The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1764: Fate is ahead, I have to go

As the so-called layman watch the excitement, the expert watch the doorway.

Perhaps for ordinary monks, all they saw was Li Zeng holding a gun and stabs upwards, blasting a mighty torrent of supernatural powers upwards, but in the eyes of Sima Annan and others, every drop of supernatural power within this torrent of water, There is a special mystery inside.

Inside each drop of torrent water droplets, there are very small runes flickering, exuding a particularly heavy force of heavy water, tearing the mist, and at the same time, instantly killing all the sharp-beaked mist birds under the tide. Fall down.

"Young Master Sima, this Li Zeng is not simple."

Behind Sima Annan, Heilongwei Shunzi, who covered his body with a black dragon armor with a toga, slowly appeared. After the voice came out, Shunzi continued to look at the middle-aged monk who continued to rush forward with the gun, and his deep voice continued to sound. Road:

"Although ordinary people may not perceive it, there is a faint layer of momentum on the surface of its body. This momentum not only prevents its own aura from radiating outward, it is also an extremely powerful defensive supernatural power."

After the voice fell, Sima Annan nodded, her dark eyes narrowed, and the response came out:

"This trend is one yuan heavy water."

As soon as the words Yiyuanzhongshui came out, Shunzi’s eyes became more interested. Although Daxia in the North has not had too much contact with the Central Plains forces in the Taixuan Land in recent years, they are two of Daxia’s great ministers. , It is natural to understand the high level of this yuan heavy water.

A person who can control one yuan of heavy water is naturally not a general generation who only relies on the transmission of information for a living!


With Li Zeng's continuous firing of guns, above the void above Sima Annan and the others, the torrents of the river continued to impact back and forth, crushing all the sharp-billed fog birds to death one after another.

Although there were not many monks beside the carriage where Zhao Yu was in, the monks who felt the pressure from all over his body still showed ecstasy directly on their faces, and they raised their arms and let out a loud roar:

"Tao friends are mighty, Taoists are mighty!"

It is true that in a critical situation of life and death, it is undoubtedly a kind of blessing to be able to meet a monk who has achieved such a cultivation level, but the reason why Wushan Strait Ridge is called the dangerous place of the Central Plains, once a real crisis is encountered, It's not that simple.

As Li Zeng said before, the most difficult thing about this battle is the high-level fog beast that is still hidden in the dark!


After a few breaths, the sharp roar that belonged to the king of the sharp-beaked mist bird appeared above the sky again, and when most of his mist beast people were beheaded, the anger of the mist beast king had reached its extreme. And opened his wings and went off in person.

Then, between the red awns emitted by the camel mountain beast, a shadow that completely obscured the entire huge ridge appeared directly and dived downward.

This shadow is so large that it is like a vast and smashing continent, so that all the monks who have managed to force the mist bird back, subconsciously let out a weird cry:

"The king of the sharp-billed mist bird, so big, so fierce."

Before the words fell, the countless dense fog in the gorge, as if receiving some kind of instruction, crashed down on the ground, and in an instant, the visibility of all the monks' whole body was further compressed.

At the same time, after a cultivating southward cultivator took a step back after this vast aura rushed forward, his complexion became extremely cold for an instant.

Because above his head, the King of Fog Birds, who completely opened his wings between the twinkling red lights, sank, almost completely against the ground, all the way forward.

Where the King of Fog Bird passed, the originally ineffective billowing mist turned into a violent strangulation storm, instantly cutting the next monk into blood foam.

It is no exaggeration to say that under the storm, there is no bones left, and even the originally gray mist has directly turned into a terrifying blood red.

"The King of Fog Birds is coming, and the disciples of the Cloud Fog Sect will make an all-out effort, otherwise the entire team will be wiped out!"

On the back of the Camel Mountain Beast in front of Xia Ling, the solemn voice from the three elders of Yunwuzong rang directly, and then the tents opened one by one, walking out of the dancing figure of Elder Yun in the robe, and behind her, there were a group of amazing figures following her.

Amazingly, they are the seven elders in the Yunwuzong team.

"Elders, if you don't take action again, it will be difficult for my Yunwu Sect to do business in Wushanhai. The casualties this time have exceeded the scope of my tolerance."

After the words that Elder Yun continued to ring down, the elders behind him nodded at the same time, slowly withdrew their weapons, their stature jumped up at the same time, and opened their mouths with a loud roar:

"Then kill, the king of the sharp-beaked mist bird will not be removed. If she is allowed to settle in this gorge with her group, then it will be equivalent to abolishing the southward route in the hands of my Yunwu Sect. allow.


When this killing character rolled out, all the cloud mist elders on the back of the Camel Mountain Beast rose into the sky at the same time, rushing forward all at once, like a branching arrow.

The Yunwu Sect occupies the top spot in the business of Wushan Strait Ridge, and its strength is naturally powerful. Every elder is a strong master of life and death.

"The Camel Mountain Beast condenses the light that penetrates the fog, and firmly locks the king of the sharp-mouthed fog beast to this elder."

Elder Yun's voice from the sky of the sky carried an extremely cold killing intent, and then the red awns that the camel mountain beast shot in all directions gathered directly inward, merged in one place, passed through the thick rolling fog, and locked in tightly. On the body of the King of Fog Bird who opened the killing ring, and guided the direction for the elders of the Cloud Fog Sect.

"Naughty animal, die!"

The speed of the high-level palm edge birth and death realm powerhouse is also not slow. Under the confrontation between the two, it took only a few breaths, and a total of seven Yunwuzong elders appeared directly on the top of Wuniao's head.

In a moment, the most violent hedge unfolded directly!


Under a loud sound of earth-shattering and earth-shattering, a fiercely violent confrontation rumbled the entire scarlet mist torn apart.

In the next instant, the King of the Fog Bird was blasted into the ground forcibly, and at the same time, the elders of the Cloud Fog Sect were equally unhappy, and after a muffled sound, they fell back one after another.

It was a coincidence that the place where the two sides violently confronted was not far from the carriage where Zhao Yu was located, so it was enough to blow the ground abruptly to a layer of gale and then the mighty seat came.

At the forefront of the gale, Li Zeng stood with a gun, and his eyes were full of thoughts, as if countless thoughts were flowing.

Then he took a deep breath, as if he had made up his mind, and directly raised the spear, patting the supernatural powers surrounding him forward.

With a loud noise, the gale dissipated completely, and then Li Zeng continued to move forward, his voice spreading backwards:

"Young Master Sima, let me inform Young Master Zhao that his fate is ahead and he has to go. If this trip is hard to return, please forgive him for his inability to keep his promise."

Li Zeng's back is tall and straight, and the turquoise water lingers around his body. His entire popularity has changed drastically. It seems that from this moment on, he has reverted back to the spirited young man who galloped through the misty mountains and seas a few years ago.

Then Sima Annan looked at Li Zeng, who was gradually disappearing into the fog, and there was no unexpected color in his eyes. Reaching out a folding fan and swaying gently, Yinglang's voice came out:

"Friend Li Dao, the foggy mountains and seas are dangerous, the fruit that the son gave you before, but you have to collect it, you can replenish your vitality!"

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