The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1868: Poke through

In the entire Taixuan land, based on the use of the way of space, Wujiang Sect is recognized as a top master. The blood of this sect seems to be naturally flowing with the blood of space. Once awakened, you can perceive the mysterious and unpredictable space. exist.

Few people know that the so-called third Zheyuekong of Shengtingwu Palace is actually two twin brothers, splitting the light moon and the dark moon.

Before the two joined the holy court, Wujiang Sect was their mother clan!

Therefore, the way of space can be said to be carved into every inch of the moon sky, whether it is the dark moon in the upper Ling city and the light moon outside the upper Ling city.

The two people's control of the way of space is almost already in the realm of great achievement, so that it is a small number of existences that can freely lie in the hinterland of the Central Upper Kingdom in the great power of the Shengting Martial Palace.

But there are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the people.

Above the void outside Shangling City, Shanzi's hand pushed aside the previous breath of the law of space in the moon sky, and grabbed the latter's ankle.

On Shanzi’s right hand, the dragon scales are densely covered, and under this dragon scale, the hot dragon bloodline has given him a tremendous force beyond imagination, as if the entire world collapsed and compressed, pressing Guangyue Kong dead on the spot. .

After an instant, a panic that had never been seen before began to gush out from the depths of Guangyuekong's heart, and for the former, it was no longer known how long he had experienced this trembling emotion.

Because it was originally the powerful moon sky, I couldn't even understand why this blue light of space, which was disillusioned like a phantom, could directly cause Shanzi to ignore the layers of space restrictions he sealed off and directly appear in front of him.


An incredible voice came from Guangyuekong's mouth, and then he felt an extremely hot heat rising from his ankles, like a flame in the heart of the earth, instantly sweeping out.

However, this heat does not come from the center of the earth, but from the dragon veins, which is the hottest flame breath of the dragon!

Strands of crimson flames started from Shanzi's right hand, spreading upwards, and directly began to burn Guangyuekong's body, and then the former continued to use his right hand to pull up the entire Moonsky, and violently threw it out toward the front.

The void was once again directly divided into two.

The moon sky burned by the flames of the dragon's breath, after traversing a visible trace in the dark night sky, it directly crashed into the Purple Moon Broken Sky Array outside Shangling City.


For a while, the entire array trembled crazily, and even the ground shook directly.

"Damn it, it's not common sense!"

The blazing dragon's breath burned his body like a gangrene of bones, even if he mobilized the power of the law, it was difficult to extinguish it. This made Guangyuekong's face paler, and he reached out and held the enchantment behind it. , Want to escape directly into it.

But in the next instant, the line of sight in front of Guangyuekong instantly showed a dazzling red glow, accompanied by the roar of countless blood thunders, rolling in.

Before the blood crystal sword arrives, Roaring Thunder is one step ahead!

At the same time, like a cobweb intertwined with thunder, a figure emerged and appeared directly in front of Guangyuekong. He was the person in the mirror who had already been waiting here.

The distance between the person in the mirror and Bai Yuekong is so short that it is only an arm's length away!

After a short while, Bai Yuekong stretched out his right hand, holding a round of white moon, and blasted a punch at the heart of the person in the mirror. At the same time, a particularly dazzling golden light began to shine in the person's right eye in the mirror. Up.

Within the golden light, those were the opened eyes of the Golden Dragon.


After a soft sound, Bai Yuekong's right fist completely penetrated the body of the person in the mirror, and that round of Baiyue rushed out behind the latter, as if through a cloud of intangible fog.

"King Hua Shui Yue, **** it!"

A voice with faint fear came directly from Bai Yuekong’s mouth, and then the person in the mirror in front of him opened his mouth directly, and a group of ancient dragon flames gathered violently in his mouth, and then directly spit out in front of him. :

"Ancient taboo magical powers. Flame breath!"

In an instant, the dazzling red dragon's breath molten flame completely covered the white moon sky, and the entire upper Lingcheng was brightened in an instant!

This mighty flame of the ancient dragon not only scorched the moon sky, but even spread out above the purple moon broken sky array, making a dense crackling sound.

Under the scorching of the ancient dragon's breath, this entire fragment of the void enchantment directly showed a rich red glow, just like the molten glass, almost bursting open completely.

However, in the next breath, within the ancient dragon flames filled with extreme light and heat, a roar with infinite pain resounded across the sky:

"Blast of Light and Moon, get out of here!"

As soon as the roar came out, within the flames, one after another, the laws of the cold moon appeared materialized, turning into countless sharp arrows, pouring out of the brain, and at the same time, all the depths of the space outside the large array were also lit by a mysterious aura. , And then completely detonated.

The Baiyuekong that was crushed from beginning to end finally chose to ignite the core of his most original kingdom, and directly turned his whole body into an exquisite domain.

How strong is the core of a kingdom that is ignited with the risk of falling into a land fairyland?

The complete power of the sky is undoubtedly revealed at this moment!

Numerous laws of the cold moon directly extinguished the breath of the ancient dragon, and even the person in the mirror with the defense of the unparalleled dragon scales was blasted into a sieve in an instant and flew far away.

Then one after another moonlight thorns began to revolve around the light moon sky, just like guarding a **** from the moon cave.

But this god's heart is desperate and fragile at this time!

At the next breath, Guangyuekong lowered his head inconceivably, because a blood-colored big sword had already penetrated his completely moon-devilized body for some time.

After a breath, the void in front of Guangyuekong began to fluctuate like water, and the dancing body of Shanzi Nightmare Division stepped out of it.

Shanzi's right hand still held the Blood Crystal Sword steadily, and then slammed forward, directly with the sword to lead people, and blasted Guangyuekong above the Ziyue Duankong enchantment behind him.


The sharp pointed tip of the Blood Crystal Sword slammed into the Broken Sky Enchantment, making an extremely sharp sound.

And with this voice as the horn, countless crimson thunders spread from the blood crystal sword, and instantly crawled over the body of Bai Yuekou, disintegrating and sealing the original power of the latter.

Guangyuekong’s purple-white skeletal body began to tremble violently, but his eyes were still fixed on the young man in front of him, and he muttered:

"Why, why doesn't this space listen to this seat?"

After the sound of the questioning, he held the sword and pierced the person in front of him on the mountain above the barrier. After hesitating for a while, he raised his head slightly and responded softly for the first time:

"Since you know the magical powers of mirror flowers, water and moon, you should also understand that this technique is the most domineering space magical power in the world, in addition to the person in the mirror!"

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