants to tear up this circle immediately. If one bow is not enough, then add two more bows!"

This speech came down with lingering words, ten breaths later, in the city of Shangxiao, another dragon chanting crossbow was wounded and pulled open, the golden dragon soared into the sky, and the dragons chanted in bursts.


The void trembles, the golden arrow blasts out, and the fourth golden light meteor continues to shine in the sky, turning into a streamer that cannot be seen directly, seeing the space as nothing, like a teleport, and bombarding the sky above the enchantment.

As the saying goes, to crush a camel, only the last straw is needed, not to mention the mighty dragon's arrow!

At the next breath, the Ziyue Broken Sky Array, which was already full of cracks, was directly penetrated by this dragon-groin arrow. Then the entire Array began to explode like firecrackers, and then it began to fall in an all-round way.

After that, countless people from the Central Kingdom who watched all of this were eagerly gazing at the collapsed empty array in front of them. At the same time, a number of magnificent divine consciousness suddenly descended from the sky above the sky and locked down.

The vastness and overwhelming vastness of these divine consciousness indicates that a major repair will arrive. Then, in the eyes of the monks who are closely watching the situation in the east, several golden robe-shrouded figures descend from the sky, standing proudly in the void, sending waves outward. , The prestige of a high-ranking monk who obscures the sky

"Look at it, it's the superior superior realm of Shangguo Longting, this time it will surely make these holy court thieves unable to escape with their wings."

Fierce cheers were heard from the monks in the major cities. At this moment, all activities in this extremely busy eastern part of the Shangguo stopped completely. Almost all the citizens of the Central Shangguo stopped their actions at hand. With a stern look, he focused on the Ziyue Suspension Array that collapsed.

It collapsed inch by inch, and at the same time, the appearance of the inside gradually appeared in front of everyone.

Almost at the same time, the torrent of monks who rushed out of the major cities also appeared in the void outside Shangling City. Naturally, they were also the first wave of people who saw the exact appearance of this great formation.

In the next instant, all the monks in the sky, including the overhaul that was extremely enveloping the majesty of the vast terrestrial fairyland, shook their hearts violently, as if they were hit by a heavy hammer on the forehead without any fancy.

The smashed eyes cast gold stars, and the smashed soul trembled!

Then a voice of utter astonishment came from every monk:

"Here, where's Shang Lingcheng?"

I saw that under the completely broken empty space formation, the city of Shangling that originally stood above the earth had disappeared without a trace, but at the site of the city of Shangling, there was only a huge and incomparable pit.

Inside the pit, countless buildings collapsed, and broken walls were clearly visible. At the same time, inside the devastated pit, a demon king of the moon, standing on top of the earth, was roaring from the sky.

The roar of the Moon Lord was extremely harsh, but it was indeed the most trembling taunt in the ears of everyone around him.

There is no doubt that a city was slaughtered under the nose, and it was in the crucial backyard of Shangguo. This is the biggest national shame of the entire Central Shangguo since the founding of the country.

"National humiliation, this is a naked national humiliation, destined to be washed away with blood!"

Above the towering walls of Shangxiao City, the roaring voice of Princess Shangguo gave a trembling clearly and audibly, and even a rare and incomparable gaffe.

It is true that in the face of such a harsh situation, no one from the central government can remain calm.

With the restraint of the princess of the central Shangguo, she is still so ghoulish, not to mention the angry monk above the void, and then countless monks shot at the same time, which can be called an endless stream of supernatural powers, across the entire night sky, Rushing mercilessly on the top of the moon demon king below.

After an instant, another dragon roaring arrow directly pierced the night sky, blasted into the eyebrows of the Moon Demon King, and blasted its huge body directly back, smashing it into the pit.

At this time, the anger in the hearts of the monks of the Central High Kingdom was hard to describe in specific words. Only the thunderous roar continued to spread:

"Crack to death!"

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