The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1805: Space circle

If the entrance to the Sleeping Tiger Gorge Ridge is like a roaring tiger's mouth, then the exit of the Wushan Sea to the core of Taixuan is the **** of the sleeping tiger.

The gorges on both sides of this exit, although still lingering in the mist, the south cultivators who are rushing outward, are already excited, and what's more, they frequently open their mouths and scream, stepping, unhappy.

Actually, it’s no wonder that these monks are so gaffe. It is true that this trip to the Wushan Sea is too depressing for them, and it can be called a life of nine deaths, but the monks of the Yunwu Sect are not surprised at this, because every time they are escorted to this place In the last journey, there will be such a scene like this.

It is worth mentioning that, as the fog at the exit of the gorge weakened, the huge body of the camel mountain beast in the front gradually came into the eyes of all the monks, but the camel mountain beast suddenly stopped in full view. , Began to lie down.

At the same time, above the Camel Mountain Beast, the voice from the elder Yunwuzong directly spread out:

"Everyone, the exit of Wushan Strait Ridge is right in front. Because Wuyun Wuzong and Baolian Jiandi have rules, Camel Mountain Beasts are not allowed to step outside the gorge, so this is the way to lead the journey of Wuyun Wuzong. until.

"Here, all the elders and disciples of the Yunwu Sect, I wish all fellow daoists a bright future and a bright future!"

After speaking, the red light above the head of the Camel Mountain Beast flickered, and finally turned into several crimson lights, turning into a light path, passing through the fog and pointing to the front, guiding the monks in the rear to complete the final journey.

"Chong, the core of Taixuan is in front, Qinglian Sword Sect, I am waiting for the sword repair!"

With a violent cry, the speed of these monks rushing forward suddenly accelerated, and then one after another passed the camel mountain beasts on the ground, and headed for the exit mightily.

And among the mighty tides of monks, mixed with this extra-large carriage, pulling the carriage was an extremely handsome dragon-blooded monster.

Long Xiangma Xiaohuang’s extraordinary aura and blue-gold lustrous scales made most of the monks subconsciously stay away, not daring to approach. At the same time, in the wide carriage, Zhao Yu’s eyes drooped and stared. Look at the thing on the desk in front of you.

This object is not big, the size of a palm, and the whole body is silver, covered with intricate patterns. It is a part of the secret box intercepted from Boying's hand.

"This is part of the Supreme Profound Land's Treasure Rune Array?"

The steady voice of the emperor came out of Zhao Yu's mouth, and then the young emperor stretched out his right hand and directly pressed the half of the box in front of him on the case table, and a faint silver light began to linger under Zhao Yu's palm.

The next breath, an incomparably ancient and vast breath, began to linger in the carriage, and the mystery of this breath was even hard to describe with words.

"Your Majesty, the Weichen originally believed that the so-called one-quarter teleportation circle was born, and he was skeptical, but seeing the context of this part of the circle, it seems that something really happened."

After Sima Annan's young voice sounded in the carriage, he turned his head and looked at Li Chunfeng, who was touching his white beard beside him, and the voice of inquiry came out:

"Lord Li, you are our Daxia's premier space power, can you discover something from this small half of the rune fragment?"

When the question fell, Li Chunfeng frowned slightly, while continuing to stroke his beard, he said:

"It's true that when this circle was sent back by Xu Sicheng, the old man studied it for the first time, but unfortunately, although the rune on it is very mysterious, I have never seen it before, but I did not feel the strong laws of space from it."

Speaking of this, Li Chunfeng straightened his body, and the old voice sounded in the carriage again:

"You must know that the laws of the Supreme Profound Land are extremely perfect. To use this so-called spatial formation to tear open the space bubbles, the energy required is particularly huge.

"So the old man feels that in addition to the law of space, this formation should also have the effect of absorbing huge energy, but perhaps the old man's realm is not enough, and no runes in this area have been found for the time being."

After finishing the sentence, Li Chunfeng respectfully saluted Zhao Yu in front of him, and said with a slightly smiling voice:

"But Master Sima might as well look forward to it. Under your majesty's eyes, how mysterious this part of the so-called spatial runes will be discovered."

As soon as Li Chunfeng's words fell, the voice from Zhao Yuping rang directly:

"Li Chunfeng, don't flatter yourself, so I will just take a look."

When Di Yin fell, Zhao Yu raised his right hand on the desk, and saw that the original half of the secret box had become a thin piece of paper.

At the next breath, Li Chunfeng narrowed his eyes, staring at the runes that had been staggered due to the change in shape, and a horrified voice came out:

"Your Majesty, this?"

"You are right, this space rune is not part of a quarter, but an eighth."

Zhao Yu's emperor's voice fell, and wisps of silver light began to gush out from the hands of the young emperor, and poured into the spatial array spread out above the desk, and then the emperor Huanghuang's voice continued to sound:

"If the entire secret box carrying a quarter of the magic circle is smashed, and the rune obtained is useless, Xu Qing's action to **** the general secret box this time would have been accidental."

After speaking, Zhao Yu's open right hand with five fingers suddenly clenched, and the richer silver light slammed down, causing the spatial array rune under his palm to instantly light up, and the entire void suddenly began to tremble slightly.

In the next instant, on the thin secret box on the desk, strands of silver runes stretched out directly like tentacles, and then the tentacles began to spiral upward, intertwined and spliced ​​in the void. , In just a few breaths, the prototype of a magic circle appeared.

"What a deep fragment of the law of space!"

Until this time, Li Chunfeng, who had been holding his breath, let out a sigh, and after the old muttering voice fell, he continued to speak:

"The old man now understands a little bit of the mystery of this formation. The purpose may be to summon the spirit of space in the legend, and then the latter can use the boundless realm to bring the creatures where they want to go."

"According to Master Li, this so-called space circle is a summoning medium?"

"It's hard to say for now, because this is only one-eighth of the category."

Li Chunfeng's response just fell, his eyes suddenly changed slightly, and he continued to speak:

"No, this formation is moving, it is conscious, because someone is calling it!"

As soon as this statement was made, the silver magic circle in the void suddenly trembled more violently, and then began to resemble a small beast that had awakened, turning left and right in a panic, trying to escape outward.


The next breath, a steady voice came from Zhao Yu's mouth, and then the young emperor shot down, directly slapped the space formation above the void, and returned to the slice.

The carriage was quiet again, and then Zhao Yu picked up the thin slice on the desk, and his ebony eyes looked at it, and the voice came out every word:

"The holy court is searching for the fragments of the magic formation. This is not good news, because it means that they have at least obtained more than half of the space formation!"

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