The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1843: Memories of fear and excitement

"Boom boom boom!"

Within the completely broken sea of ​​consciousness of the butler of the Rolling Gold Sect, the endless storm suddenly began to raging crazily. At the same time, countless golden soul lights visible to the naked eye, through the broken dome of the soul sea, turned into beams of light, pouring mightily down. .

This golden light pierced through the heavens and the earth rushed into the Liuge old soul that was suspended in the air, causing the latter's somewhat vague body to suddenly become extremely solid.

At the same time, the vast waves pouring out from inside the old souls of the Liu Pavilion, within this sea of ​​knowledge, set off infinite waves, such a huge wave, even somewhat similar to that chaotic sea of ​​chaos that destroys the sky and destroys the earth.

The golden light is shrouded and intertwined in the sky of the sea of ​​consciousness, and the old six pavilions who stand proudly in the void, in every move, plunder the memory in the sea of ​​consciousness, like a **** descending from the earth.

Then the soul condensed from the old six pavilions raised his hands and slammed into the sky, and then the waves of the rolling consciousness sea rose into the sky, engulfing more massive memory fragments, and exploded upwards.

For a time, the entire sea of ​​consciousness was filled with countless memory fragments in all directions. Most of these fragments that looked like a sky curtain appeared light gray, while a small amount of other color fragments appeared.

As soon as these shining memory fragments of different colors appeared, there was a golden light soul power, shooting from the front like an arrow, blasting on it, exploding one memory after another.

There are joys and sorrows in these memory images, but for these memories, Liu Ge Lao only glanced at them, and then stopped paying attention. He directly smashed them to pieces with his hand, and then raised his hand to set off a second wave of fragments.

As the old man said before, it is undoubtedly extremely miserable to find a small part of such memory fragments, but although Liu Ge is tyrannical, he is extremely patient, repeating this soul search again and again. action.

I don't know how long it took, the old man's eyes suddenly brightened, because among the countless fragments that were rising with the wave, one of them contained a deep purple meaning.

Purple represents horror!

Therefore, as soon as this purple meaning appeared, Liu Ge directly raised his hand to point it out. The next breath, the fragments split, and a memory picture quickly unfolded.

As far as the eye can see, there is the endless gray-brown ocean, and the fog of Taoism that covers the sky and the earth.

There are so many fogs of Taoism and Abandonment in the entire Taixuan Land, and there is only one place.

"The northern border is the northern border!"

The voice that sounded from Liu Ge's mouth was a little excited, and then he continued to look at it, and his mind suddenly began to vibrate, because on this magnificent ocean, there appeared two towering people's heads.

At the same time, the extremely rich blood gas turned into billowing smoke, rising from the rising of the two heads.

And even if this was only the memory of the sea of ​​knowledge of the butler of the Jinzong, Liu Ge elder could still clearly see the extremely unwilling and wide-open eyes of the skull above Jingguan, as well as the almost materialized despair.

"It's true. Those monks who rushed into the North Sea a few years ago were dead and were erected to be the capital of the people. This incident is not fabricated."

The muttering voice came from Liu Ge's mouth, and then the memory fragments in front of him happened to be completely shattered, and the picture disappeared directly.

But the shock of this short memory to the old man did not weaken, on the contrary, it became more and more serious. Then the head of the former was raised again, because in the wave of the sea of ​​knowledge, there appeared another purple light. Memory pieces.

The purple light lingering above this fragment was stronger and brighter than the previous one, which made the memory carried in it even more shocking.

"This Northern Territory Daxia is really terrifying. Let the old man take a look. What's in this memory?"

After he finished speaking, the sixth pavilion of the Shenji Pavilion no longer hesitated, and directly pointed out his hand to the front, and then the purple fragment began to shatter, and the memory image was displayed outwards.

The next breath, a uniform, powerful and fanatical roar, burst into the ears like a roar of thunder:

"Xia, Xia, Xia, Daxia!"

This roar that resounded across the sky directly brought the old man back to the North Sea battle that overwhelmed the mountains and the sea a few years ago, and the iron-blooded air that frightened everyone was even more violent than the North Sea surging under his feet. The front is rushing.

Elder Liu Ge even felt that his robe and beard and hair were blown up by the battle gas, and at the same time a fiery hot breath suddenly suppressed.

Then the old man raised his head, and his pupils began to swell and shrink suddenly, because he saw a round of nine-day sun, and it was a giant beast that was obscured by the sky, directly shooting down the crimson sun in the sky.

"The Nine Heavens and the Great Sun has fallen, it should be the Holy Court Nantian King Xiliu and the entire Yushu Fire Mansion, but what does this giant beast exist? Why is there no record in the Shenji Pavilion?"

When the question fell, the six elders of the Shenji Pavilion felt that the infinite pressure on his body suddenly loosened, all the visions completely dissipated, and his figure once again returned to the sea of ​​knowledge of the butler of the rolling gold sect.

This means that this memory is once again completely exhausted.


The extremely solemn voice began to be heard from Liu Ge's mouth, and this time, in the old man's eyes, the full of horror was hard to dissipate for a long time.

Because the violent figure that shot down the nine days of the sun caused an indelible impact on Liu Ge!

Who is the Nantian King Xiliu? The old man who is one of the elders of the Shenji Pavilion is naturally no stranger. In other words, the big day he summons is a projection of the true nine-day gods, not just a magical power. That's so simple.

"My pavilion will definitely check this behemoth carefully, where is it sacred."

Along with the dignified voice, the dazed old man raised his hand and pointed at a fragment in front of him casually.

This piece of memory is also surrounded by purple awns, but it is not large, which also means that there are not many memories inside.

In the next breath, the fragments began to break apart, and the picture that appeared was no longer the battlefield of the North Sea full of iron and blood, but inside a huge and incomparable building.

Inside this building, there is a sacred tree standing upright, and at this time Liu Pavilion is standing on a trunk platform of this sacred tree.

After an instant, a blue-and-white beam of light suddenly lit up beside him. Upon closer inspection, this beam of light was a mysterious magic circle, and as the magic circle rose, a huge blue-white flower slowly appeared. Blooming out.

Then a fat figure revealed his figure within the teleported flower, and it was a gold ingot in a treasure.

At the next breath, a sweet and crisp female voice lingered in the ear:

"Welcome the two to come to the Imperial Capital of Great Xia, Shenjing City, please show your identity jade disc and register it."

As soon as the words came out, the soul of Old Six Pavilion above the sea of ​​consciousness began to tremble violently, and it was even difficult to distinguish whether it was because of fear or excitement. Then his voice came out:

"This, this is the teleportation circle?"

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