The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1772: It's finally raining

Don't bully the young and poor, and don't bully the literary and weak, because there are often many unexpected things in the world.

The strong is respected, of course, but those historical events that have been remembered and praised, and have played a decisive role, are mostly the weak victory over the strong, which is unexpected!

Yunwuzong camel mountain beast, the back of the camp covered with the tent, the fog rolled more violently, under the majestic heavy rain, the large carriage pulled by the dragon Xiangma Xiaohuang appeared in front of a relatively marginal camp.

Then, in the carriage that slowly decelerated, a voice from Zhao Yuyoung came out:

"Sima Annan, how about Li Zeng?"

As soon as this statement came out, Sima Annan outside the car raised her leg and jumped off the back of the Tuoshan Beast, stepped to the side of the carriage, and responded softly:

"Your Majesty, based on the investigation of the entire Wushan Sea by the military aircraft inside the Crescent Moon Treasure Ship, Li Zeng will also meet his fate immediately."

After the voice fell, the wide carriage came to a complete stop, and then Zhao Yu took the rouge out of the carriage, and the steady voice continued:

"Look over there, don't let him die."

Diyin heard, Zhao Yu raised the particularly huge black umbrella in his hand, completely stepped out of the carriage, and walked towards a small and small camp. Then he seemed to think of something, his footsteps paused, and the young and majestic voice continued to sound. In the ears of everyone:

"By the way, the three-eyed soul clan of Tiance Palace who is alone, I don't want him to live out of this misty mountain and sea!"

As soon as this emperor's voice came out, Sima Annan's figure stood upright in the rain, shouting loudly and loudly, and then resounded in the rain:


Behind Sima Annan's simple promise, it foreshadows a murderous surging of the whole foggy mountain.

It is true that Wushan Strait Ridge is definitely not a peaceful place as the core of the Central Plains of the Taixuan Land. There are countless monks who are buried in the Wuhai every year, but such a violent state at this time is the first time in countless years. .

The thick fog, the gorilla wind, and the scream of the fog beast that I don't know is the most fierce side of this ridge land, and what scares a large number of cultivators is the unknown way forward.

The way forward is uncertain, but there are always people moving forward calmly.

Within the ridges in the middle of the Wushan Sea, an extremely vague shadow prances back and forth on the cliffs between the ridges. It is not only extremely fast, but also extremely light. The cliffs that are almost perpendicular to the ground are seen as nothing, and the shimmers span most of them. The distance is forward.

This shadow is faintly shining with blue light, and through the non-stop flowing mist, this moving shadow can be seen vaguely, like a very vigorous deer, with strong four hooves and soaring antlers.


The strong wind continued to blow, and the faint blue light radiating from the inside and outside of the deer shadow illuminated the very dim road ahead.

But at the next breath, the cliff at the foot of the front suddenly disappeared, indicating that this gorge had been completely overtaken by this figure.

Under the cover of the thick fog, the rocks at the foot disappeared extremely abruptly, and coupled with inertia, the blue deer shadow suddenly stepped into the air, without any footholds around it, and there was a towering cliff underneath it.


At the moment, with a strong voice, a very strange scene appeared. Around the deer shadow, the heavy rain that fell from the sky seemed to have received some kind of instruction, and it automatically gathered at the feet of the former, forming a small pool of water.

This pool of water seemed to appear on the floating ice above the void, and then the figure stepped on it, volleyed across the void, and kept jumping from high above the ground.

After fifty breaths, the blue deer shadow appeared on the ground of the gorge. From movement to silence, the figure gradually became clear. It was Li Zeng riding a strange beast.

However, it is worth mentioning that the alien beast under the middle-aged monk at this time is completely different from the rest of the camel mountain beast. Not only is the whole body hair blue, the head has extremely curved antlers, and there are even inside the body. The not-weak water attribute originates outward.

It is the power of this water attribute that allows this beast to carry Li Zeng speedily in the rain, increasing its speed several times.

"Xiao Shui, I know that you have been very vexing against me all these years."

A slightly apologetic voice came from Li Zeng's mouth, and then the middle-aged cultivator stretched out his right hand and gently pressed the head of the alien beast under him, and the voice continued:

"But you should know my difficulties. Over the years, for the sake of sweet safety, I have been hiding in Tibet. If I took you with me, I would have been discovered by Tiance Palace."

After the words fell, the blue strange beast that Li Zeng sat down turned his head and glanced at the former. There was an extremely humane dissatisfaction in his eyes.

Then Li Zeng turned over and jumped off the strange beast, stretched out his hand and gently stroked the neck of the handsome strange beast, his voice continued:

"Since my child's mother left, I have only two hopes of living in this world, taking care of my daughter to grow up steadily, and revenge.

"Now Tiantian has the power to protect herself, and this opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I actually know very well that if I miss this opportunity, if I want to do it myself, I'm afraid I won't be able to do it in my life."

Li Zeng's words, although there is no emotional ups and downs, they give people an indescribable sense of shock. In many cases, the calmer the words are, the more magnificent the heart is.

This strange beast named Xiaoshui beside the middle-aged monk is one of the creatures who know Li Zeng best. Therefore, after hearing the words of the middle-aged monk, looking at the latter’s eyes, it gradually became softer, and finally became more He rubbed his head and let out a low whistle.

"You still understand me."

A smile appeared on Li Zeng's face, and he raised his hand and patted the strange beast, and then his expression continued to sound:

"After so many years, my cultivation level is stuck and it is always difficult to break through, so this time I will die, Xiao Shui, if I die, you go to Tiantian.

"I laid a rifting formation on the coffin. If someone opens it forcibly, the coffin will flow into the void outside the domain. This is the last layer of protection. If you find her in the future, let her go all the way north."

Speaking of this, Li Zeng paused, and then his voice continued to sound:

"For some reason, I always have a feeling that the north will be relatively safer."

After speaking, Li Zeng slowly straightened his body, and all the rest of the emotions in his eyes gradually dissipated, leaving only unrelenting firmness.

Then the middle-aged monk turned his gaze to the looming entrance of the gorge, stretched out his right hand and opened it, feeling drop after drop of rain on the palm of his hand.

"Tick, tick!"

Every sound of rain came out, as if someone was telling Li Zeng. Finally, the monk who raised his energy to the peak state suddenly clenched his right fist and murmured:

"Some people can feel the wind and rain, but some people can only be drenched by the rain. Then let it all start from the rain, and finally rain!"

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