As the saying goes, the longest night, when dawn is finally ushered in, this exceptionally deep early morning in Huwen City finally showed the first ray of light in the east.

Under the misty morning light, the heavy rain is still majestic, and this drop of emotionless rain is like the heavenly way above, condescendingly overlooking the life and death, sorrow and joy of all beings.

The torrential rain can quickly wash away the dazzling blood, but some memories and hatred can accompany the souls for a lifetime, day and night, torturing the tormented soul all the time.

In the early morning in the rain, the light was faint, and the gate where the two-character plaque was erected in the east of Huwencheng opened slowly, and then Li Zeng's not burly figure walked out from it.

But what makes people feel weird is that today's middle-aged monk has changed into a brand-new monk's robe, and at the same time, the original stubborn beard is also shaved cleanly, and even his hair has been trimmed. The whole person looks refreshed and refreshed. .

In fact, if you look carefully, Li Zeng's appearance is very outstanding, especially those deep eyes, as if he is talking gently about the story that was once unknown.

Under the eaves of the medical hall, Li Zeng's eyes narrowed, and after standing for a long time, he waved his hand and took off the big-printed sign beside him. He left him casually, took a breath, and raised his umbrella. Walk into the street.

"The sky is up, you turned out to be Li Zeng, and you can't come out after you shave. Why didn't you know you had such a good skin bag before!"

Along the road, the tiger-patterned monks who knew Li Zeng showed incredible colors, and there were some beautifully dressed female cultivators. After getting close to Li Zeng and looking up and down, they were frequently amazed and continued to speak:

"I can't see it, you can see your messy appearance on weekdays. You have to clean up early, and you can still have some fate with you if your old lady is not together."

The Taixuan Land is naked, the weak and the strong, and there are countless races, so the female nuns are also quite bold.

Then the female sister with her eyes turning, stretched out her red lips and licked the corners of her mouth, trying to reach out and grab Li Zeng beside her.

But at the next breath, the middle-aged cultivator took a step to the side, just avoiding the female cultivator's hand, and a faint response came out:

"Your fate can't stand it."

When the voice fell, Li Zeng continued to step forward, and after a few steps, he appeared directly in the distance of the female cultivator, leaving the latter with a puzzled face, and muttered:

"Strange, Li Zeng is so strange today, different from all these years."

The middle-aged monk Li Zeng is indeed different today. This is not only reflected in his clean shaved face, but also in his back, carrying a long spear, which is as high as a person, wrapped in a white cloth.

On the rough streets of Huwen City, Li Zeng, who walked all the way towards the center, seemed to be incompatible with the surrounding creatures and the whole world. His steps were not in a hurry, but his speed was not slow, and he moved forward firmly.

He crossed the long street all the way and walked through the market. Finally, when the sky was completely bright, the figure of the middle-aged monk appeared in front of the Crescent Moon Restaurant in Huwen City.

After Li Zeng stood firm, a young voice came directly into his ears:

"You are Daoist Li Zengli, right?"

As soon as this statement came out, Sima Annan's white-clothed fluttering figure appeared at the entrance of the Crescent Restaurant, beckoned to Li Zeng, and the voice continued:

"Come with me, the son is preparing, you wait a moment in the backyard."

"Then there are fellow workers."

Li Zeng nodded, and after saluting to the front, he took a deep look at Sima Annan's young and tall back, and stepped to keep up.

The young man in front of him who seemed to be shrouded in layers of mist gave him an indescribable feeling, and this feeling, like facing a vast river, could not help but raise an inexplicable sense of shock.

Afterwards, Li Zeng frowned. He seemed to have overlooked a detail. As he recalled, a message suddenly appeared, making the middle-aged monk startled.

It was a pair of dark eyes.

At the next breath, Li Zeng suddenly raised his head and continued to stare at Sima Annan's white back fluttering in front of him, and an unbelievable thought emerged in his heart.

"Human race?"

He wasn't sure whether the eyes he had just seen were pitch black, so he took a slight breath and continued to hold his breath, following Sima Annan, and turning around a path by the outer wall of the Crescent Moon Restaurant.

The heavy rain above the sky still showed no signs of abating. The crackling sound of the rain on the umbrella, before some people sounded like a soldier, was the deafening drum.

At least this is true for Li Zeng, who is committed to revenge. Therefore, the former's evil intentions pressed in the deepest part of his heart slightly surfaced outwards.

"Friend Li Daoist, you have evil spirits."

Sima Annan's voice from the front made Li Zeng's heart startled, and then the latter gradually calmed down before he was aroused by the sound of raindrops, and responded:

"It's no wonder that fellow Daoists have not done anything in this tiger-print city for nearly ten years, and when they thought of leading the way into this perilous sea of ​​misty mountains and sleeping tiger gorges, they suddenly felt a little upsurge."

"Then it seems that Fellow Daoist Li used to be a man of extraordinary cultivation. This time he went south and crossed the gorge, and it was hard work."

Sima Annan's young voice fell, and the middle-aged monk Li Zeng looked up and said:

"Since I have been paid, I will do my best."

"Actually, our son is very interested in Fellow Li Daoist."

The smiling voice of Sima Annan passed down, and Li Zeng's eyes showed doubts, but after a few breaths, in front of the two of them, the backyard gate of the Crescent Moon Restaurant appeared directly.

"Friend Li Dao, please!"

Sima Annan raised his hand and gave a false lead. Then the two walked into the backyard one after another. As far as they could see, there was a huge carriage, and in front of the carriage, one end was covered with dazzling blue and gold scales and sharp dragon horns. A four-hoofed monster rising into the sky.

Surprisingly, it is the mount of Emperor Fuyao who has lived a carefree and unrestrained life for several years, Longxiangma Xiaohuang!

The rain that kept falling from the sky drenched on Xiao Huang's mighty and tall body, reflecting the amazing golden brilliance, and at the same time, a noble breath rushed towards Li Zeng outside the door.

"What a handsome alien beast, looking at the dragon horns on its head and the scales on its body, there should be deep dragon veins flowing in its body!"

The middle-aged monk staring at Xiao Huang, subconsciously opened his mouth and exclaimed. It is true that Xiao Huang, who has grown up for so many years, has not talked much about his strength yet, and it is definitely eye-catching in terms of convenience.

In the small courtyard, standing in the rain, Xiao Huang, who was a little listless because he got up too early, shook his head, raised his head and slapped his nose, and suddenly felt a gaze from the front.

Then Xiao Huang frowned, turned his head and glanced at the middle-aged monk Li Zeng at the door.

The eyes of one person and one beast are directly intertwined in one place.

But after a breath, Li Zeng's face showed a thick look of astonishment, because the strange beast in front of him grinned and spit at himself!

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