The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1776: Get eyes back

"The original water, one of the treasures of heaven and earth, has incomparable resilience. Whether it is rainwater, river water or turbulent seawater, as long as it touches it, it can reach the source of the water and recover the damage. My brother-in-law, is this your support? "

After the icy voice came from Ao Li's bitter mouth, the golden scale giant fish under him began to glow with golden light on every scale.

Then an incomparably powerful swallowing force gushed from the mouth of the fish, turning into a tornado storm, and completely imprisoning one person and one deer below.

There was a black light sword on top, and at the same time the swallowing tornado around him even completely stripped the entire space. This situation indicates that Li Zeng is already a turtle in the urn, and it is impossible to escape with his wings.

It's really because there is too much difference in the strength of the two sides!

Li Zeng was still a little short of that big mountain, but now the bitterness is already standing on the mountain.

People on the mountain have enough qualifications to look down on those who go up the mountain, just as the bitter soul is lowering his head at this time, looking at the weak aura of Li Zeng below, in the three eyes of Li Zeng, there is full of ants' indifference.

However, at the next breath, there was a slight wave of indifference, because under the huge mouth of the squirrelfish, Li Zeng, who was pale, slowly exhaled, without any fear on his face, but instead grinned. Mouth, continue to sneer.

Then Li Zeng raised his right hand and slapped it with a palm in front of him. Under the icy gaze of the bitter gaze, his entire arm turned directly into deep blue one-yuan heavy water.

At the same time, the blue real deer next to Li Zeng opened his mouth frantically and spit out heavy water torrents, surrounded by one person and one deer, forming a particularly strong heavy water enchantment.


In the next breath, a particularly harsh sound spread all over the place. It was the fangs and huge mouth of the golden scale giant fish, biting **** the heavy water enchantment, and then the harsher sound of Bitter Soul. Spreading between the dense mist-shrouded ridges:

"When death is approaching, why are you laughing?"

After Kupei's increasingly cold questioning sound came out, Li Zeng, whose lower body was constantly shattered and reorganized, opened his mouth again and spit out a gush of blood, and responded:

"I laughed at you being too pitiful. Not only did you lose your eyes, you even lost your heart."

After speaking, Li Zeng slowly climbed up on the ground, and a ray of blue-white water suddenly poured out from the inside of his body.

The difference from the previous one is that the luster glowing in the body of the middle-aged cultivator at this time has begun to carry a strange and indescribable breath.

This breath is particularly ancient, and even has the bitterness that was born when the whole world was born.

"The original air is indeed the original air."

The muttering voice came from Kupei's mouth, and then the golden light of his eyebrows, souls, and eyes burned like a blazing flame.

This means that the violent ups and downs of greed in the heart of the Tiance Palace Soul Race at this time have reached the extreme, and they even directly ignored Li Zeng's previous ridicule, and continued to speak:

"This primordial power is really extraordinary. It can make you, this waste, hardly hit this seat without killing it, and it can even slowly heal under the bombardment of the power of the law, which is enough to show that this drop of water has a lot of restorative power."

Speaking of this, the golden light in the bitter eyebrows and soul eyes flickered, and the voice raised several times, and continued to spread:

"Such a divine object is really fascinating. Just imagine if this seat refining and swallowing you, you will have the killing power of the sky soul eye and the original water's recovery ability against the sky at the same time.

"With the two complementing each other, the deity will not fear anyone!"

Thinking of this, Kupai directly raised his hair and let out a whistle, and directly shot a golden flame forward from within his eyebrows, souls, and eyes, directly tore the void in front of him, and blasted above the one yuan heavy water enchantment below.


Like a heavy hammer violently percussively blasted into the sky, under this golden light magical power, the one yuan heavy water enchantment did not hold on to even a breath, and was directly blasted out of countless cracks, followed by the squirrel fish under the painful body. The huge fangs mouth continued to exert force, and the whole enchantment was completely crushed in one bite.

After an instant, accompanied by a crisp crackling sound, countless one-yuan heavy water splashed outward, and at the same time it whizzed out like bullets, and finally burst directly, forming a black heavy water torrent, rushing outward.

"Boom boom boom."

Each drop of one yuan of heavy water contains a particularly violent power. At the same time, this drop of billions of kilograms of one yuan of water is born with the ability to break the world, and then it will tear up the golden scale light fish's devouring tornado above, one by one. .

Then at this critical moment, the blue real deer next to Li Zeng directly bowed his head, grabbed the middle-aged monk's jacket, and completely dragged the latter out from the gap opened by the heavy water.

The speed of the real deer was extremely fast, and a flash of blue light suddenly appeared on the ground, but in the next moment, there was a figure that was faster, and it came after a short while.

It is the bitterness that jumped from the top of Jinlinguangyu's head!

After blinking, Bitter Soul appeared directly in front of Li Zeng like a ghostly fuzzy figure, and then the blue real deer receding rapidly, let go of the middle-aged monk who was holding it, and raised the spiraling antlers, right. He slammed the ghost shadow above him fiercely.

Two dazzling blue lights suddenly appeared in the void, and the double horns of the real deer were even sharper than the so-called divine weapon sword, leaving two pitch-black spatial cracks in the void.

"Go away!"

A scream came out of the bitter mouth, and then he held a sword and chopped it, without fancy, slashing on the antlers of the real deer, directly slashing the huge blue deer directly into the air, and at the same time stepped down with his right foot. Once again stepped on Li Zeng's chest below.


With one foot stepped on, the ground in the gorge was completely cracked once again. Within the dense cracks, Li Zeng, who was stepped into the ground, once again let out a painful grunt, and vomited a lot of blood with a wow. The internal organs were completely crushed in an instant.

"You delivered it yourself, but now you want to leave?"

After the words fell, Kupao waved away the black light sword in his hand, squatted down, and continued to look down at the middle-aged monk who was almost beaten again in front of him, stretched out his left hand to lift the latter, and asked word by word. The voice came out:

"My brother-in-law, you are not a stupid person, so I was thinking, what exactly do you want to do during this trip?"

When the voice fell, Li Zeng, who was raised by Kupao, slowly opened his eyes that had been completely swollen. Finally, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and an inaudible voice came out:

"I want to get your sister's eyes back."


Kupei let out an unbelievable whisper, and then the three eyes changed at the same time, because Li Zeng, who was limp in his hand, did not know where it came from, and he directly raised his hand and grabbed the former's arm.

Then Li Zeng's right hand clenched tightly, becoming stronger and stronger, like a sharp pincer!

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