In the east of Huwencheng, in this humble hospital room, the void fluctuated suddenly, and waves of outward impact caused the furniture in the entire room to tremble violently and pushed outward.

Then in the room, the hood was pulled apart, and a girl with soul eyes appeared between her eyebrows, Li Tiantian, her face was even more terrified. She raised her hand to press the soul eye between her eyebrows, and a trembling voice came out. :

"Father, it's out right, it's out again!"

"Every seven years on the night of the full moon, the void spirit power will experience abnormal riots, and the souls based on spirit power will be in chaos. Don't be afraid, it's okay, father is there. "

"Father, I know I will become a monster, I know, I don't want to become a monster!"

The color of fear in the girl's voice became stronger and stronger, and then she retreated more and more, with her body trembling, she withdrew to a corner of the corner, and said with a stern voice:

"Father, I'm afraid!"

As soon as the voice fell, with the scarlet soul eyes of the girl’s split eyebrows as the center, strands of bloodshot spread outward, just like tentacles, spreading faster and faster, and finally extended directly from the eyes. The whole face and body of the girl were covered.

The next breath, a more mighty spirit power, began to gush out from the scarlet soul eyes, and at the same time, the girl's originally delicate body, like an inflated balloon, began to expand outwards, a horror and violent The momentum, accompanied by the sound of soul howl, poured outwards.

"Don't be afraid, Daddy is here, there is Daddy, no one can hurt you."

After speaking, Li Zeng clenched his fists tightly, and his voice came out word by word. Pain and hatred began to appear in the eyes of the former.

It is true that anyone who sees his daughter turning into a terrifying monster in front of him will undoubtedly feel like a knife and feel extremely painful.

"Father, I hate these eyes, I don't want these eyes!"

In the corner of the room, the girl who was crouching hard, let out a painful roar, and then the bulge in her body got bigger and bigger, as if there was a head in it trying to break free.

Then the girl stretched out her bloodshot hands, struggling to buckle her forehead, trying to buckle out this soul eye directly.

But all this was in vain. The spirit power in the entire room oscillated, and the soul eyes on the girl's forehead bulged outwards, and the scarlet color directly reached the peak, from which even a particularly painful soul cry was emitted.


Under the noisy roar, the middle-aged monk Li Zeng's bearded face became more painful. He stared at the girl who was still swelling in front of him, and muttered:

"Girl, don't hate this eye, because it is the only thing your mother left for you, don't hate it."

After the murmur fell, Li Zeng raised his hands, and at the next breath, a rain curtain appeared directly behind him. This rain curtain seemed small, but it was particularly deep, as if a world of torrential rain had condensed.

"Daddy will protect you, don't be afraid, Daddy won't let you suffer any harm."

After finishing the sentence, Li Zeng made a seal with both hands and pointed to the front. After a breath, chains stretched out from the rain curtain behind the middle-aged monk.

These chains appear purple-black in their entire body, and exude an incomparably cold air that belongs to the weight of one yuan.

"One yuan heavy chain, lock!"

After a whisper was heard, Li Zeng's hands suddenly clenched, and a croaking sound after the heavy chain was dragged suddenly sounded in the void.

Then these one-element heavy chains that extended from the back of the middle-aged monk continued to extend, directly tying up the rapidly expanding girl in the corner in front of her.

But in the next moment, before Li Zeng's expression relaxed, his icy blue eyes rose sharply, and he blurted out:

"How can such a strong soul power be possible!"

Before the words fell, there was a loud roar inside the house that was already roaring violently, once again:


At the same time, a lot of cracks began to appear in this one-dimensional heavy chain suddenly, and then the soul eyes in the girl's eyebrows directly poured out a substantial scarlet light.

At the next breath, the girl’s last trace of spiritual wisdom dissipated completely, grinning at the middle-aged monk in front of him, and let out a roar. At the same time, within the former’s soul eyes, the red glow of the soul power shot out, tearing through the void, straight Forcing Li Zeng head to come.

The soul power Hongmang's speed was particularly violent, and instantly appeared in front of Li Zeng, crashing on the heavy water enchantment that the latter had placed in advance.


The harsh neighing sound resounded through the void again, it was the violent sound produced by the evaporation of the one yuan heavy water.

Although this scarlet glow blasted from the eyes of the soul, its core is the soul power that vibrates hundreds or thousands of times in the earth on the full moon night.

But with the extremely hot high temperature, it can even slowly split and evaporate the one-yuan heavy water.

"Yun'er, have you seen it? Our daughter has grown up. With such pure soul power, even a bit stronger than yours, even my yuan of heavy water will almost not be able to lock her.

"She is very good, just like you, very kind. She has treated many wounded monks over the years. If I take revenge for you this time, I can survive by chance. I really want to grow up with her."

After the middle-aged monk Li Zeng came out with a little petting voice, he slowly raised his right hand, grabbed the one yuan heavy chain that stretched out in front of him, and then violently pulled it in his direction.

In an instant, the chain that bound the girl straightened instantly, and pulled the former ugly body full of lumps forward for a large amount. After a loud roar, scarlet awns shot from the center of the eyebrows directly on the ground. .


A deep scar was cut directly on the solid ground, and then Li Zeng stepped forward, appearing right in front of the girl, looking down at his daughter's brutal eyes.

Facing the ugly monster in front of him, the middle-aged cultivator didn't have any impatience in his eyes, but with a strong affection. Then Li Zeng raised his hand and gently stroked the girl's head.

The hand of the middle-aged cultivator seemed to have some kind of calming magic power, which made the girl below suddenly quiet a lot, but the more violent spirit power continued to soar into the sky like a volcanic eruption.

Then chain after chain stretched out from the rain curtain of Li Zeng's Beihai, and **** several layers of the young girl with spirit power pouring down everywhere.

At the next breath, Li Zeng's stubble-filled face put away the different color and became more solemn, stretched out his right hand, and with a light tap, he directly took out a book.

The book is surrounded by runes, and the word "Shen Ji" is engraved on the cover. It is the same book of Shen Ji as Zhao Yu's hands.

However, compared to the full-body golden light in the hands of the young emperor, the book in Li Zeng's hands is emitting a deep blue light.

"Yun'er, bless me to open the book you left behind."

After finishing the sentence, Li Zeng directly pushed the book of divine machine in his hand on the scarlet eye that burst out with infinite spirit power below. After an instant, the light of rolling spirit power rushed into the book of divine machine.

At the same time, the runes on the entire book suddenly began to circulate in blue light, and the word "Shenji" on the cover of the book was even brighter, and the same light up as this book was the eyes of the middle-aged monk Li Zeng. .

At the next breath, the word "Shen Ji" was fully illuminated. Li Zeng gritted his teeth and suddenly opened the book of Shen Ji without any hindrance. The book was opened directly.

Then on the first page of the book, a detailed map of the Wushan Sea and Sleeping Tiger Gorge appeared on it, and at the same time, a large number of red dots appeared on the map.

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