Today's Baolian swordfield evening, the sky is full of sunset, red like blood, red is heart palpitating.

As for the monks who came across the foggy mountains and seas from the outside, the core place of Taixuan Central Plain seemed to be closer to the nine-sky firmament, because the Huanghuang Sun was too much larger than the rest of the place.

Not only that, even the fuzzy three rounds of light and shadow next to the Nine Heavens God Sun were much clearer.

Long road, sunset, lonely pavilion.

I don’t know when, a disciple of the Qinglian Sword Sect, who is carrying a long sword, flew his sword and arranged it neatly along the road, forming an airtight formation, wrapped in the billowing sword energy, encircling a radius of ten miles. Water can't leak.

At the same time, these sword repairmen stared at the sword pavilion in the distance, with a deep curiosity in their eyes, because this was the first person to receive the highest sword ceremony since the Qinglian Sword Sect was joined.

The red light of the setting sun shone diagonally in the west, giving long shadows to everything on the earth, imprinting it on the orange-red earth.

Although the setting sun is round and round, the temperature of the setting sun is not high. The temperature in the core of Taixuan Central Plains will not be extreme most of the time, and it is perfect for living creatures.

Then, while the sword wind was practising, the female Jian Xiu Fanxing standing not far away from the sword pavilion heard a soft questioning sound:

"Senior Sister Fanxing, this distinguished guest was escorted by you all the way, do you know his identity?"

It was a young woman who was the same age. The white sword robe on her body indicated that she came from the line of Ice Lotus. The girl's skin was fair and Saixue, and the eyes flashed with agile light.

"The identity of the distinguished guest is mysterious, and I don't know it."

After Fan Xing's response fell, the ice lotus girl behind her turned her eyes, continued to probe, and whispered again in Fan Xing's ear:

"Senior Sister, according to your disciple who escorted you in the Liantai line, that distinguished guest is a handsome brother, handsome in appearance, I wonder if it's true?"

As soon as he said this, Fanxing’s pretty face was taken aback for a moment, then frowned, and said:

"Xiu is rude, but even the Sect Master Sword Sovereign has to personally invite the existence, talking behind the scenes, it is disrespectful."

"At such a young age, I guess it's also the shadow of the family or the sect."

After the girl of the ice lotus line had finished speaking, she stuck her tongue out, took a step backward, reached out her hand to hold the long sword shining with the light of ice behind her, and continued to murmur:

"Our Baolian swordsmanship has been reduced to the highest sword ceremony for a family's elder brother. In this girl's heart, it is really not good."

The woman just fell with a little dissatisfied voice, but the star standing straight in front of her turned directly, staring at the white-clothed girl in front of her. In her eyes, the sword intent surged.

The sharp sharpness in Fanxing's eyes made the girl in front of him take a step subconsciously, and said in a flustered manner:

"Sister, what's the matter?"

"People shouldn't look on their faces, and the sea shouldn't be measured. You should know this truth, Junior Sister."

Words of words came from Fanxing's mouth, and then the former's eyes became sharper, his lips opened, and the voice sounded again:

"You should also be aware that my Qinglian Sword Sect has directly become the thorn in the eyes of the holy court since the day of rejoining the sect. The severe repairs of the holy court in the past few days have revealed the severe situation.

"If I wait for sword repairs and have the thought of underestimating people like Junior Sister, then Baolian sword ground is not far away from extinction!"

The girl Fanxing's words were extremely heavy, and the little girl from Binglian's line turned pale. Then Fanxing turned her body back to the front, and her unceremonious voice continued:

"I can only tell you that this group of people came from the north and was personally invited by the Taiqing Sect's Sect Master to participate in the World Taoist Association, and at this time, the Taiqing Sect's elders were waiting there in Liantai City.

"That elder has been waiting for a full several months, you might as well think about it, an ordinary child who only relies on the Yu Yin of the family sect can make the Taiqingzong elder wait so respectfully?"

As soon as this statement came out, the female disciple of the ice lotus line turned paler, and could not say a word for a long time.

"All things floating on the surface are beautiful scenery, and those who sink into the heart will have the answer. This is what the young man told me before. I hope you can encourage each other."

After Fanxing said these last words, he didn't speak any more, but his gaze passed through the scarlet setting sun in front of him, looking towards the sword pavilion surrounded by infinite sword energy.

Although the pavilion was not far ahead, the girl's eyes could not see what was happening in the pavilion, and naturally she couldn't hear the conversations of the people inside.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and Da Ri also slowly sank below the sinking road, and then the eyes of a sword repair disciple arrayed outside Liantai City lit up at the same time, and they all looked forward.

The countless tornado sword qi shrouded outside the solitary pavilion directly began to fluctuate violently, and then turned into a budding sword qi lotus flower, slowly blooming outward.

After the sword lotus was in full bloom, the scene inside the solitary pavilion was completely reflected in the eyes of all the surrounding sword repairs. At the next breath, countless light began to interweave in front of it, and suddenly began to fluctuate violently.

I saw two rows of case tables in the small sword pavilion. After one row of case tables, there were four straight figures wearing sword robes of various colors.

The sword cultivators of these four people are no strangers, they are the four great sword masters of the entire Baolian Sword Land, and they are also the well-deserved Dinghai Shenzhen among the high-level practitioners of the Qinglian Sword Sect.

What shocked all Jian Xiu was that among the four people behind the case table, the Sword Master Lei Lian, who had suffered serious injuries during the previous wars, was among the four.

The figure of Lei Lian Sword Sovereign in purple clothes was enough to show that Qinglian Sword Sect paid much attention to this meeting, and then everyone began to turn their gazes to the opposite side of the Four Sword Sovereigns, where the case table was also set up.

But there was only one case table. Behind the case table, sat a young man with an ordinary cotton hat.

He is so young that even his casually sitting figure is a bit thin, and the two figures standing behind this young man are also not very old.

Then it was such a young and extremely young combination, the power faintly exuding within the body, but faintly overshadowed the turbulent sword intent exuded by the four sword masters in the front.

At the next breath, Zhao Yu, who was sitting in full view, raised his low gaze and looked at the four sword masters with different looks in Baolian's swordland.

"Er, the Baolian Sword Land and the Qinglian Sword Sect, want to form a so-called offensive and defensive alliance with Wu Daxia, but I have some doubts."

After speaking, Zhao Yu leaned forward, looking straight ahead with extremely majestic gaze, and then the rolling Emperor Wei exploded outward, and the Emperor Yin continued to linger in the entire sword pavilion:

"Sword repair is weak, what can I get for Daxia this time?"

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