"Damn it, Senior Sister Xiaoyu, the people in this camp are simply deceiving people too much. Don't let me get close, so I have to use my strength to fly away. This is not putting my Yunwu Sect in the eyes. You have to know this is. On the territory of my sect!"

On the back of the swaying Camel Mountain Beast in the drizzle, several Yunwu Sect disciples patted the clothes on their bodies that were mostly wet because they fell on the ground, and the angry voice continued to spread:

"Would you like to report to the other elders?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of several disciples suddenly became particularly weird, and then the female disciple named Xiaoyu suddenly turned her head, her eyes sharp, and a cold voice came out:

"Don't keep making noise."

As soon as the voice fell, these disciples looked at the pupils in front of them and suddenly lit up, and directly said:

"Look, Master, Master has come out."

When the words sounded, Xiaoyu turned her head and looked at the plump body of the third elder of Yunwuzong, walking out of the camp, while the former's white face was in a trance, as if he had serious concerns.


After Elder Yun's figure appeared, Xiaoyu stepped forward to the former, and said with a worried voice:

"Are you okay?"

"It's okay."

Some trance voices came from Elder Yun's mouth, and then the third elder of the Yunwu Sect raised his head and stared at the violently rolling dense fog above his head. His pupils rose and shrank, as if he still hadn't recovered from the extreme shock.

Then a murmured voice came from the mouth of the three elders:

"Xiaoyu, this world is about to change, and it will become very fast.

When the voice fell, Xiaoyu bit her lip. After a change in her face, she said in a low voice:

"Master, will my previous behavior affect our sect?"

"Stupid girl, my teacher has been telling you to be prudent and generous, but you never listen. This will be a disadvantage."

After speaking, Elder Yun raised his hand and touched the latter's head, and continued to speak:

"The world you see is too small. The Yunwu Sect has considerable strength in Sleeping Tiger County, but it is so small compared to the real world of heaven and earth. If you don't have a sense of awe, you will be deceived by heaven and earth.

"Don't talk about you, even if you are a teacher, you have to walk on thin ice, so if you are no longer a teacher in the future, I hope you can do it for yourself."

As soon as Elder Yun said this, the female disciple Xiaoyu shook her body suddenly, and a panic appeared on her face, and she hurriedly said:

"Master, your cultivation is extraordinary, so there will be no mistakes."

"I hope so."

Elder Yun's voice was still extremely gentle, then he smiled slightly, and the voice came out:

"Many times, getting on a boat is easy, but wanting to get off is extremely difficult. Maybe there is no so-called detachment except for the eternal darkness."

This word detachment may be the ultimate goal of the whole world, but it is not clear whether anyone can truly reach the other side and complete detachment.

At the same time, the central land of the Central Plains, the central land of the Central Plains, the city of Shangxiao, was also drizzling.

However, unlike the gradual weakening of the wind and rain in the Wushan Sea, Shangxiao City is at dusk, and the rain is getting stronger and stronger. The heavy rain falls on the tall city wall, making a very special sound.

This sound is as clear as rain knocking on jade, but it also carries the thickness of a strong city wall.

"Boom boom."

Under the sound of intensive rain, there are two figures standing in front of each other under the city wall, staring at the outside of the city wall.

Below the city gate, countless people in Wuyang flooded towards the city, and even outside the huge city of Shangxiao, an extremely vast ocean of human heads was formed, extending into the distance. To the end.

Even if the wind and rain are swaying and the sky is getting late, even if the five huge gates of this extremely magnificent Shangxiao city have been opened at the same time, but the crowds from outside, instead of reducing signs, are increasing.

These beings waiting outside the city gates to enter the city, there are old and young, rich and noble people, and people in ordinary clothes.

But the same thing is that these people are all carrying their bulging bags, dragging their families to their mouths, and looking like they are fleeing with their families.

The sky is getting darker and darker, and the strong wind is rushing toward the face with heavy rain, slapped on the upright figure standing on the city wall holding hands, and then the water flows down.

Then a young sigh came from the shadow of the figure:

"I went to the country in the middle of the country. I don't know how many years I haven't had such a scene of the family fleeing. I didn't expect this to be seen above my generation. It is really complicated."

After the words fell, the young man wearing a golden dragon prince robes raised his hand to wipe the rain on his face, and continued to look down. The voice of inquiry came out again:

"This prince has stayed in the northern border for a few years, and just returned to Shangxiao City, let's talk about the current situation?"

As soon as this statement came out, behind the young prince of Central Shangguo, the black-robed man who stood respectfully raised his hand, bowed forward respectfully, and said:

"Back to the Eighth Prince, the situation in Shangguo is not good now. In the past few years after the war with the Holy Court, although Shangguo has tried to keep the battle scope within Tangdu, the panic has become more and more serious.

"Especially in recent years, the battle in Tangdu has been extremely stalemate. After the hidden strength of the holy court is revealed little by little, the hearts of the people in the city surrounding Tangdu have begun to float."

As soon as the voice fell, the Eighth Prince Shangguo in the front of the figure stretched out his hands and pressed the half-high wall in front of him, his eyes continued to look at the crowd still gathering from below, and a cold voice sounded:

"What really caused the panic should be after the news that our central government is going to move the capital to Xiaoxiao?"

As soon as he said this, the extremely slender shadow behind him was taken aback, and finally nodded, and a response came out:

"I went back to the Eighth Prince, but there was such a thing. Since this news came out, thousands of cities in the hinterland of the upper country have begun to migrate at the same time, and they are getting more and more intense. These people are all coming to the sky where we are."

As the voice heard, the icy color in the body of the eighth prince became more and more intense, and the voice of each word came out:

"That's weird. Your Majesty and the Royal Family of Shangguo, together with the soldiers, fought **** battles on the front line of Tangdu. Who on earth is publishing this **** capital relocation rumor in the rear?"

After finishing the words, the corner of the eighth prince's eyes showed a dazzling color, raised his right hand to make a fist, and the cold voice continued:

"The demon words deceive the crowd, so be punished!"

As soon as this horoscope came out, a violent aura rolled outwards within his upright body, and then the eighth prince slowly turned around, looking at the man in black with his head down in front of him, and the voice of questioning continued to be heard:

"In Shangxiao City, is there someone restless?"

The eighth prince's words, the majesty ups and downs, such a heavy and overbearing majesty, are very different from the usual appearance of a little arrogant, and then the black robe man in front of him directly knelt on one knee, and said with a positive voice:


After the voice fell, the eighth prince stepped forward and walked slowly to the other side of the city wall, the voice of disdain and anger intertwined:

"These things eat inside and out, I really want to screw their heads off."

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