The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1800: Big array self-split

"Damn the holy court, **** the holy court!"

Before the gate of Shangxiao City, facing the huge gate in front of the horizontal fence, the old woman standing in front of the gate, like a purple sky formation that cuts off the sky, was particularly angry. Jinguai in his hand hit the ground hard.

"Boom boom boom!"

The crutches in the hands of the old woman seemed to contain some extremely vast and mighty power, causing the whole world to directly rang out with ear-splitting roars, and then the old voice of the former continued to be heard:

"Laifu, blast this big formation for the old man, and then smash the holy court thieves who dare to get to Xiaocheng in the city, cramp and pull the bones, hang them on the city wall, and show them to the world for seven days and seven nights!"

After finishing the sentence, the old woman lifted the golden crutches and took a violent step forward, and then looked at the blood bears rolling in front of the scarlet evil spirits, and continued to raise their huge claws, violently slapped on the purple array. .

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a loud noise like a drum beating, and there was a steady stream of bangs. At the same time, the blood bear monk named Laifu, his energy soared like a volcanic eruption, which directly attracted the attention of countless monks outside the city.

"This is an overhaul of the blood-drinking bear clan?"

After the murmur came out, more and more monks gathered towards the city wall under the heavy rain, and then there were monks who were originally in Tangdu. The color of horror in their eyes became thicker, and the voice continued to spread:

"Blood-drinking Grumpy Bear is one of the extremely mysterious golden clan in our Supreme Profound Land. It is not visible to the world on weekdays, but it has a very close relationship with the royal family of our country, and it can be regarded as one of the foreign relatives.

"Therefore, among the people entering the city in front of us, there is a royal family!"

As soon as the word royal came out, everyone's hearts were stunned. Before thinking about it, they heard the harsher and more violent bear roar in front of them, and at the same time, there was a thunderous thunder.

After an instant, I saw the violent purple sky formation that oscillated under the violent claws of the blood bear, and the thunder runes on it suddenly lit up one after another at the same time, and then countless thunder began to gather in the formation. The ear-piercing sound resounded like countless birdsong.

"Let's come to blessing, first take back the strength, this purple sky thunder formation is strong when it is strong, and it can absorb the power of attack and turn it into a thunder countermeasure. It is absorbing the power of your slap and converging into a thunder wave!"

Next to the old woman, the middle-aged man in Jinyi who was kneeling on the ground suddenly raised his head and opened his mouth to send out a reminder. However, the Zixiao Array is indeed a powerful array that moved the world in ancient times. It is powerful and fierce.

After an instant, ten thousand years rang together, and the thunder burst!

Within the big formation of Zixiao, countless thunder snakes stretched out like tentacles, and then the thunder tentacles directly rushed out of the big formation, entwining directly against the violent bears burning with blood flames.


The blood-drinking violent bear continued to roar up to the sky, and turned back to the two smashing palms, which instantly smashed the thunder behind, turning it into a billowing thunder blast, splashing back and forth.

However, at the next breath, the denser thunder tentacles rushed out of the big formation, entangled in blood-drinking bears from all directions.

For a moment, the blood bear roared, and the thunder was shining, making the entire city outside Shangxiao instantly seem to be in a fierce battlefield.


The terrifying sharp thunder sound rang through the ears, and then under the condensing of more and more eyes, the countless blazing thunders above the purple sky array seemed to have been stimulated by some kind, and they became violent in an instant. Times, and even began to violently fluctuate.

After a few breaths of time, the entire horizontal column between the sky and the earth sank directly down, like the sea depression before the tsunami broke out. After a short moment, a thunderous tsunami that was thousands or hundreds of times violent rose into the sky, turbulent. , In a blink of an eye, the huge blood bear was completely submerged.

"No, this battle is fierce. It depends on one person alone, I'm afraid it's too weak."

A series of worried voices sounded from the mouths of the monks outside the city, and then they saw the middle-aged in Jinyi next to the old woman, whose figure instantly disappeared in place, and also turned into a **** light, piercing the void.

After a breath, the scarlet meteor formed by the middle-aged Jin Yi slammed into the thunder sea ahead, and then a larger blood-drinking violent bear appeared on the purple sky formation.

"Get out of my seat."

An ear-splitting roar resounded through the night sky, and then the violent bear in Jinyi's middle age raised his claws, grabbed the thunder pulp tentacles that wrapped around Laifu in front, and severely tore it outward.


The unprecedented thunder roar sounded in all directions. The blood-drinking bear’s extended claws were comparable to the rare swords of the gods in the world. They chopped off countless pieces of thunder pulp, and then grabbed the blessing that had fallen in the purple thunder pond. Bend his knees and leaped hard.


A big drum hit continued between the sky and the earth, and between the violent tremors of the purple sky, two mountain-like blood-drinking bears that jumped backwards fell on the ground almost at the same time. At the same time, the expressions of everyone outside the city, Suddenly became extremely solemn.

At the next breath, an old voice sounded directly in everyone's ears:

"The old man is the eldest princess of the dynasty. This time he came to Shangxiao to sit down, but the holy court thieves set up a large formation of Zixiao in an attempt to disadvantage Shangxiao City.

"All the citizens of Shangguo in the Central Committee, are you willing to blast the purple sky array in front of you with this princess to protect the safety of this jewel of Shangguo?"

As soon as this voice came out, all the people outside Shangxiao City fell into deep silence for an instant, and after a short breath, the earth-shaking roar broke out like a mountain whistling and a tsunami:

"Guard Shangxiao, guard Shangxiao!"

Under the earth-shattering roar, a cultivator outside the city directly brushed and pulled out the sharp blade, and raised the aura on his body to the limit, rushing formidably to the purple barrier between the sky and the earth in front of him.

At the same time, before the barrier outside the city gate, two extremely burly blood-drinking bears, the scarlet flames above their bodies blazed again, and at the same time they shouted at the front:


The Qi machine exploded, the heaven and earth's vitality was chaotic and riot, and in this moment, the original purple sky formation suddenly shook severely, and even the thunder on the formation stopped directly, like the tentacles with teeth and claws, losing their energy. Supply, began to disillusionment.

In the next instant, a very clear cracking sound suddenly rang out from within the Zixiao Formation, and it sounded clearly in everyone's ears, and then a series of exclamations rang out in the torrential rain:

"It's cracked, it's cracked, but why does this Zixiao Array crack by itself?"

Before the voice fell, a louder cracking sound came again.

Then, under the gaze of one after another, a huge crack visible to the naked eye began to appear from the top of the purple sky thunder array, and then the huge crack fell down and spread everywhere.

The Zixiao formation cracked on its own, and everyone subconsciously stepped forward.

Because the real Shangxiao City is right in front of you!

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