"Big news, everyone, the big news is here!"

In Sleeping Tiger County, Taixuan Land, in a restaurant full of voices, a small repairer who specializes in passing news between the Shenji Pavilion and the major restaurants rushed into it, and then raised his hand. The bell, shaking vigorously, made a clear sound.


With the sound of these bells, the restaurant that had been extremely lively suddenly became extremely quiet, and everyone turned their heads and looked at the door.

But after only a few breaths, the whole restaurant suddenly became noisy again. It was really because there were too many so-called hot news recently, and these creatures had already taken it off.

The location of the city where this restaurant is located is extremely delicate, and it can be said that countless creatures from the south, east, north and west are gathered. Therefore, the people who hit the top or live in the restaurant here are extremely diverse in styles of clothes and ethnic identities.

In fact, compared to ordinary restaurants, these monks who often flow in the Taixuan Land still prefer to eat and live in the Shenji Pavilion. After all, the Shenji Pavilion is the entire Taixuan Land that cannot be bypassed for message transmission. a place.

The news of the world is gathered in the divine machine, this sentence is not just talking.

Because of this, almost every Shenji Pavilion in the big city is hard to find, and many monks can only find a restaurant not far from Shenji Pavilion for food, and then some Specially responsible for the minor repairs of the information transmission, passing news back and forth.

At this time, the minor repairer who was standing in the restaurant was middle-aged, with messy blue-gray hair and a stubborn beard on his face, but the whole thing gave people a rather calm feeling.

As far as news is concerned, in addition to timeliness, another extremely important point is truth, and a mature and steady ground repair is often more popular.

So when the middle-aged man stood up shortly after ringing the bell, a young voice came from inside the box above the restaurant:

"The monk below, the big news in your mouth, this young man has been rounded up, and he will openly listen to all the fellow Taoists in the restaurant."

As soon as this statement was made, there was a sudden burst of violent cheers in the entire restaurant, and then the window of the upper box opened, from which a fat hand covered with Taoism was stretched out, and a three-color fairy coin was gently grabbed. Tossed at the middle-aged monk standing below.

At the next breath, the celestial coin traversed an arc in the air and fell downward. At the same time, the three-color faint light emitted from the celestial coin made the eyes of the entire restaurant suddenly become particularly hot.

The value of a three-color fairy coin, many monks present, have not even seen it several times in their lives.

After that, the middle-aged cultivator who walked on the ground, with a bright light in his eyes, reached out his hand and grabbed the falling fairy coin, and then hid it in his pocket at a very fast speed.

The middle-aged monk moved extremely fast. Before anyone could react, he already put away the celestial coin, took a step forward, arched his hand in front of him, and said thanks:

"This young man is so magnificent, Li Mou is grateful."

After the words fell, the middle-aged monk surnamed Li looked around for a week, nodded to the monks in the surrounding restaurants, and continued to make a strong voice:

"Since there is a son who tells everyone this news for free, he will not hide it underneath, please see."

After speaking, the middle-aged monk slammed his hand to the front, and saw a rain curtain waved directly from the former's hand, turning into a mirror, occupying the void in the center of the restaurant.

Then a picture slowly appeared in the rain curtain. In the dark night sky, the mighty cyan sword gas turned into a green lotus blooming outwards, and it was the scene in the lotus platform a few days ago.

At the same time, within the rain curtain, Lei Lian Jianzun’s announcement of the word Zhuji rolled out:

"After today, the four major sword sects of the Baolian Sword Land will be combined, and the swordsman in the world can return to the Qinglian Sword Sect at any time and place!"


As soon as the scene within the rain curtain appeared, many of the monks in the restaurant stood up directly, staring scorchingly ahead.

The thoughts flowing in their eyes undulated like stormy waves, and behind these people, they all carried a long sword.

Obviously, these people are the Taixuan Jianxiu mentioned by Lei Lian Jianzun!

"The four major sword sects that were originally not in harmony with the Baolian Swordsmanship were merged overnight, and the Qinglian Sword Sect, who was so profound and profound, was born tens of thousands of years ago.

"This also means that in the Central Plains of the Great Profound Land, another force that cannot be underestimated was born. The sky is on the top. This news is really big enough!"

A series of exclamations came from the monks in the restaurant, and the entire huge restaurant suddenly became extremely noisy.

Then, in the box on the second floor of the restaurant, she took off her golden ingot and put on a low-key gold ingot in plain clothes, and respectfully closed the half-opened window.

Immediately, a young voice rang in Jin Ingot's ear:

"The merger of the four Baolian sword fields occurred four days ago, and the distance between the Shuihu County and Baolian County where I am now is not short, it can be said that it is separated by more than half of the core of the Central Plains.

"It took only four days for the news to come from such a long distance. From this, it can be seen that the transmission of news in the Supreme Profound Land is very fast and very comprehensive."

After Sima Annan's words fell, Jin Ingot, who was sitting in distress, nodded and responded:

"Master Sima, although the most convenient teleportation formation in the land of the Supreme Profound Realm once disappeared with the collapse of the Immortal Palace, the entire Supreme Profound Realm has also improved over the past tens of thousands of years, and the transmission of this news is one aspect ."

As soon as Jin Yuanbao's response fell, a young and steady voice followed:

"Shenji Pavilion was born on this basis, right?"

As soon as this statement came out, all the people in the box who bowed their heads for dinner lifted up and stared at the young man sitting above the main seat.

After that, the respectful color on Jin Yuanbao's face became stronger, and he stood up and said:

"His Majesty, the core of the Shenji Pavilion is the Soul Clan. This clan was inconspicuous in the Immortal Palace Era, and even belongs to the lower level creatures.

"But after the collapse of the fairy palace, the disappearance of the teleportation circle made the vast area of ​​the entire Taixuan Land infinitely enlarged, so the transmission of news became extremely difficult.

"Under this premise, the shared characteristics of the soul race made the Shenji Pavilion rise at an extremely fast speed.

"Your Majesty, in fact, the so-called soul race talent sharing supernatural powers is that the soul race within a certain range can cross the shackles of space and send a message to another soul race.

"And the Shenji Pavilion is based on these soul races, building an intelligence network covering the land of the Supreme Profound Realm, and raising its status infinitely."

After the explanation sounded by Sima Annan fell, Zhao Yu, who raised his gaze from the food in front of him, nodded.

Then the young emperor grabbed the void in front of him with his right hand and grabbed out a book surrounded by pale golden light, and then a steady and majestic voice came out:

"As for the Soul Race, I still know a lot, and in the **** battle in the North Sea, I also captured an old man with a magic machine, and this book!"

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