In the life of the heaven and earth creatures, there will be many choices, some for themselves, some for humans.

Cultivation is not easy, and chances are even rarer. Many times I missed it once, and it may be difficult to meet again in my life.

Therefore, within the gorge at this time, for any decision made by the windrunner Xu Qing, whether it is to shoot Bo Yan’s eyebrows directly with an arrow, and become the new master of wind in this world, or to give up the head of the person to the center as it is now. China, the surrounding Radiant Army compatriots all support it.

Within the silent ridge, as Xu Qing retracted the bow, the dazzling azure glow dissipated, and the billowing darkness re-invaded and returned.

The next breath, after the bitter breath of the ancient wind disappeared completely, Jiang Yue, who held the big sword in both hands, looked down at Bo Yan who was lying on his back in the pit of the earth, with a sighing voice:

"Xu Sicheng sacrificed himself for the country. If he is making a decision, I am afraid it will not be so easy. After all, it is really rare for me to wait for taboos to encounter such an opportunity.

"If it is recognized by this side of heaven and earth, maybe you can also try to cross the nine heavens and climb the bridge of heaven and earth that the monk Taixuan dreams of."

When the voice fell, Jiang Yue retracted the spirit of fine iron from his body, raised his hand and drew the blood crystal sword, and the voice from the blood demon Li Yi sounded in his ears:

"Xu Sicheng is right. Whether it is Central Shangguo, who is now being crushed and beaten, or the third prince Yin Wen, who has been dormant in Sleeping Tiger County for so long, he needs Bo Yan's head.

"Central Shangguo has taken great pains for this operation. Even the nails that have been placed in the Tiance Palace for so many years have been activated. If nothing is achieved, it will definitely be a serious injury."

"So they need to give an explanation to the people of the whole country and all the **** fighters on the front line. What can be more morale than a major repair of the ten philosophical level of the palace?"

After Jiang Yue's response sounded, the celestial soldiers standing proudly beside the pit, slowly disappeared, as if they had never appeared before.

At the next breath, darkness and silence continued to flood around the pothole. In fact, except for this small area, the rest of the gorge was extremely chaotic at this time.

After all, the impact of the previous earth tremor was huge, and most of the monks were still in a state of horror, and then more and more mist, like a barrier, cut this area apart.

Suddenly, a voice with a little pain rang next to the pothole, and then under the light of Akashi, the old monk who had been fainted by the momentum before opened his mouth and let out a muffled hum, slowly opened his eyes.

Then the old monk raised his hand to prop up his body, which was still trembling slightly, and looked around, still with a deep blankness on his face.

"In the end what happened?"

The muttering voice came out, and the memory flooded like a tide. The old man's complexion changed wildly, and he turned his head abruptly to look at Bo Yan in the pit.

But perhaps because of fate, to this poor old monk, tonight is destined to be uneasy.

At the next breath, the void beside the old man vibrated once again, and the crackling sound, together with the spatial cracks shattered like spider webs, appeared directly.

After an instant, the entire void suddenly shattered not far from the old man, and a vast aura spread out within the void, blasting the old monk into the air in an instant.


After a soft sound, the old man who was blown away for the second time slammed on the nearby mountains, let out a painful grunt, and slid down.

"The sky is teasing the old man!"

The old monk raised his hair and let out a roar, his red eyes opened, and he stared at the cracks in the space in front of him.

At the next breath, a touch of domineering and noble golden light came out behind the space crack, and at the same time, there was an extremely domineering dragon.


After the golden light blasted out, the old man's ears sounded like an extremely ancient and vast dragon roar, and then a golden light-shrouded figure stepped out in the void.

The three princes of the Central Government, Yin Wen!

Compared with the previous period of gentle scholarship, Yin Wen, the third prince at this time, has completely lost his gentleness, and his majesty radiates from the inside to the outside of his tall and straight body.

What is even more shocking is that at this moment Yin Wen's body is surrounded by a phantom of the dragon soul of platinum color, so majestic that people even dare not look directly at it.

In the next moment, the pale dragon soul hovering above Yin Wen's body sensed the existence of the old man and directly raised his head and stared at it.

That was a vast gaze that the old monk had never experienced in his life!

In the next breath, under the gaze of this dragon soul, the old man only felt that he was in the ancient dragon's nest, and the overwhelming dragon might slapped his head like a huge wave, his eyes fainted again gorgeously.

"Yin Wen, this Uncle Yan has only one last breath left."

Afterwards, the blue dragon hovering around the three princes of the Central Shangguo retracted their gazes and looked at the dying Bo Yun in the pit, and the ancient voice continued to sound:

"In the middle of the road, someone could find Bo Yan's trace and then sack him, who is it?"

The voice of the ancient dragon soul's opening was full of incredible color, but the handsome face of the third prince Yin Wen was extremely calm.

Then her golden eyes stared at the center of Bo Yan's eyebrows below, the arrow that almost penetrated the center of the eyebrows, and a young and steady voice came out:

"The entire Wushanhai, and even the land of Taixuan, can silently intercept and kill a ninth philosopher of the Sacred Martial Palace, while leaving the prince's head in one breath. This is the only family."

After speaking, Yin Wen stretched out his right hand and held it in the void. The pale ancient dragon behind him opened his mouth and spit in front of him. Then a long sword burning with blue flames spit out from the ancient dragon's mouth and was held by the former.

"Misty mountains and seas are indeed good terrain suitable for killing, and this time, my central government went to the country and owed people a favor."

The voice fell, and the third prince Yin Wen, who was holding the sword, leaped forward slightly and jumped directly into the pit where Bo Yan was lying. At the same time, he lifted the sword forward, from top to bottom, and swiped in front of him. .

With a soft sound, the void in front of Bo Yan was completely opened, and at the same time, the enchantment laid out by the celestial army outside the former's body was opened.

Behind this barrier, Bo Yan kept his eyes open and motionless, and there were countless bone wounds on the huge body, revealing the last trace of the original power.

"This prince and Central Shangguo both need your head."

A faint voice came from Yin Wen's mouth, and then the young prince no longer hesitated, lifted the sword above his head, and slashed it down at the neck of Bo Yan in front of him.

The scholar cuts the immortal god!

After an instant, within the entire foggy mountains and seas, a thunderstorm sounded directly, followed by countless gusts that started roaring and wailing at the same time, and the heavy rain that had stopped rolling down again.

Between thunder and wind and howls, Yin Wen, the third prince of the Central Kingdom, stood proudly holding a sword, and then he bent down, picked up Bo Yun's head, and let out a roar to the sky:

"The Ninth Zhe of Shengting Wugong Palace, Bo Yan, die!"

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