Whether it is the teleportation scroll based on ancient architecture by Daxia, or the teleportation circle in the era of the fairy palace.

What is the difference between the two in terms of specific spatial transmission, but their essential cores are both tending to be the same.

That is to tear the space bubbles by means to reach the realm of no distance!

In this way, a stable space is a necessary condition for teleportation, so as Uncle Yu said at this time, if there is a major repair usage, it will set off a wave of space, and this teleportation flower may be directly interrupted.

"There is fairness between heaven and earth. There has never been a profitable business. Our company and Er et al said this, and hope that Er et al will not take it lightly."

In the shadow of the streets of Shangling City, Uncle Yu's serious voice sounded, and then the former raised his head, staring at the sky above the sky, and continued to open his mouth:

"Your Majesty always said not to underestimate anyone, not to mention that Daxia has only been founded for a hundred years, even if the entire Shenzhou vast land, the foundation is only tens of thousands of years, but the land of the great mystery is different, no one can tell how many years it has been inherited. .

"If you don't pay attention to it, you can easily be caught off guard, and this time, our company also said before that this round of purple moon may be directed at us."

Uncle Yu's voice fell, and the firmness and dignity appeared on the faces of the other big Xia officials.

Then the Captain of the Angry Beast Army looked around for a week, looking at the empty street where everyone was hiding in the building, nodded heavily, and said:

"Glory is my life, Daxia glory!"

As soon as the voice fell, two deafening dragon roars were passed down directly from the sky:


But louder and more violent than Long Xiao is the roar of the silver armor guards in Lingcheng here:

"Every citizen of the kingdom of our central government, whoever encounters the holy court, will be killed without mercy!"

The roar of the guardian of the upper Ling lingered around the sky, and then the two souls of silver dragons spiraled upwards, forming a twin dragon strangling force, and rushing straight to the purple moon above.

At the same time, within the Shuanglong, the silver armor guard holding the heavy halberd again, as if flying through the clouds and driving the fog, tore the air in front of him, and suddenly appeared at the highest point of the sky.

Because of the existence of the Ziyue Broken Sky Array, Shangling City was completely stripped away from the Supreme Profound World, so the highest point of the sky is Ziyue and that phantom.

At the next breath, the shining and tall figure of the silver armor guard appeared in front of Ziyue, and at the same time he waved the wolf smoke heavy halberd and smashed it down fiercely.

"Three Dragons Heavy Halberd!"

The Silver Armor Guardian was originally an overhaul of having the dragon bloodline in the Central Upper Kingdom, and he could be regarded as a dragon.

Coupled with the two souls of silver dragons sealed on the armor, it means that at this time, on the heavy halberd wielded by the guard general, the power of the terrifying three dragons is surrounded.

The power of one dragon can overwhelm the river, not to mention the three dragons.


After an instant, three dragon roars shook the world, and the demon purple night sky under the heavy halberd instantly cracked outwards.

Under such violent dragon power, the first thing that broke apart was naturally the entire frozen air because of the chill.

Not only that, including the entire upper Lingcheng underneath, after this heavy halberd was swung, it seemed to jump upwards fiercely.

Afterwards, on the ground of Lingcheng, the surface of buildings, or the frost that crawled on the bodies of a large number of monks and creatures, all directly shattered outwards.


This crisp sound of frost cracking was so beautiful to those monks whose lives were hanging by a thread.

Immediately after these monks, whose vitality resumed operation, began to do their best to mobilize the Qi machine, and at the same time rushed out of the crumbling buildings around, to the turbulent streets, looked up, and their faces were full of joy.

I saw the entire void around Shangling City, under the violent might of that three-dragon heavy halberd, there appeared densely dense horror cracks like spider webs.

After the cracks were intertwined in one place, they formed a huge elliptical enchantment, which happened to envelop the entire Upper Lingcheng.

Such a situation caused a large number of monks in the upper Ling city to show ecstasy, and with exclamation of exclamation, they directly heard from these people's mouths:

"This is the precursor to the collapse of the Ziyue Suspension Array, great, the general is mighty, the general is mighty!"

Raised arms and loud shouts continued to be heard in the city, and then someone snarled up to the sky and provoke loudly with the mouth open above:

"The third philosopher of the Holy Court Martial Arts Palace, Phantom Moon Sky, is nothing more than that, as long as the big formation is broken, the rest of the city will definitely find the difference here.

"At that time, the elites of Shangguo will arrive, whether the third or the third philosopher of the holy court will all be suppressed, and then be sentenced to death in front of the whole world to demonstrate the country!"

In these roars, in addition to the deep dissatisfaction, there is also full of anger. It is true that in the past tens of thousands of years, the Central Shangguo, as the leader of the Shangguo, is the first time that people have been so bullied to the head.

It is the first time that these people who used to stand upright and self-confident in the country have come to understand what it is like to be panic-stricken as a dog in the family!

So after the initial fear, what swept through the hearts of the people of Shangguo was the shame that trembled the entire soul, and the subconscious roar continued to roll out:

"Kill, kill, cut off Yuekong's head!"

Not to mention the anger of the monks on the ground. At this time, above the sky, the silver double dragon souls and the silver armor guards holding halberds did not take it lightly.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree, only the higher you stand, the more you know the horror of the monks occupying the Supreme Profound Peak, and this one in front of you is undoubtedly one of them.

Because from the beginning to the end, this one seemed to be in front of you, but separated from the phantom of countless spaces, there was never a real shot.

"No matter what medicine you sell in the gourd, Shanglingcheng, it is the Shanglingcheng of my central government's Shangling, and there is no room for outsiders to be presumptuous!"

Words of words came out from the silver armor guard, and then the two silver dragon souls next to him screamed to the sky again.

At the next breath, the former lifted the halberd and stepped directly forward, mobilizing every cell in his body, facing the void in front of him, once again smashing a three-dragon halberd that destroys the sky and the earth.


This halberd blasted, in addition to the still-shaking dragons, there was also an extremely clear sound of fragmentation, which sounded directly in everyone's ears.

This sound like ice cracking, heard by everyone in Shangling City, was undoubtedly the sound of the broken air enchantment shrouded outside the city, when it began to collapse in an all-round way.

Sure enough, under the louder and louder shouts, a densely cracked enchantment appeared on the sky above the upper Lingcheng, and suddenly fell down.

"Broken, broken, the barrier is broken, the country is invincible!"

More excited roars rang out from all over the city of Shangling, but at the next breath, the shouts came to an abrupt end, just like a singing bird, pinched by the neck, there was no sound.

Under Wan Lai's silence, the large formation full of cracks that shrouded everyone's heads was completely shattered, but behind this large formation was not the eastern night sky of Shangguo where Shangling City was located, but another great formation.

Then the creatures on the ground looked at the three purple moons appearing in all directions, and a terrified voice came out:

"This is, in the array?"

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